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Before the beginning.

How to's

Bohemian hellhole. {future bathroom be completed with some lovely brassy fringe} When this house was built, the tiny bathroom did not exist.

bohemian hellhole

There was some sort of back porch that led to a coal shaft or something where the sink is now. There was no lowered plastic ceiling, or leaky toilet. The lovely flooring was added sometime in the golden age of the 1980's. What we have now, after many poor remodel choices, is a tiny bathroom that terrifies visitors and smells like a barn**. {this is the flappy ceiling above the toilet area.} Smells like a barn, you ask? {the remains of the first layer of flooring} I know, and it's not pretty. {**Let me just say that all my vehemence towards the floor in no way reflects my excitement about the project, or the gratefulness to those who made it possible.} So all of that basically describes my week. {window trim} I didn't tell you anything about the medicine cabinet, did I?

Ok, I cut a hole in the wall, with my pocket knife.

Home tours

Blushing blog. Splendid Willow. Country Living. Southern Living. Martha Stewart. Country Home. House Beautiful. On the Rocks. Pottery Barn. Birth of a Home. This past weekend, while trying to edit down some of the 20,000 photos on my hard drive (which make my computer zip along at glacial speed), I stumbled across some photos of our house as it looked when we purchased it in 2008, and was slightly startled to see the extent of the transformation that's taken place.

Birth of a Home

In the predictable fashion of all home renovations, ours inched forward in fits, starts and the occasional halt and although it continued to slowly metamorphosize before our eyes, it wasn't until I compared the "before" and "after" shots that I really was able to see the change in character our house has undergone. (Kitchen, before) (Kitchen, after) It's not so much about the design or the wallpaper or the furnishings we chose, but how the sum of our decisions seem to have brought the house to life. (Dining room, mid-renovation) It feels like a living, breathing organism now. (Dining room, after) (Upstairs hall, before) Youpix pics. O mercado de REAL STATE (fala-se: rrrrio isteiti) está aquecido no Brasil.

youpix pics

Tem gente comprando a casa própria, gente alugando, gente indo morar junto, separando… é gente morando de todo jeito. Assim, de acordo com o Google, o interesse do brasileiro por “blogs de decoração” vem subindo vertiginosamente nos últimos anos (veja o gráfico aqui). Se você é uma dessas pessoas em busca do assunto, fizemos uma seleção com o melhor do mundo dos aplicativos e da internet gringa e brasileira para o seu deleito visual e referencial. PS – Não incluimos aqui sites de revistas de decoração mega conhecidos. E também não colocamos links pra lojas diretas, essa é uma lista de referência e inspiração.

<3 Apartment Therapy – É o meu blog preferido sobre o assunto. Houzz – Achei meio gigante e confuso demais. Conheça em detalhes o apartamento de Sheldon, Leonard e Penny em Big Bang Theory. Quem assiste The Big Bang Theory certamente já se sente em casa no apartamento de Sheldon e Leonard e também no da vizinha de porta Penny. Mas será que você já imaginou a disposição das peças e como seria a planta baixa desses apartamentos? A artista Iñaki Aliste Lizarralde os desenhou e publicou em seu deviantART. Confira abaixo e clique para aumentar. Mas ela não parou por aí e também desenhou os apartamentos do psiquiatra Frasier, de Carrie Bradshaw em Sex and The City e também os de Monica, Rachel, Joey e Chandler em Friends.

Marton Santos Veja todos os posts de Marton Santos Editor do Páprica. Decor8. Blomsterverkstad. SaucyDwellings. Design Evolution. IKEA. The style files. I do love an all white home but with children it is not very practical.

the style files

But Paula Ekland has four children and the white color scheme in her family home in The Netherlands seems to work. Paula: “The more white I added, the calmer I felt”. I have featured some images of the Ekland family’s home before (for example you can see the photo with kids drawings here) but I was happy to find more pretty pictures of this home on the IKEA FAMILY LIVE website. Design*Sponge. Le Frufrù.