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Fem måder, du kan give din hund et længere og sundere liv. 14-ways-to-cultivate-a-lifetime-reading-habit. “To acquire the habit of reading is to construct for yourself a refuge from almost all the miseries of life.” — W.


Somerset Maugham Somewhere after “lose weight”, “stop procrastinating”, and “fall in love”, “read more” is one of the top goals that many people set for themselves. And rightly so: A good book can be hugely satisfying, can teach you about things beyond your daily horizons, and can create characters so vivid you feel as if you really know them.Somewhere after “lose weight”, “stop procrastinating”, and “fall in love”, “read more” is one of the top goals that many people set for themselves. And rightly so: A good book can be hugely satisfying, can teach you about things beyond your daily horizons, and can create characters so vivid you feel as if you really know them. How I survived burnout more than a few times. Burnout used to be like an old wild and disruptive friend who would show up in my life at the most unlikely times.

How I survived burnout more than a few times

One summer in particular when I was on a vacation with my family, I was a wreck. I couldn’t enjoy my time with my husband and daughter who were soaking up the sun, swimming, and enjoying their free time. I, however, could only see life through a very negative lens and spent more time brooding than playing. In the weeks and months leading up to that vacation, I had worked myself to the bone, was feeling under pressure on some personal family matters, and hit the proverbial wall. I had nothing left in my engine for myself or anyone else.Burnout used to be like an old wild and disruptive friend who would show up in my life at the most unlikely times. Lifehack. Building good habits like establishing an exercise routine, reading every day, or drinking enough water take a lot of focus and motivation.


At times, it can be easy to forget to continue your good habit once you started. Some days you might lack the motivation to even try. You might have found that once you’ve gone a few days without your good habit, you lose enthusiasm to continue. 80% of New Years resolutions fail but the second week of February.1 It is a wide spread, and common problem.Building good habits like establishing an exercise routine, reading every day, or drinking enough water take a lot of focus and motivation. At times, it can be easy to forget to continue your good habit once you started. How to Design Your Life for Maximum Creativity. If you’ve lived a creative life by any measure, whether you use your creativity professionally or not, you know how fickle it can be.

How to Design Your Life for Maximum Creativity

One day you’re flowing with ideas and inspiration to fill a month’s worth of work, solving problems that have stumped you for weeks, and creating things you can hardly believe came from your hands. On other days, you can’t get a word on the page, a thick fog seems to preside over your mind, and you can’t seem to do anything right. If creativity is an important part of what you do (as it is for most of us), it’s critical that you design your life in a way that keeps your creative pathways open. Six Habits of Highly Attractive People. Everyone has met somebody who, physical appearance aside, is just truly, deeply appealing.

Six Habits of Highly Attractive People

You just want to get to know them better – and so does everyone else. Whether we are male or female, each of us likely spends hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars over the course of our lives in an effort to improve our physical appearance. We sweat at the gym, buy flattering clothes, shave, bathe, and style our hair in order to maintain our physical appeal – but how much time do we spend cultivating that curious internal magnetism that is actually the basis of most attraction? Below are six simple habits that can increase your charisma, confidence, and sense of self. 1. Lifehack. Knowing what to say when a friend shares sad news with you is one of the most challenging things in a friendship.


You may not know what to do no matter how close you are with this friend. When someone you care about is hurting, it’s natural to want them to feel better. If you’ve never experienced what they’re going through, you may feel unsure about the best way to help them. Page not found. How to Stay Awake and Energetic No Matter How Busy Your Schedule Is. Previously I wrote an article on Why I have a Morning Routine and How It Makes Me Sharper Every Day.

How to Stay Awake and Energetic No Matter How Busy Your Schedule Is

I discussed my morning routine and some big picture reasons on why you should adopt one yourself. However, many people have asked me for a deeper and practical look into how I do these things. Specifically, I have been asked how I am able to wake up early and stay awake. So, let’s dive into those topics so you can live in the world you want to create! Previously I wrote an article on Why I have a Morning Routine and How It Makes Me Sharper Every Day. Make Better Decisions by Knowing How Decision Fatigue Works. When determining a court ruling, there are many factors that contribute to their final verdict.

Make Better Decisions by Knowing How Decision Fatigue Works

You probably assume that the judge’s decision is influenced solely by the nature of the crime committed or the particular laws that were broken. While this is completely valid, there is an even greater influential factor that dictates the judge’s decision: the time of day.When determining a court ruling, there are many factors that contribute to their final verdict. You probably assume that the judge’s decision is influenced solely by the nature of the crime committed or the particular laws that were broken. While this is completely valid, there is an even greater influential factor that dictates the judge’s decision: the time of day. Lifehack. Who have you interacted with in the last 24 hours?


Coworkers, best friends, family, or facebook friends? Chances are, the people you have spent the majority of your time with are not highly important to you, but rather general acquaintances. Lifehack. Ask any parent what their #1 pet peeve is, and they’ll probably tell you it’s their children wining.


From a young age, we are taught not to complain and that wining is bad. However, we are also taught that it is important to “speak your mind,” and not let others quiet your opinion. Lifehack. Meet Jesse. Jesse is a friendly person. She has just moved to a new apartment in New York City. She’s excited, but nervous because she doesn’t really know anyone in the area. Lifehack. Where do great ideas come from? The cliched view is that they come fully formed in a flash of inspiration. You’ve probably seen this in films or on TV, a character might be working over night trying to come up with a big idea, and suddenly their idea hits them.Where do great ideas come from? 5 Mental Toughness Lessons from the World-Class. What could you do with a little more mental toughness? A little more thinking and conditioning like that of a world-class performer? Combined with a passionate belief in a cause, virtually anything, I believe.

In 177 Mental Toughness Secrets of the World Class, Steve Siebold distills 177 insightful lessons on mental toughness he’s learned from studying many of the world’s top performers. Years ago, I read the book from front to back. Lifehack. Sometimes, people meet strangers who suddenly become friends – they get closer and perhaps become lovers. Sounds pretty easy, right? But hey! Without the proper steps, it’s never an easy task to achieve.

Many people lose their possible lovers because they fail to get along or ask the right questions. It Is Magically Possible To Work Less And Still Do More. Working long hours is pretty common these days. If your Monday to Friday feels like a constant slog of work and projects with no real time for a breather, is this because you have too much work or is it because you’re not using your time efficiently? Working long hours is pretty common these days. The Four Stages of Spiritual Growth. Lifehack. A Japanese Buddhist Master reveals 21 rules of life that will blow your mind. How to Make Sense of It All (And Why You’re Above the Noise) Why Are You Having Sex and Have You Told Your Partner? How to Believe In Yourself in 3 Simple Steps. How to Become a Master Communicator.

Harvard’s Most Popular Course: Tal Ben-Shahar On How to Be Happier. A Top 10 List of Psychology’s Big Questions, and the Answers. Feels Like Things Are Falling Apart? They Might Be Falling Into Place. Jordan Belfort reveals 3 secrets to success after hitting rock bottom. Learning-26-useful-things-now-will-change-rest-life. 15 Quotes to Make You Feel Strong Just as You Are. 3 powerful hacks to stop overthinking so you can start living again. 3 Toxic Life Situations You Want to Avoid at All Costs. Marcus Aurelius on How to Motivate Yourself to Get Out of Bed in the Morning and Go to Work. Stop Self-Sabotage Right In Its Tracks By Watching Out For These 3 Signs. Stop Waiting To Manage Your Money… The Habit Is More Important Than The Amount - T. Harv Eker.

This New Public Speaking Masterclass Will Help You Become a Master Communicator. 20-best-inspirational-speeches-from-the-movies. 10 Brain Hacks to Optimize Your Memory and Mental Performance. 16 skills that are difficult to learn but will pay off forever. Psychology says finding meaning in life comes down to 4 basic pillars. How to Attain Self-Realization (a Guide to Become a Better You) How to Switch From a To-Do List to a Success List. The Surprising Morning and Evening Rituals of Billionaire Entrepreneur Sara Blakely.

18 Timeless William Shakespeare Quotes to Bookmark. 7 Tegn Fra Dit Ego, Du Ikke Bør Ignorere. Super Charismatic People Do These 5 Things Everywhere They Go. Elon Musk's 3 Secrets to Continuous Growth and Self-Improvement. The Youngest Person to Visit Every Country Wants to Give You all his Air Miles - Here’s the Inspiring Reason Why. Elon Musk's Secret to Learning Anything Faster (And Becoming Smarter) 3 Signs You're a Highly Sensitive Person Who Experiences Life in a Unique Way. Your wounded "inner child": 5 powerful ways to heal it. Here are 8 ways Lao Tzu says you can find true happiness. 4 reasons not to commit suicide, according to Dr Jordan Peterson. 18 Incredible Joe Rogan Quotes to Help You Stay Motivated.

11 surprising hacks to increase endorphins, serotonin and dopamine. 20 Great Holiday Conversation Starters to Break the Ice and Connect with Anyone. 4 Ways to Tell Someone Might Be Your Soulmate in the First 5 Minutes of Meeting Them. The 3 Most Overrated Personal Development Habits. Apple CEO Tim Cook Might Have Resolved Our Search for Purpose with One Powerful Statement. Citater: De 50 bedste citater om livet, kærlighed og venskab -

25 Haruki Murakami Quotes to Help You Deal With Life. Overcoming These 4 Common Ego Traits Will Enrich Your Relationships 5 Daily Habits to Steal from Joe Rogan, Including His Bulletproof Attitude Towards 'Haters' Try This Simple 3-Step Trick the Next Time Someone Frustrates or Annoys You. How I Conquered Social Anxiety by Assuming Positive Intent. 5 lektier fra en workshop i Psykedelisk Tripsitting – Psykedelisk Samfund. Unge gør op med stress: Jagten på det perfekte er bullshit. undersøger: Hvad er et godt foredrag? Kan vand blive for gammelt? Hvad skal jeg gøre, når jeg møder en hjemløs? Sådan overvinder du angst og bliver mentalt stærk. Sådan undgår forskerne selv hormonforstyrrende stoffer. 17 påstande om vægttab, sundhed og træning - sande eller falske?

Er du også middelmådig med pil op? Sådan undgår du at blive snydt, når du ser dokumentarfilm. Har mennesker med høj IQ en lavere social intelligens? Er det farligt ikke at få sex? Kan vi redde verden med mere empati? Manifest: Vurder, om forskningen er solid. Skal man tage en DNA-test? Ny bog giver en guide til personlig genetik. Tips: Sådan træner du din empati. 25 ting, der får kloge mennesker (som dig) til at lyde dumme - Aros Business Academy. Os mellem 35 og 50 bør trække hovedet ud af vores eget numsehul. Verdensmål SDG - Danmarks Statistik. Meditation forandrer vores hjerner. Afhængighed af eksterne donorer undergraver forskningsfriheden. Oplevelser kan få dit parforhold til at blomstre - PwC’s CEO Survey 2018. Først da Mats var død, forstod forældrene værdien af hans gaming.

Forebyg livskrisen, pensionist! Fordybelsen er truet i det moderne arbejdsliv. Her er de mest magtfulde personer i Danmark. 5 Ways to Leap Courageously Toward Your Goals. Five sneaky motivation killers to avoid in graduate school. Six Habits of Highly Attractive People. Businessinsider. This photographer documented wealth for 25 years. The Six Living Generations In America. Ray Bradbury on Writing, Emotion vs. Intelligence, and the Core of Creativity. Understanding The Seven Learning Styles.