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Cancer Facts and Statistics. State Cancer Profiles. United States Cancer Statistics. CDC - .: Application Page :. Choose Hope, Inc. is committed to supporting the cancer community.

We want to help! That's why we're making this file available for download. However, we also have to pay close attention to how our brand and our materials are used in public. So before you download, please make sure you understand and agree to the following conditions. If you do not agree, do not download the file. The sheet you are about to download ("Calendar of Cancer Awareness Months") is the copyrighted material of Choose Hope, Inc.

Colorectal cancer (commonly known as colon cancer) is the third leading cause of cancer-related deaths in the United States among men and women, and is expected to cause about 49,700 deaths during 2015.

However, routine testing starting at age 50 can actually prevent many cases of colorectal cancer, or find it at an early stage. But because many people are not getting tested, only about 4 out of 10 are diagnosed at this early stage when treatment is most likely to be successful. This infographic focuses on the benefits of getting tested, identifying the people at greatest risk for developing colorectal cancer, and the steps you can take to detect colorectal cancer early or even prevent it altogether. PDF Download Text Alternative for Colon Cancer: Catching It Early. Cancer Control P.L.A.N.E.T. - Home. Research-tested Intervention Programs: Program Details. A randomized controlled trial evaluated the effects of 1-2-3 Pap: Easy Steps to Prevent Cervical Cancer.

Research-tested Intervention Programs: Program Details

Participants were recruited over a 1-year period through a social marketing campaign that targeted young women from an 8-county catchment area of rural, Appalachian Kentucky by promoting the availability of free HPV vaccines. Research nurses provided the first dose of the HPV vaccine free of charge at local health departments, medical clinics, community colleges, outdoor festivals, Wal-Mart stores, … Show more ▾ A randomized controlled trial evaluated the effects of 1-2-3 Pap: Easy Steps to Prevent Cervical Cancer.

Participants were recruited over a 1-year period through a social marketing campaign that targeted young women from an 8-county catchment area of rural, Appalachian Kentucky by promoting the availability of free HPV vaccines. Three hundred forty-four women completed the baseline survey and were included in the analyses. Show less ▴ Cancer of All Sites - SEER Stat Fact Sheets. Statistics at a GlanceShow Less At a Glance Estimated New Cases in 2015 1,658,370 % of All New Cancer Cases100.0% Estimated Deaths in 2015 589,430 % of AllCancer Deaths 100.0% Percent Surviving5 Years Number of New Cases and Deaths per 100,000: The number of new cases of all cancer sites was 454.8 per 100,000 men and women per year.

Cancer of All Sites - SEER Stat Fact Sheets

The number of deaths was 171.2 per 100,000 men and women per year. Lifetime Risk of Developing Cancer: Approximately 39.6 percent of men and women will be diagnosed with all cancer sites at some point during their lifetime, based on 2010-2012 data. Prevalence of This Cancer: In 2012, there were an estimated 13,776,251 people living with all cancer sites in the United States. Survival StatisticsShow More. NCI Cancer Stats (@NCICancerStats)