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Fatal force: A Washington Post investigation of people shot and killed by police in 2016 - Washington Post. Datacandy. A Disappearing Planet. Given the natural extinction rate, we would not expect more than one mammal species go extinct per century.

A Disappearing Planet

What The Internet Thinks About - Interactive Infographic. Inside the Belarus Network. Alexander Lukashenko was elected president of Belarus twenty years ago.

Inside the Belarus Network

He is the longest serving president in Europe. Some say he achieved this feat by a combination of social justice and authoritarianism. Tough but fair. Our investigation into the money flows around the inner circle of the Belarusian elite shows a murkier reality. Alexander Lukashenko attends an Independence Day parade in Minsk on July 3, 2009. Libyan Civil War. Los Angeles Murders and Homicides - The Homicide Report - Los Angeles Times. Data Desk - Los Angeles Times. Thank the Academy. Selfiexploratory. The Color of Money. Text of the Pulitzer-winning articles Back to Power Reporting This page links to the text of "The Color of Money," a series of articles on lenders avoiding middle-income black neighborhoods.

The Color of Money

Bill Dedman received the Pulitzer Prize in investigative reporting in 1989 for researching and writing these articles. The first series, published May 1-4, 1988, disclosed that Atlanta's banks and savings and loan institutions, although they had made loans for years in even the poorest white neighborhoods of Atlanta, did not lend in middle-class or more affluent black neighborhoods.

Virtual Water - Discover how much WATER we EAT everyday. The Champions Ring - The Champions Ring - The history of sports, visualized. CrunchBase Reveals: The Average Successful Startup Raises $41M, Exits at $242.9M. The CrunchBase dataset has now captured more venture exits than ever, so we decided to take a closer look at what successful startups can tell us about venture investing and the startup landscape.

CrunchBase Reveals: The Average Successful Startup Raises $41M, Exits at $242.9M

We found that the average successful US startup has raised $41 million and exited at $242.9 million. We also found that there is a strong correlation between larger exits and companies that raised more money, but no such relationship between the amount of time between founding a company and being acquired or taken public. Every Last Drop – An Interactive Website about Water Saving. Are global co2 emissions still rising? 9 Out Of 10 Americans Are Completely Wrong About This Mind-Blowing Fact. There's a chart I saw recently that I can't get out of my head.

9 Out Of 10 Americans Are Completely Wrong About This Mind-Blowing Fact

A Harvard business professor and economist asked more than 5,000 Americans how they thought wealth was distributed in the United States. This is what they said they thought it was. Dividing the country into five rough groups of the top, bottom, and middle three 20% groups, they asked people how they thought the wealth in this country was divided. Then he asked them what they thought was the ideal distribution, and 92%, that's at least 9 out of 10 of them, said it should be more like this, in other words more equitable than they think it is.

Now that fact is telling, admittedly, the notion that most Americans know that the system is already skewed unfairly. So ignore the ideal for a moment. But let's look at it another way, because I find this chart kind of difficult to wrap my head around. US Presidential elections 1868-2008. Your Olympic athlete body match. 30 July 2012Last updated at 12:14 ET Olympic athletes come in all shapes and sizes, from the lithe limbs of Japan's Asuka Teramoto to the gargantuan frame of China's Zhaoxu Zhang.

Your Olympic athlete body match

But how do you measure up in comparison? Try our app below and find out. Why not then share your results with your friends? Continue reading the main story This interactive feature requires Javascript. Transfer Window. How Far is it to Mars? 10 ‘Budget Balancer’ Tools And Games From Newsrooms Worldwide. As legislative sessions start to kick off in states around the country, newsrooms will undoubtedly be looking for ways to cover various negotiations and budget crises.

10 ‘Budget Balancer’ Tools And Games From Newsrooms Worldwide

The idea of a “budget balancing” game is nothing new — lots of newsrooms have tried it — but many have taken their own conceptual approaches. Here are a few different examples: 1. New York Times – Budget Puzzle: You Fix the Budget This approach lets users select multiple options (tax increases and spending cuts) then watch on a scale how much money those decisions make in the short-term and longterm. Best feature: See impacts on both the short-term and long-term.

Visualizing How A Population Grows To 7 Billion. 7 Billion: How Did We Get So Big So Fast?

Visualizing How A Population Grows To 7 Billion

Watch as global population explodes from 300 million to 7 billion. Sometime Monday, the world will have more humans than ever: 7 billion, according to the U.N. The U.N. estimates that the world's population will pass the 7 billion mark on Monday. Much of that growth has happened in Asia — in India and China. Those two countries have been among the world's most populous for centuries. Due in part to that region's extreme poverty, infant mortality rates are high and access to family planning is low. World. Development Seed. Top Secret America.

The Atlas of Economic Complexity. 9/11 +ME 10th Anniversary Interactive Presentation.