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Sticks’n’stones - Young people taking action to promote positive action online to reduce Cyberbullying. Instagram Star Essena O'Neill Explains Why She Quit Social Media. Cyber Bullying : Create No Hate. Look Up. Talent Show - Cyberbullying Prevention Commercial. Stop the hate - NZ Herald. InCtrl - Lesson: Cyberbullying. InCtrl StandUpBeInCtrlLesson (1) InCtrl - Lesson: Cyberbullying. RPScenario profilePICS. Dv your answer activity (1) Cyberbullying. Bullies and mean girls have been around forever, but technology now gives them a whole new platform for their actions.


The old "sticks and stones" saying is no longer true — both real-world and online name-calling can have serious emotional consequences for our kids and teens. It's not always easy to know how and when to step in as a parent. For starters, most kids use technology differently than we do. They're playing games online and sending texts on their phones at an early age, and most teens have devices that keep them constantly connected to the Internet.

Many are logged on to Facebook or Tumblr and chatting or texting all day. But staying involved in kids' cyber world, just as in their real world, can help parents protect them from its dangers. What Is Cyberbullying? Cyberbullying is the use of technology to harass, threaten, embarrass, or target another person. Cyberbullying also can happen accidentally. Lessons 5&6 Cyberbullying LetsFightItTogether guide. Youngpeople cyberbullying advice. Cyberbullying lesson. Digizen - Resources - UK films - Let's fight it together. Hot topics. Learn the Netbasics - Raymond goes a hunting. Things to do that will stop your parents worrying - NetSafe: Cybersafety and Security advice for New Zealand. Parents tend to worry about their kids on the internet.

Things to do that will stop your parents worrying - NetSafe: Cybersafety and Security advice for New Zealand

Here are ten things your parents need to know so they can worry less At some point, your parents will want to give you your own device that connects to the internet. They will be excited about the opportunities for your education and independence. However, they will also be worried. Parents worry about their kids on the internet. Your job is to reassure them that you also know there are dangers and bad people on the internet, and that you have ideas on how to keep safe. Ten things your parents need to know so they can worry less You understand that some websites and some people are fake online. As confident as your parents will be once you explain that knowledge, they will want to be reassured on an ongoing basis for a while. Allow them to connect with you on social media as long as they promise not to post embarrassing comments to your pages.Install one of those apps that allows them to know where your device is.

Reporting Advice for Young People - NetSafe: Cybersafety and Security advice for New Zealand. Advice for young people on what to do about Harmful Communications You may get online abuse, harassment or negative comments on any of the popular social media sites you use or by email, text or during chat, etc.

Reporting Advice for Young People - NetSafe: Cybersafety and Security advice for New Zealand

This can be quite disturbing, especially if lots of others join in or like the comments. You or a friend or sibling may be distressed about the communication. However it happens, it is not acceptable and it’s important for you not to respond. That’s hard to do and you may really want to hit back on your own behalf or to support a friend – don’t. I’m upset by what has been said online – what can I do?

Try to stay calm for yourself or for someone you may be supporting.Collect evidence of the abuse by taking screenshots or printing out copies.If the platform – whether it’s a website or smartphone app – has published terms and conditions then report the abuse straight away. Cyberbullying. This can help if: People share embarrassing photos of you online You're receiving harassing calls, texts or emails People post bad stuff about you online People create fake profiles pretending to be you Cyberbullying – what it is and why it sucks Cyberbullying is bullying that is done through the use of technology, for example, using the Internet, a mobile phone or a camera to hurt or embarrass someone.


It can be shared widely with a lot of people quickly, which is why it is so dangerous and hurtful. Cyber Bullying Virus. Cyberbullying. Take A Stand. Kids. Young people. Young People Archives - NetSafe: Cybersafety and Security advice for New Zealand. Cyberbullying information and advice for young people. There is an NZSL signed version of this page available to view online.

Cyberbullying information and advice for young people

NetSafe's cyberbullying information and advice for young people can be downloaded as both a Microsoft Word and Adobe PDF file from the links below: