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Data Visualization

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Dashboard Insight - Dashboard Design and Development, Defining Performance Indicators and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), and Business Intelligence News. | Data Visualizations, Challenges, Community. Interactive Dynamics for Visual Analysis.

Graphics Jeffrey Heer, Stanford University Ben Shneiderman, University of Maryland, College Park The increasing scale and availability of digital data provides an extraordinary resource for informing public policy, scientific discovery, business strategy, and even our personal lives. To get the most out of such data, however, users must be able to make sense of it: to pursue questions, uncover patterns of interest, and identify (and potentially correct) errors. Visualization provides a powerful means of making sense of data. The goal of this article is to assist designers, researchers, professional analysts, procurement officers, educators, and students in evaluating and creating visual analysis tools. Our focus on interactive elements presumes a basic familiarity with visualization design. Within each branch of the taxonomy presented here, we describe example systems that exhibit useful interaction techniques.

Some visualization system designers have explored alternative approaches. 1. Infographics & Data Visualization | FlowingData | Data Visualization, Infographics, and Statistics. Perceptual Edge. Harvard Business Review Magazine, Case Studies, Articles, Books, Pamphlets.

Information Is Beautiful. SlashBI - Your Business Intelligence Dashboard. Data journalism and data visualization | News. Information Management | IT Business News.