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Interactive Dynamics for Visual Analysis

Interactive Dynamics for Visual Analysis
Graphics Jeffrey Heer, Stanford University Ben Shneiderman, University of Maryland, College Park The increasing scale and availability of digital data provides an extraordinary resource for informing public policy, scientific discovery, business strategy, and even our personal lives. To get the most out of such data, however, users must be able to make sense of it: to pursue questions, uncover patterns of interest, and identify (and potentially correct) errors. In concert with data-management systems and statistical algorithms, analysis requires contextualized human judgments regarding the domain-specific significance of the clusters, trends, and outliers discovered in data. Visualization provides a powerful means of making sense of data. The goal of this article is to assist designers, researchers, professional analysts, procurement officers, educators, and students in evaluating and creating visual analysis tools. Some visualization system designers have explored alternative approaches.

3 Trends That Will Define The Future Of Infographics Now that everyone loves them, early adopters and forward thinkers want to know what is next for the infographic. Is this just the beginning of a visual revolution, or have they already jumped the shark? This is an important question, especially for those who are making large investments in the medium, such as publishers and marketers. Directed graph A directed graph. (sometimes ) of:[1] A digraph is called "simple" if it has no loops, and no multiple arcs (arcs with same starting and ending nodes). A directed multigraph, in which the arcs constitute a multiset, rather than a set, of ordered pairs of vertices may have loops (that is, "self-loops" with same starting and ending node) and multiple arcs.

Fast Thinking and Slow Thinking Visualisation Last week I attended the Association of American Geographers Annual Conference and heard a talk by Robert Groves, Director of the US Census Bureau. Aside the impressiveness of the bureau’s work I was struck by how Groves conceived of visualisations as requiring either fast thinking or slow thinking. Fast thinking data visualisations offer a clear message without the need for the viewer to spend more than a few seconds exploring them. These tend to be much simpler in appearance, such as my map of the distance that London Underground trains travel during rush hour.

Gaming Google Scholar Citations, Made Simple and Easy Marco Pantani on the way to Alpe d’Huez 1997 (Photo credit: Wikipedia) When metrics are adopted as evaluative tools, there is always a temptation to game them. Without rules and sanctions to prevent widespread manipulation, metrics lose their relevance, become meaningless, and are quickly disregarded by those who once believed that they stood for something important.

Taxonomy for interactive visual analysis Interactive visualization continues to grow more useful and prominent in every day analysis. Jeffrey Heer and Ben Shneiderman offer a taxonomy for the budding field . Visualization provides a powerful means of making sense of data. By mapping data attributes to visual properties such as position, size, shape, and color, visualization designers leverage perceptual skills to help users discern and interpret patterns within data. A single image, however, typically provides answers to, at best, a handful of questions. Instead, visual analysis typically progresses in an iterative process of view creation, exploration, and refinement. What Visualization Tool/Software Should You Use? – Getting Started Are you looking to get into data visualization, but don't quite know where to begin? With all of the available tools to help you visualize data, it can be confusing where to start. The good news is, well, that there are a lot of (free) available tools out there to help you get started. It's just a matter of deciding which one suits you best. This is a guide to help you figure that out. But before we get into what you should use, a couple of questions.

Over 100 Incredible Infographic Tools and Resources (Categorized) This post is #6 in DailyTekk’s famous Top 100 series which explores the best startups, gadgets, apps, websites and services in a given category. Total items listed: 112. Time to compile: 8+ hours.

The Paper Reviewing Process Learning how to review papers not only (obviously) makes you a better reviewer, but it can also help you as an author, since an understanding of the process can help you write your paper submissions for an audience of reviewers. If you know the criteria that a reviewer will use to judge your paper, you are in a much better position to tailor your paper so that it has a higher chance of being accepted. There are many good resources that describe the paper reviewing process already, including those that explain the process (and its imperfections) and those that provide instructions for writing a good review (as well as techniques to avoid). Designing Data Visualizations Workshop: Strata 2012 - O'Reilly Conferences, February 28 - March 01, 2012 Attendees: All attendees should bring paper an pen for quick sketching. Attendees should bring their own data to work with. Alternately, they can download interesting data sets from sites such as,, and People with access to a windows machine might want to install Tableau Public. We will discuss how to figure out what story to tell, select the right data, and pick appropriate layout and encodings.

dragDrop02 : Built with Processing Still getting to grips with OOP...This is just a little experiment with inheritance. The 'Base' classes 'BaseDragger' and 'BaseTarget' are not intended to be instantiated directly. I discovered that the way to enforce this was to declare them as abstract, (it's not possible to instantiate an object of an abstract class). However I also wanted to enforce the implementation of certain methods in child classes and initially thought the way to achieve this was to also define an Interface; which would mean both extending the Base class and implementing the Interface. However it turns out another advantage of abstract classes is that you can declare abstract methods which must be implemented in the child classes.

Stat eXplorer Interactive Statistical Visualization using Adobe Flash Statistics eXplorer integrates many common InfoVis and GeoVis methods required to make sense of statistical data, uncover patterns of interests, gain insight, tell-a-story and finally communicate knowledge. Statistics eXplorer was developed based on a component architecture and includes a wide range of visualization techniques enhanced with various interaction techniques and interactive features to support better data exploration and analysis.

Phylomemetic Patterns in Science Evolution—The Rise and Fall of Scientific Fields Abstract We introduce an automated method for the bottom-up reconstruction of the cognitive evolution of science, based on big-data issued from digital libraries, and modeled as lineage relationships between scientific fields. We refer to these dynamic structures as phylomemetic networks or phylomemies, by analogy with biological evolution; and we show that they exhibit strong regularities, with clearly identifiable phylomemetic patterns. Some structural properties of the scientific fields - in particular their density -, which are defined independently of the phylomemy reconstruction, are clearly correlated with their status and their fate in the phylomemy (like their age or their short term survival). Citation: Chavalarias D, Cointet J-P (2013) Phylomemetic Patterns in Science Evolution—The Rise and Fall of Scientific Fields.

Why Is Data Visualization So Hot? Noah Iliinsky is the co-author of Designing Data Visualizations and technical editor of, and a contributor to, Beautiful Visualization, published By O’Reilly Media. He will lead a Designing Data Visualizations Workshop at O’Reilly’s Strata conference on Tuesday, Feb. 28. Data visualization is hot. All of a sudden there are dozens of companies and products that want to help you visually analyze your data, build your own visualizations, and visually display interesting data sets of all kinds.

OECD – Your Better Life Index Average personal index for Germany, men, 15–24 How’s life? There is more to life than the cold numbers of GDP and economic statistics – This Index allows you to compare well-being across countries, based on 11 topics the OECD has identified as essential, in the areas of material living conditions and quality of life. Download executive summary Download the index data Learn more about the index Better Life BlogArchive Happiness pays

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