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Assessment / Évaluation

Easy test makers. Alberta Assessment Consortium. 18 Ways To Use Rubrics In Education. Rubrics are an extremely useful classroom evaluation tool, though many teachers these days aren’t using them anymore, and don’t think they are necessary.

18 Ways To Use Rubrics In Education

The lovely graphic below from Mia MacMeekin takes a look at rubrics and why they should be used and what they can improve, along with a little guide for teachers on rubrics. Do you use rubrics in your classroom regularly? Have you used them before or do you want to give them a spin for the first time? We’d love to hear how you use them, what subjects/material you use them for the most or find them the most helpful for.

Weigh in by leaving a comment below, mentioning @Edudemic on Twitter or leaving your thoughts on our Facebook page. Rubrics What is a rubric, and why should I use it? Rubrics are scoring charts that display what is expected of a student on a particular assignment. What Can Rubrics Improve? TeachingAssessingPerformanceExpectationsDirectionsAssignment qualitySelf evaluationGrading qualityFeedback. EvalQCM. Portfolio Médiatisation » Portfolio Médiatisation. 4 Free Web Tools for Student Portfolios. I still have every single project I ever completed in preschool.

4 Free Web Tools for Student Portfolios

My dad collected them and kept each one in a grocery bag that he tucked away in the back of his closet. Looking through his collection now, there's nothing incredibly prodigious about the work that I created as a four-year-old boy. I see doodles, collages, coloring pages and awkward attempts at writing my own name. Nevertheless, the story that it tells is special to me. This is the effect of good portfolios. Kidblog Kidblog is unique among the web tools featured here because it is built by teachers for teachers. Google Sites If your school is fueled by Google Apps for Education, then using Google Sites to create student portfolios, or "Googlios," makes perfect sense.

Evernote For classrooms with BYOD or 1:1 initiatives in place, Evernote can serve as a viable option for creating student portfolios. Three Ring A mobile app with a desktop version, Three Ring is worthy of consideration as well. Students Showcase Work at Spring Conferences. Le portfolio numérique, face et pile: Service de soutien à la formation. Pour ce troisième Face et Pile, nous avons tenté de vous donner un aperçu recto-verso de ce que l’on entend par «portfolio numérique».

Le portfolio numérique, face et pile: Service de soutien à la formation

Nous avions déjà consacré un mini-dossier sur cette question dès 2010, mais nous vous offrons aujourd’hui une synthèse actualisée. Outil (en ligne ou papier), dispositif d’accompagnement, méthode pédagogique, etc., le portfolio est bien plus qu’un simple instrument d’évaluation des apprentissages. Tosh et coll. (2005) soulignent combien il est important que les étudiantes et étudiants ne perçoivent pas le portfolio comme une autre forme d’examen ou de travail pour lesquels l’investissement personnel est limité. C’est la conviction que l’apprentissage se poursuit hors de la classe qui rend le portfolio intéressant pour plusieurs enseignants. Toutefois, comme il sert aussi à évaluer, il nous a semblé qu’il devait avoir sa place dans ce numéro spécial. Bonne lecture! Perspectives SSF, février 2014. Multiplication des outils de portfolio dans la formation universitaire: Service de soutien à la formation.

Multiplication des outils de portfolio dans la formation universitaire : minidossier de veille du SSF Des membres de la cellule de veille et de l’équipe pédagogique du SSF (Éric Chamberland, Marc Couture, Sonia Morin et Jean-Sébastien Dubé)vous ont concocté un mini-dossier sur les portfolios numériques, de plus en plus répandus comme outil d’accompagnement à la formation universitaire.

Multiplication des outils de portfolio dans la formation universitaire: Service de soutien à la formation

Définition et typologie Les portfolios servent habituellement à garder une trace des travaux, réalisations ou apprentissages réalisés par une personne pendant une certaine période. Si les portfolios de présentation utilisés par les artistes et designers s’arrêtent souvent à la collecte des réalisations, les portfolios d’apprentissage de développement professionnel et les portfolios d’évaluation vont un peu plus loin, en y ajoutant les éléments suivants : Portfolios « autonomes » ou portfolios « programmes » Les portfolios numériques dans les universités du monde.

5 Reasons Your Portfolio Should be Online. “My prediction is that in the next ten years, resumes will be less common, and your online presence will become what your resume is today, at all types and sizes of companies.”

5 Reasons Your Portfolio Should be Online

Dan Schawbel, 2011 Having a conversation with teachers and administrators, I asked how many of them still had “paper portfolios”. Surprisingly, it was over half of the room, and many of them had developed it in university, updating it only when job opportunities arose. I remember actually having a paper portfolio and applying for jobs, and hating the process of dusting off a binder, adding a ton of great information into it, only to walk into an interview and have the person hiring not even look at it. It was extremely frustrating as I had put a lot of work into it, only to have it ignored, and I never really understood why.

And then I became a principal. I believe it is time (it has been for awhile) to ditch the paper portfolio and move it online. 1. Where can I see your powerful work? Resources.