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7 tips para crear una gran presentación en Prezi. Articles. In this compelling 99U talk, Stanford professor Tina Seelig shows us how the top organizations in the world foster a creative environment. read more → One of the most underrated parts of the creative process is remaining vulnerable says New York Times bestselling author Brenè Brown in this moving 99U talk. read more → An inflated ego can surface in the most subtle ways.


Know the difference between confidence and arrogance so you can do your best creative work. read more → It’s easy to feel overwhelmed when tackling a big project. Read more → Channeled properly, negative emotions can actually boost your creative output. read more → Fight the brain's natural impulse to take the easy route and watch your creativity flourish. read more → How love fuels creativity and 6 other ways to free your mind to do its best work. read more → Part four of our recap of the 2013 99U Conference. El caparazón 7 nuevas formas de aprender sin coste para el individuo conectado » El caparazon.

Introduction to Critical Thinking. The 33 Digital Skills Every 21st Century Teacher should Have. By EdTech Team Updated on march 2, 2015 : The original list that was created in 2011 comprised 33 skills , after reviewing it we decided to do some merging and finally ended up with the 20 skills below.

The 33 Digital Skills Every 21st Century Teacher should Have

The 21st century teacher should be able to : 1- Create and edit digital audio Here are some tools for teachers to develop this skill :Free Audio Tools for Teachers 2- Use Social bookmarking to share resources with and between learners Here are some tools for teachers to develop this skill : A List of Best Bookmarking Websites for Teachers 3- Use blogs and wikis to create online platforms for students Here are some tools for teachers to develop this skill : Great Tools to Create Protected Blogs and Webpages for your Class 4- Exploit digital images for classroom use Here are some tools for teachers to develop this skill :Web Tools to Edit Pictures without Installing any softwareTools to Convert Photos into Cartoons. A Master List of 500 Free Courses From Great Universities.

Raccoon E Learning Quarterly 11. 31 formas de usar Google Plus en el mundo académico. The Jargon File. The Jargon File (version 4.4.7) Table of Contents Welcome to the Jargon FileI.

The Jargon File

Introduction 1. Inteligentes pero sin carácter, logran poco. Her Idea Book. The best online e-learning and e-teaching tools & resources - WizIQ. Home. ~ TEDxLondon presents the Education Revolution.

David Rowan Editor of Wired magazine You've seen the extraordinary TED talk by Sir Ken Robinson, on how to repair our education system to boost creativity (what?

TEDxLondon presents the Education Revolution

You haven't? Institute for Social and Network Literacy. Singularity University. Teaching using new technologies. 21st Century Pedagogy. Even if you have a 21st Century classroom(flexible and adaptable); even if you are a 21st Century teacher ; (an adaptor, a communicator, a leader and a learner, a visionary and a model, a collaborator and risk taker) even if your curriculum reflects the new paradigm and you have the facilities and resources that could enable 21st century learning – you will only be a 21st century teacher if how you teach changes as well.

21st Century Pedagogy

Your pedagogy must also change. Definition: pedagogy - noun the profession, science, or theory of teaching. Source: Key features How we teach must reflect how our students learn. Knowledge Knowledge does not specifically appear in the above diagram. We need to teach knowledge or content in context with the tasks and activities the students are undertaking.

Thinking skills Thinking Skills are a key area. Collaboration The 21st century is an age of collaboration as well as the Information Age. 21st Century students, our digital natives, are collaborative. Assessment Fluency. RSA Animate - Changing Education Paradigms. Robert Kiyosaki - New Rules of Money, Part 1/7: Conventional Valid work at home. Aprendo más si leo 4 libros a la vez. Suelo leer 4 libros a la vez -además de diarios y revistas-.

Aprendo más si leo 4 libros a la vez

Uno de psicología o educación, otro sobre temas empresariales, otro sobre temas científicos y tecnológicos, y otro puede ser una novela, poesía, curiosidades, antropología, sociología, historia, etc. Empiezo leyendo indistintamente el capítulo de conclusiones, la introducción o alguno intermedio, según la atracción que me genere al revisar el índice. Cuando fui escolar -hasta egresar en 1968- la receta pedagógica vigente era la de leer un libro por vez, -generalmente escogido por el profesor-, de manera lineal desde el inicio hasta el final.

Inclusive si nos salteábamos algunas páginas sentíamos la culpa de haber hecho algo malo o de habernos perdido algunos datos importantes. Pese a que ya en esa época leíamos el periódico de atrás para adelante (y a veces solo atrás, empezando por el deporte y los espectáculos), eso no era posible al leer formalmente un libro. Dejemos que lean a su manera; de seguro leerán y crearán más.