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- David Kapuler's Bucket List of Online Education Resources. Through blogging and working with ed tech companies, I come across a large number of educational tools.

- David Kapuler's Bucket List of Online Education Resources

To help make things easier for myself and others, I have created . However, I always wanted to create a bucket list if I was starting in a new district/school etc. Hopefully, people will find this list useful and perhaps a nice way to save districts money. Web 2.0 Sites 9 Slides - A fantastic site for adding narration or video to a wide variety of presentations.19 Pencils - A great free site for teachers to curate the web and find resources to add to a customized class web page.Animoto - One of the most popular sites for education for creating stunning videos and presentations.Biteslide - A wonderful free site with educational portal for students to create digital scrapbooks and projects.BoomWriter - An amazing site for students to create digital books in a safe/secure environment.

Educational iOS Apps Digital Videos in the Classroom Images for Education Search Engines. +300 Herramientas y Recursos Gratuitos Para Crear Materiales Educativos Didacticos #tics #educación. Más de 1300 herramientas 2.0, recursos y materiales educativos y didácticos para experimentar. Tech-booklet.pdf (objeto application/pdf)

1.264 aplicaciones web de todo tipo que podrás usar gratuitamente. The Best Web 2.0 Tools for Teachers - 2012 Edition. Like Button for Twitter. Portal de Educación de la Junta de Comunidades de Castilla - La Mancha (Contenido:Blogs Educativos) Escuela 2.0. Recursos didácticos. Free Technology Tools for Teachers.

Posterrak/Pankartak sortzeko aplikazioak

Khan Academy. Cloud Storage. Curation. Argazki editorea. Infografiak. WEB 2.0 ERREMINTXAK HEZKUNTZAN. Convertir PDF — ¡100% Gratis! — PrimoPDF. Dropr : Multimedia Portfolio Collective. Format Factory - Free media file format converter. Top 100 technology blogs for teachers.

Cómo crear tu propia Khan Academy. Salman Khan es el fundador de la Khan Academy, una organización educativa sin ánimo de lucro.

Cómo crear tu propia Khan Academy

En su página web puedes encontrar gratuitamente una colección de más de 2.700 microlecciones a través de videos tutoriales hospedados en YouTube. Khan Academy, junto con MITx, Uncollege de Stanford o YouTube para Escuelas, confirman una tendencia tecnológica interesante en Educación. Los profesores, cada vez más, graban sus clases y las cuelgan en la nube para que sean accesibles a estudiantes en cualquier momento y en cualquier lugar. Las ventajas son claras. Los estudiantes pueden acceder al contenido académico de forma flexible, se ponen al día rápidamente cuando se pierden una clase y sobre todo revisan el material tantas veces como sea necesario a la hora de preparar un examen. Sin embargo, esta práctica pretende ir mucho más allá. Salma Khan propone un cambio de metodología para escuelas y universidades basándose en el éxito de sus videos online. Grabación de voz Entradas Relacionadas: Hoja de-calculo-google-docs.

Course: Creating Student e-Portfolios with Google Sites. EUscreen - Providing online access to Europe's television heritage. Effective Web 2.0 Tools for the Classroom. Updated by David Brear, May 12, 2014 KnowSchools Presentation 21st Century Learning & Sharing: Engaging for Success!

Effective Web 2.0 Tools for the Classroom

Spring Online Conference 2010. Teaching Channel: Videos, Lesson Plans and Other Resources for Teachers. Web 2.0 Tools and Applications - Go2web20. Teachweb2 - home. Home. E-learning and Web 2.0 tools for schools. En la Web 2.0 - home. MOGEA - Índice de Agrega.

MOGEA - Índice de Agrega. New Posted Resources 02/16/2012. Blogging About The Web 2.0 Connected Classroom A Blend Of Technology And Education Thursday, February 16, 2012 New Posted Resources 02/16/2012 Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here. You might also like: Linkwithin Posted by Steven Anderson at 8:30 AM Please enable JavaScript to view the <a href=' powered by Disqus.

Links to this post Create a Link Newer PostOlder PostHome Pages Honors and Awards Follow by Email 2014 Speaking Engagements Various Dates In 2014-Featured Webinar Presenter, Simple K12 Teacher Learning Community, Online January 28-31, 2014- Featured Presenter, FETC, Orlando, Florida March 6-8, 2014- Presenter, North Carolina Technology In Education Society Annual Conference, Raleigh, NC March 16-18, 2014- Presenter and 2012-2014 Emerging Leader, ASCD Annual Conference, Los Angles, CA June 23-26, 2014-Session Speaker and Workshop Presenter, International Society for Technology in Education Annual Conference, Atlanta, GA Today Is: Remind101 Teacher Advisory Board Member. Web 2.0 Tools.


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