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Best Web Tools for Teachers - 2012

Best Web Tools for Teachers - 2012

Uso de TICs para pensar Hace unos días estaba leyendo el artículo 5 Tech-Friendly Lessons to Encourage Higher-Order Thinking y me ha parecido interesante compartir aquí mis impresiones, porque pienso que plantea actividades TIC que seguramente todos hemos hecho alguna vez en nuestras aulas de idiomas, son sencillas de acometer y efectivamente, como dice el artículo original, impulsan al alumnado a pensar casi de manera invisible. 1. Producir un vídeo de un minuto: esto parece sencillo, sólo necesitamos ya hoy en día un dispositivo móvil en el aula para grabar durante un minuto a un alumno en vídeo, no hay por qué contar ya con cámaras de vídeo ni transportarlas al aula; simplemente con un móvil, grabamos y subimos a nuestro canal de vídeo, o publicamos en nuestro espacio online, o compartimos en redes sociales, siempre con el permiso debido, claro está, de nuestro alumnado o de sus padres o tutores, en el caso de los menores de edad. Ahora bien, ¿un vídeo de un minuto, sobre qué? 2. 3. 4. 5.

iPad Use in Mobile Learning 10 Ways To Become A Better Online Learner 9.21K Views 0 Likes There are some quick and easy ways to become a better online learner. Whether you're taking a class or just researching, here are the DOs and DON'Ts. USEED iLearn Technology I’ve long been a fan of Bloom’s Taxonomy…not necessarily for all the ways it has been pushed into different fads throughout the years, but instead for the way that it helps me (and my students) think about the learning process. It helps me approach the learning process in a more holistic way, ensuring that I don’t camp out in one way of thinking and evidencing learning for too long. I think it is human nature to get excited about one way of thinking and suddenly everything we do falls into that. It can be a little bit like the new car that you purchased, you begin to see that car everywhere because you have a new awareness of it. I’ve noticed myself doing the same in teaching. Bloom’s Taxonomy helps me to keep myself cognizant of all the different ways to approach learning. A few years ago, I created some different versions of Bloom’s Taxonomy for my students. You will notice that my images don’t have the traditional Bloom’s pyramid. And the digital version: Remember: Understand: Apply:

The Learning Genome Project To make personalized learning a reality for EVERY child. Children are inherently diverse. Each child carries within them a story, a host of unparalleled gifts, talents and interests. Each has something unparalleled to offer the world. Have you ever seen a child struggle through the one-size-fits-all curriculum? Imagine if every child were offered an education that is completely personalized to their needs as a learner. The Learning Genome will empower teachers and parents to become engineers of learning by providing each individual child the exact content they need, at the exact moment they need it. The key to the Learning Genome's success is crowd sourcing. The Learning Genome hub (aggregate portion) will have an open API to encourage development of additional functionality and creative thought. A personal or educational subscription to the Learning Genome goes even further. Please consider in investing in this important mission and helping to spread the word! I am!

neoK12 PPT to HTML5 Converter Convert your content to a mobile-ready HTML5 format with the best-engineered tools from iSpring! iSpring Pro 7 Discover widest possibilities for PowerPopint to HTML5 conversion with perfect quality. convert PowerPoint to HTML5 create video presentations protect your content fine-tune smart customizable player Windows 8/7/Vista/XP 32- and 64-bit editions Microsoft Office 2007, 2010, 2013 Support –I love iSpring tools as I can use iSpring Pro to share a presentation online to those that cannot make a live scheduled presentation. Mike Chatfield –I like iSpring because it is the only PowerPoint conversion tool that creates the high quality slides that I need. Doug Wolfgram See All Testimonials Perfect Integration with PowerPoint iSpring Pro adds an intuitive tab to the PowerPoint ribbon and instantly provides the full access to all options needed for creation of media-rich presentations in a mobile-ready format. Accurately Preserve All PowerPoint Effects Animations and Triggers Transition Effects

Audacity Audio Editor Wink toolkit Serchable Class Videos Jasmine Chan’s course schedule this semester would suggest that the MIT sophomore is more than a little overbooked. Chan, a mechanical engineering major, is taking two classes that meet at exactly the same time. Despite this apparent scheduling snafu, she hasn’t missed a single lecture in either course — and her approach to juggling the conflicting courses may represent the future of ambitious academic scheduling. Chan is one of 11 students this semester who are participating in i2.002, a new online version of 2.002 (Mechanics and Materials II), a core requirement in mechanical engineering. What may set i2.002 apart is its ease of searching: Search a key word or concept, and a video will start at exactly the moment in a lecture when that concept is introduced. “It’s like Googling your class,” says Ken Kamrin, the Class of 1956 Career Development Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering. “These are exciting times for online education,” says Pedro Reis, the Esther and Harold E.

Athabasca U Press The West Unbound: Social and Cultural Studies 1915-8181 The West Unbound: Social and Cultural Studies series (print)1915-819X The West Unbound: Social and Cultural Studies series (electronic) Series Editor(s): Alvin Finkel and Sarah Carter Writing on the western halves of Canada and the United States once focused on the alienation of the peoples of these regions from residents of the eastern regions. The mythology of a homogenized West fighting for a place in the sun blunted interest in the lives of ordinary people and the social struggles that pitted some groups in the West against others, usually the elite groups that claimed to speak for the whole region on the national stage. This series challenges simplistic definitions of the West and its institutions. Series Titles Expansive Discourses:Urban Sprawl in Calgary, 1945-1978 Max Foran 9781897425138 (SC)9781897425145 (pdf) Goodlands:A Meditation and History on the Great Plains by Frances W. Issues in Distance Education Mingling Voices

Respondus Using Camtasia in the Flipped Classroom The following is an interview with middle school science teacher, Dave Crowder. Mr. Crowder is presenting on using Camtasia for Flipped Classrooms at the conference InnEdCo on June 17th. 1. First, let me define what a “flipped classroom” is. The way I got started flipping lessons was shortly after I bought my last computer – a Macbook Pro in 2008, I decided to tackle a tough conceptual question “How do we know space distances so well, considering that we can’t go and measure them with long rulers?” The full answer in this video takes a historical look at who first figured out the size of the earth and how he did it, who and how was the lunar distance first calculated, then who used parallax to calculate close star distances, and finally how are extreme star distances measured with red shift. Space Distances part 1 of 2: Can’t see the embedded video? Watch “Space Distances – Part 2″ on YouTube Watch “How do we know the Age of Things?” 2. 3. 4. 5. About Mr. I am also a musician. Related
