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Mashable. 36 Life Hacks Every College Student Should Know. How to shoot a Hollywood movie on your smartphone. Think of the best smartphone movies and, at best, you'll be imagining that video you once took of your drunken friends trying to push over a cow before falling into a ditch. At least it was in HD. But you should realise that your smartphone is silently weeping, hating you for not realising the untapped potential in its high power video camera, as quality and affordability have now aligned in such a way that almost anyone can become a filmmaker. Don't believe us? Just look at the number of smartphone film festivals that have popped up, from Festival Pocket Films in France, to the iPhone Film Festival and Mobil Film Festival in America and the Olleh International Smartphone Film Festival in South Korea. All of these and more are dedicated to films shot largely or entirely on smartphones and the number of smartphone film festivals and film makers is growing all the time.

A booming industry Film makers have already found significant success in the field. Power within Nothing's perfect. Tips for How to Succeed in College. Personal SWOT Analysis Examples For Students - NetWorkIt Blog. Wednesday, February 15th, 2017 Creating a SWOT analysis to assist you with a job search as a student can be an excellent idea. The key is to identify current traits that can work for and against you, what has helped you in school and worked against you in school. Opportunities and threats can both be found on campus. Ways to get ahead and hold you back can be all around. If you have never done personal SWOT analysis before it may be difficult to identify these traits and external factors. We will present a user persona for each example followed by a sample SWOT analysis for each. Personal SWOT Analysis Examples For Students Janet – Female Age 25, Graduate in Business No work or volunteer experience. Tom – Male, Age 22, Graduate in Social Science Has worked in the campus bookstore as well.

Conclusion We’ve presented you with two very different profiles and SWOT analysis for each. We hope these examples will help you brainstorm some ideas for a SWOT analysis of your own. How To Write In College.