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Ten years in, nobody has come up with a use for blockchain. The Art of Learning Summary - Deconstructing Excellence. The Art of Learning Summary Josh Waitzkin’s story is a fascinating one, culminating in a book that surpasses any other writing in its insight into how a world champion is made.

The Art of Learning Summary - Deconstructing Excellence

Everyone in the chess world knew the name Josh Waitzkin by the time he earned the Chess Master designation at the age of twelve, somewhere in the middle of his eight national championship titles. Notoriety in the chess world then morphed into pop culture fame five years later with the movie Searching for Bobby Fischer, which was based on Waitzkin’s life.

How to Study and Learn (Part One) All thinking occurs within, and across, disciplines and domains of knowledge and experience, yet few students learn how to think well within those domains.

How to Study and Learn (Part One)

Despite having taken many classes, few are able to think biologically, chemically, geographically, sociologically, anthropologically, historically, artistically, ethically, or philosophically. Students study literature, but do not think in a literary way as a result. They study poetry, but do not think poetically. Inceptionism: Going Deeper into Neural Networks. Posted by Alexander Mordvintsev, Software Engineer, Christopher Olah, Software Engineering Intern and Mike Tyka, Software EngineerUpdate - 13/07/2015Images in this blog post are licensed by Google Inc. under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Inceptionism: Going Deeper into Neural Networks

However, images based on places by MIT Computer Science and AI Laboratory require additional permissions from MIT for use.Artificial Neural Networks have spurred remarkable recent progress in image classification and speech recognition. But even though these are very useful tools based on well-known mathematical methods, we actually understand surprisingly little of why certain models work and others don’t. So let’s take a look at some simple techniques for peeking inside these networks. Bird Song Hero. An Interactive Guide To The Fourier Transform. The Fourier Transform is one of deepest insights ever made.

An Interactive Guide To The Fourier Transform

Unfortunately, the meaning is buried within dense equations: Yikes. Einstein’s Intuition : Quantum Space Theory. Thinking Chinese - An Insiders' Look at Modern China. Reading Marx’s Capital with David Harvey. Thinking like a Genius. Thinking and recall series Problem solving: creative solutions "Even if you're not a genius, you can use the same strategies as Aristotle and Einstein to harness the power of your creative mind and better manage your future.

Thinking like a Genius

" The following strategies encourage you to think productively, rather than reproductively, in order to arrive at solutions to problems. "These strategies are common to the thinking styles of creative geniuses in science, art, and industry throughout history. " Nine approaches to creative problem solving: Rethink! Exercise #2 illustrates how famous thinkers used these approaches. Exercise #1: illustrates applications of the nine approaches. Text of exercise:Nine approaches to creative problem solving: Rethink! Thinking and recall series.

Uncertain Certainty: The Nihility Of Knowing... "Last week, I jokingly asked a health club acquaintance whether he would change his mind about his choice for president if presented with sufficient facts that contradicted his present beliefs.

Uncertain Certainty: The Nihility Of Knowing...

He responded with utter confidence. "Absolutely not," he said. "No new facts will change my mind because I know that these facts are correct. " I was floored. In his brief rebuttal, he blindly demonstrated overconfidence in his own ideas and the inability to consider how new facts might alter a presently cherished opinion. In the current presidential election, a major percentage of voters are already committed to "their candidate"; new arguments and evidence fall on deaf ears. Perhaps the single academic study most germane to the present election is the 1999 psychology paper by David Dunning and Justin Kruger, "Unskilled and Unaware of It: How Difficulties in Recognizing One's Own Incompetence Lead to Inflated Self-Assessments. " Keywords for the Engines scripts. The Fermi Paradox: Advanced civilizations do not… This article is partly adapted from my TransVision 2007 presentation, “Whither ET?

The Fermi Paradox: Advanced civilizations do not…

What the failing search for extraterrestrial intelligence tells us about humanity's future.” Review of 2008: 100 great articles. Centre for Learning & Performance Technologies The Library Top down implementation of social learning won't work It's time to encourage people to use public social media tools - not ban them! What is social learning? An explanation using Twitter. List of cognitive biases. Systematic patterns of deviation from norm or rationality in judgment Cognitive biases are systematic patterns of deviation from norm and/or rationality in judgment. They are often studied in psychology, sociology and behavioral economics.[1] Although the reality of most of these biases is confirmed by reproducible research,[2][3] there are often controversies about how to classify these biases or how to explain them.[4] Several theoretical causes are known for some cognitive biases, which provides a classification of biases by their common generative mechanism (such as noisy information-processing[5]).

Gerd Gigerenzer has criticized the framing of cognitive biases as errors in judgment, and favors interpreting them as arising from rational deviations from logical thought.[6] Explanations include information-processing rules (i.e., mental shortcuts), called heuristics, that the brain uses to produce decisions or judgments. Belief, decision-making and behavioral[edit] Social[edit] The Size Of Our World. A genius explains. Daniel Tammet is talking.

A genius explains

As he talks, he studies my shirt and counts the stitches. Ever since the age of three, when he suffered an epileptic fit, Tammet has been obsessed with counting. Now he is 26, and a mathematical genius who can figure out cube roots quicker than a calculator and recall pi to 22,514 decimal places. Geometric double-meanings.

Jen-chung Chuan Department of Mathematics National Tsing Hua University Hsinchu, Taiwan 300 Introduction Why is a geometric figure important?

geometric double-meanings

A geometric figure clarifies a theorem, motivates a proof, stimulates the thinking process, sums up a lengthy animation, provides a counterexample to a wild conjecture, or just plainly announces the existence of a significant piece of mathematics. Why is a geometric figure interesting? Your Age On Other Worlds. Want to melt those years away?

Your Age On Other Worlds

Travel to an outer planet! <div class="js-required"><hr> This Page requires a Javascript capable browser <hr></div>