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Freetech4teachers / Foreign Language - ESL. BBC Languages – Free online lessons to learn and study with. Phrases in 5 common languages to know when traveling in Europe. Traveling abroad this summer? These helpful phrases will open doors and help you gain immediate acceptance.

You don't need to be fluent in the language of the country that you are traveling to, but learning some key phrases makes a great impression. If someone hears that you're trying to speak the language, they will give you their respect and help. From saying hello to asking how much something cost; knowing some important phrases will set you up for an amazing trip. Its also a great way to meet and connect with people, you can find a secret spot that only the locals know or the best place to eat in town. Your pronunciation doesn't have to be perfect, all that matters is that your trying and that means a lot the locals. Here are some helpful phrases in 5 common languages to know when traveling in Europe French, Italian, Spanish, German and Dutch The Basics: Hello: bonjour (bohn-zhoor) Please: S'il vous plaît (see voo play) Thank you: merci (mehr-see) Goodbye: au revoir (oh reh-vwar) I’m lost!

Language Learning with Livemocha | Learn a Language Online - Free! What’s a critical language and why study one? Languages - Homepage: All you need to start learning a foreign language. Your Guide to Languages on the Web. Radio Lingua Network. Essential phrases in 40 languages. International Phonetic Alphabet chart for English dialects. Nociones & Guia Basica de algunos Idiomas. Radio Lingua Network. Language index. iLoveLanguages - Your Guide to Languages on the Web.