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Arviointia. Taitettu Luokkahuone - Sormeillen - Flipped Classroom on tämän hetken puhutuimpia opetusteorioita. Flipped classroomin perusidea on vapauttaa oppitunnit tiedon prosessointiin ja konkretisoimiseen, jolloin oppilaan on helpompi ottaa tieto käyttöön arkielämässä. Flipped Classroom on mielenkiintoinen konstruktivistisen oppimiskäsityksen suuntaus, joka yhdistää konstruktivismin perusajatuksia itseohjautuvuudesta, tiedon rakentamisesta ja tulkitsemisesta järkevällä tavalla tvt:n käyttöön opetuksessa.

Yksinkertaistettuna Flipped Classroomia voidaan ajatella todellakin käännettynä opetuksena, jossa oppilas kotiläksynä, omalla ajallaan, kuuntelee, lukee, katsoo oppitunnin materiaalin, oli se sitten luentotaltiointi, video tai vaikkapa teksti. Oppitunti taas käytetään tiedon ymmärtämiseen ja haltuunottoon. Flipped Classroomin ideasta voi opettajalla nousta hiki helposti otsalle ja koko ajatus tuntua vain lisätyöltä. Koko prosessi voidaan tietysti toteuttaa myös parityönä tai ryhmänä.

Flipped learning itslearning Jyväskylvä. Flipped classroom, flipped teaching vai flipped learning? Flipped classroom -ajattelumalli on yksi tämän hetken kuumimmista pedagogisista puheenaiheista. Flipped-malli on yksi sulautuvan oppimisen toteutustapa, joka on perinteisesti ymmärretty videoiden hyödyntämisenä teoriaopetuksen metodina. Oppijat tutustuvat teoriaan itsenäisesti etänä, jolloin lähiopetukseen jää enemmän aikaa keskustelulle ja ongelmanratkaisulle.

Malli on suomennettu tieto- ja viestintätekniikka opetuksessa Facebook-ryhmässä "käänteiset opetusmenetelmät" -malliksi. BETT-messuilla Lontoossa 31.1.2013 flipped class-ajatuksen pioneerit, yhdysvaltalaiset Aaron Sams ja Jonathan Bergmann, luennoivat opetusmallin kehittymisestä. Miksi flipped classroom -ajatusta pitäisi pohtia? Samsin ja Bergmannin mielestä aiheen tärkeyttä voidaan lähestyä kysymällä: "Mikä on paras tapa käyttää aikaa, kun opettaja on oppilaan kanssa kasvotusten? " Flipped-ajattelun kehittyminen teoriassa ja käytännössä 1. 2. Flipped-ajattelun seuraava kehitysvaihe oli arvioinnin kehittäminen. 3. 4. Pohdinta e-Oppi Oy. Flipped classroom, flipped teaching vai flipped learning? Keynote. A Great Blooms Taxonomy Wheel for Teachers. PauhaGma : Oppimisen vaiheita... The future of learning is global - a vision for leadership | Leadership Think Tank. Tabletti opettajan työkaluna | I Padin käyttökokemuksia koulussa.

6 Learning Methods Every 21st Century Teacher should Know. After writing about the 14 techy concepts every teacher should know about, Educational Technology and Mobile Learning is providing you with a list of learning methods together with their definitions. Knowing about these methods and employing them in your classroom will definitely make a difference in your teaching practics. Check them out below and share with us what you think of them. Enjoy1-Inquiry-Based LearningThis is a learning process that is based on inquiry or asking questions. Through asking challenging questions learners get intrinsically motivated to start delving deeper to find answers for these questions and in doing so they are exploring new avenues of knowledge and insight.As you can see in the graphic below inquiry-based learning is a cyclical learning process composed of many different stages starting with asking questions and results in asking more questions.

Watch this video learn more about inquiry-based learning 1. 2. 3. And encouraging one another. 4. Skills. 5. Inquiry-Based Learning | Leadership Think Tank. 10 Ways to Teach Innovation. Getty By Thom Markham One overriding challenge is now coming to the fore in public consciousness: We need to reinvent just about everything. Whether scientific advances, technology breakthroughs, new political and economic structures, environmental solutions, or an updated code of ethics for 21st century life, everything is in flux—and everything demands innovative, out of the box thinking.

The burden of reinvention, of course, falls on today’s generation of students. So it follows that education should focus on fostering innovation by putting curiosity, critical thinking, deep understanding, the rules and tools of inquiry, and creative brainstorming at the center of the curriculum. This is hardly the case, as we know. In fact, innovation and the current classroom model most often operate as antagonists.

Move from projects to Project Based Learning. Teach concepts, not facts. Distinguish concepts from critical information. Make skills as important as knowledge. Form teams, not groups. Educational Technology and Mobile Learning: A Great Concept Map on Bloom's Digital Taxonomy. Yesterday while I was working on " the 21st century pedagogy chart " I came across this excellent graphic on Bloom's Digital Taxonomy. I am pretty sure this will be a great addition to the resources I have been compiling in the section called Bloom's Taxonomy for Teachers here in Educational Technology and Mobile Learning.This fabulous work has been done by Andrew Churches in which he relates higher order thinking skills included in Blooms Taxonomy to different digital skills.

The purpose is to highlight the importance of technology and digital skills in today's learning. This graphic is similar to the post I have published a couple of months ago entitled Web Based Bloom's Taxonomy and in which I featured a set of web tools that go under each category of Bloom's Higher Order Thinking Skills. Click on the image to enlarge it. “How To Do Research” Game. Educational Technology and Mobile Learning: Don't Miss This Critical Thinking Poster for your Class. One of the answers you would definitely get when you ask any teacher about the skills their students should have is critical thinking.

Of course there is more to it than just critical thinking, there is also the ability to Find informationvalidate this informationSynthesize itLeverage informationCommunicate informationCollaborate with itProblem solve itReflect about it Evaluate itPublish it All of these skills are very important for our students particularly in this digitally focused age but if you have a close look at this list you will notice that critical thinking is at the center and all the other skills revolve around it. Hence the importance of developing critical thinkers and learners. Critical thinking in its broadest meaning, refers to a diverse range of intellectual skills and activities concerned with evaluating information as well as evaluating our thought in a disciplined way. To learn more about critical learning I would recommend that you check these posts :

Great Critical Thinking Map for your Classroom. You ask any teacher today about the skills they want their students to develop and you will get critical thinking skills as an obvious answer; of course together with other skills. With the advance of technology and the educational paradigmatic shift that ensued , critical thinking skills have occupied a central part in the literature of teaching and learning pedagogy, not that these skills were not important before but I would say they came to the foreground now more than in any time before. Educational Technology and Mobile Learning has already covered this topic in some previous posts and you can check the following links to learn more about Critical thinking.

For today, I am sharing with you a great graphic that illustrates some elements of critical thinking process. Have a look and as always share with us you feedback. Enjoy. Brainy Approaches to Learning | Students at the Center. What Type of Learner Are You? [Infographic] Do you remember how you used to do your revisions in school and after? Which way was the most effective for you? Do you commit everything to memory, use mindmaps, make a recording of your teacher or lecturer’s lessons or carry around note cards to read on the way to school and back? Well, it turns out that the way one student studies may differ from the way a classmate does because there are different styles of learning we are individually adept for. There are essentially four types: visual learners, auditory learners, read and write learners, and kinesthetics learners.

Each function is clearly illustrated and explained in today’s featured infographic by Tell us which is your learning style. Recommended Reading: More infographics Spot an infographic you think will be a perfect fit here? Verkko- ja mobiiliopetuksen perusteita. Verkkotyöskentelyn suunnittelu: opetus ja hankkeet. Oppimateriaalia verkosta! Verkkomaailman ja sosiaalisen median tilannekatsaus. Open Päivitys avoimet sisällöt -kooste. Pelillistäminen työssä.

Pelillistämisellä (gamification) tarkoitetaan peleistä tuttujen toimintatapojen ja ominaisuuksien, kuten innostamisen, hauskuuden, sosiaalisuuden ja asetettujen tavoitteiden saavuttamisesta palkitsemisen sisällyttämistä työhön, kuluttamiseen ja oppimiseen. Pelillisyys on ollut erittäin vahvasti nouseva trendi kuluttajasegmentillä viime vuosina , eikä pelkästään Foursquaren ansiosta.

Gartnerin mukaan yleisimmät pelillistämisen alueet ovat innovaatiotoiminta, koulutus, henkilökohtainen kehittyminen sekä asiakkaiden osallistaminen. Jopa neljäsosaan liiketoimintaprosesseja oltaisiin vuoteen 2015 mennessä sisällyttämässä pelillistämistä. (Lähteet linkitetty edellä!) Aktiivipelaajat ovat osoittaneet tutkimuksissa keskivertoa parempaa havaintokykyä ja yleistä kognitiivista kykyä.

Koska pelien kanssa varttunut sukupolvi on jo aktiivisena työelämässä, on pelimekaniikan soveltaminen myös työhön entistä luontevampaa. Pelillistäminen ei ole uusi asia. Tässä muutama vinkki: Oppimispelit. Miltä oppiminen näyttää tulevaisuudessa? Oppiminen kehittynyt hitaasti Millaista oppiminen on tulevaisuudessa? Ei ainakaan samanlaista kuin nykyään.

Viime vuosikymmenien huomattavasta teknologisesta kehityksestä huolimatta opetusmetodit ovat säilyneet hyvin samanlaisina – lukuunottamatta tiedonhaun ja oppimisympäristöjen siirtymistä osittain verkkoon. Opiskelijat istuvat edelleen samoissa luentosaleissa ja luokkahuoneissa, luennoitsija pitää luentoaan luokan edessä ja tentissä kirjoista opiskellut vastaukset kirjoitetaan käsin tenttipaperiin. Teknologinen kehitys vie meidät ubiikkiyhteiskuntaan Tulevaisuuden oppiminen näyttää kuitenkin hyvin erilaiselta. Luokkahuoneet tullaan hylkäämään tarpeettomina, opettajasta tulee räätäli, oppilaasta tuottaja ja kriittisyydestä välttämätön hyve. ”Ubiikin ajan” oppiminen perustuu oppijan innostukselle. Turun yliopiston professori Sirkka Heinosen mukaan tämän hetkisen kehityksen myös opetus mullistuu teknologian tuella.

Uudenlainen oppiminen kokonaisvaltaista ja yksilöllistä. The 10 Skills Modern Teachers Must Have. The above image is 8.5×11″ so you can print it out. PDF is available here . There’s been a lot of talk about 21st century learners, 21st century teachers, and connected classrooms.

There’s a daily influx of new technology into your inbox and your classroom feels woefully behind the times even if you’re flipping your 1:1 iPad classroom that’s already online and part of a MOOC . What are modern teachers to do with all this jargon and techno-babble being thrown at them all day long? Simple. In my experience, I’ve seen teachers attempt to integrate 30 iPads into their classroom by handing them out and then trying to figure out which apps are worth using. In order to do this, you’ll need skills modern teachers must have. 1) Build Your PLN Whether you call it a ‘personal learning network’ or a ‘professional learning network’ is not important. 2) Establish Real Relationships Whether it’s online or offline, the ability to establish real relationships is critical to any modern teacher. 7) Slow Down.

36 Things Every 21st Century Teacher Should Be Able To Do. What should every teacher in the 21st century know and be able to do? That’s an interesting question. After just now seeing this excellent post on, I thought I’d contribute to the conversation. I added the twist of ranking them from least complex to most complex, so novices can start at the bottom, and you veterans out there can skip right to 36. 36 Things Every 21st Century Teacher Should Be Able To Do 1. Whether you choose a text message, email, social media message, Skype session, or a Google+ Hangouts depends on who you need to communicate with and why—purpose and audience. 2. Email won’t always work. 3. Hit the Print Screen button near your number pad on a keyboard on Windows. 4. Know what it means to be Rick Roll’d, the difference between a fail and an epic fail, why Steve is a scumbag, and who sad Keannu is. 5.

Not everyone loves technology. An RT as an olive branch. 6. 7. Tone is lost when you type. 8. This is dead-simple, but you never know. 9. 10. 11. 12.