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2 Outils de productivité

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Do vs. Done Lists: Jot Down Your Small Wins to Amplify Success. If you’re reading the Evernote Blog, chances are you’re someone who loves to get things done.

Do vs. Done Lists: Jot Down Your Small Wins to Amplify Success

To move the needle. Catastrophe Checklist: The Simple Art of Navigating Stress. In the event of decompression, an oxygen mask will automatically appear in front of you.

Catastrophe Checklist: The Simple Art of Navigating Stress

Place it firmly over your nose and mouth, secure the elastic band behind your head, and breathe normally. If you are traveling with a child or someone who requires assistance, secure your mask on first, and then assist the other person. What would you do in an emergency plane landing? I am sure you have heard the word “checklist.” Your first thought may be a grocery list or a to-do list. I first came to the simple power of checklists on a flight to Chicago. 7 Productivity-Boosting Apps for Busy Entrepreneurs. If you're running your own business, you know a thing or two about juggling -- working top-speed on numerous projects while trying to find enough hours in the day to get everything done.

7 Productivity-Boosting Apps for Busy Entrepreneurs

So when you hear about apps that promise to streamline your life, making quick work of tedious, but necessary, tasks or helping you to get your team on the same page, it's reasonable to believe you'd be interested. Related: 7 Mobile Apps For The Connected Entrepreneur Let's take a closer look at some of the latest productivity-boosting apps on the market and learn more about how they can help overtaxed entrepreneurs regain two of the most valuable commodities -- time and sanity. CloudApp. Video/Audio. Productivity Strategies. Self Actualisation. Nikola Tesla's Best Productivity Tricks. Don't Break the Chain. Freelancer Time Management Systems. "The Master does nothing, yet he leaves nothing undone.

Freelancer Time Management Systems

The ordinary man is always doing things, yet many more are left to be done. "-- Tao Te Ching Sometimes I wish I was a vampire, or at least a werewolf. It would probably make this whole work-life balance thing people talk about easier. 17 Small Productivity Habits. The Mini-Habit The idea behind mini habits is that you can get to a larger habit if you start small, create simple goals, and aim for consistency.

17 Small Productivity Habits



Pretty soon it will be fully replaced by in all our apps. The two system are separate. To send actions to Nozbe via Email, start off by going to “Settings” to set up your nickname and PIN. What is Fargo? Friday, August 23, 2013 at 3:55 AM Fargo is a simple idea outliner, notepad, todo list, blogging tool, project organizer.

What is Fargo?

. # Online outliner and task manager for geeks. 5 web tools to keep you productive — on any desktop. You have work to do, deadlines are looming.

5 web tools to keep you productive — on any desktop

Then: a crash, theft, damage... We’ve all experienced this (or, at least, we know people who have). If you're #iPadOnly and have a secondary device, lucky you. Tout sur - GTD Getting Things Done application en ligne pour iPhone iPad et Android pour la gestion du temps et de la productivité. 5 People Skills In 5 Minutes. Nonverbal communication is the most under-utilized tool in our arsenal.

5 People Skills In 5 Minutes

Studies have shown at a MINIMUM, 60% of our communication is nonverbal–through body, voice tone and facial expressions. Some studies put it as high as 93%. However, we rarely think about our body language. Weekly_Review_Checklist.pdf. Day One. Efficacité personnelle : toutes les fiches conseils. 20 actions simples pour gagner une heure par jour Se défaire de quelques réflexes chronophages peut suffire à rendre sa journée de travail bien plus efficace.

Efficacité personnelle : toutes les fiches conseils

La marche à suivre. Free to Focus. What makes Free to Focus different than Getting Things Done (GTD) or other productivity systems? Michael has benefitted greatly from David Allen’s work. He’s a friend who even endorsed Michael’s most recent book, Living Forward. But as we conducted productivity surveys for this course, we found that GTD doesn’t work for everyone. The majority of our survey respondents (77%) said that it either didn’t work for them at all (12%) or that it only worked for them in a limited capacity (65%). Many stated that it was just too complicated for them. - how to get anything done! How to manage your day-to-day energy (with Nozbe) Some people rely on their calendars completely: they work on reducing blank holes in their schedule, minimizing time spent in meetings and tasks and optimizing processes.

But what if this isn't enough to fully improve our workdays? Tony Schwartz and Catherine McCarthy, in their fundamental article from 2007, point out the drawbacks of time-based planning. Time is a finite resource. Energy is a different story, they say. Working longer hours does impact your productivity, but in the opposite way than you’d expect. The authors emphasized four core energy sources: the human body, emotions, mind and spirit.

Focus Booster : restez concentré sur votre tâche ! Tomato Timer.


Cartes cognitives. Convertir PDF en Word. Comment convertir PDF en Word Envoyez-nous votre fichier en le déposant dans l'espace prévu ou en cliquant sur le bouton "Choisir un fichier". Attendez la fin de la conversion et téléchargez votre fichier doc. Vos fichiers sont dans un coffre fort La confidentialité est un de nos objectifs. Nous effaçons tous les fichiers de nos serveurs après une heure. Bienvenue à toutes les plateformes! Notre convertisseur fonctionne sur tous les ordinateurs: Mac, Windows ou Linux. PDF Viewer for iOS & Android - Reading, Reviewing, Annotating - Made Easy.

Pearltrees Alternatives. Pearltrees - Et si on se passait de Google? Internet est-il devenu si riche qu'on doive maintenant repenser la façon d'y naviguer efficacement? Seafile, un Dropbox-like libre à héberger sort en version 3. Sumnotes. Extraire l’essentiel de vos fichiers PDF – Les Outils Tice. Sumnotes est un outil en ligne qui permet d’extraire facilement les passages surlignés et toutes vos notes personnelles depuis un fichier PDF.

Si vous avez l’habitude de travailler avec de longs PDF et de surligner des passages importants lors de votre lecture, Sumnotes va grandement vous faciliter la vie. Ce service en ligne va en effet vous permettre d’exporter tous les passages annotés et les commentaires en un clic et vous pourrez ainsi vous concentrer sur l’essentiel. Sumnotes va extraire annotations et images contenues dans vos livres, notes ou papiers au format PDF.

Aide à l'écriture

Nozbe - to-do, task, project and time management application. Cloud : les alternatives libres à Dropbox, Google Drive et consorts - 50 outils et astuces incontournables pour Dropbox. Diigo - Better reading and research with annotation, highlighter, sticky notes, archiving, bookmarking & more.