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Christmas gifts

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Raumdinge. ... zum Beispiel Halloween.


War ich immer TOTAL dagegen! Aber da hat man einen Vierjährigen zuhause – und der ist natürlich fasziniert von Kürbisgeistern und Co. ... und schon sind alle Vorsätze (MACH ICH NIE MIT!) Dahin. Und so haben wir dieses Jahr gemeinsam gebastelt. Zum einen natürlich einen Kürbisgeist geschnitzt, aber dann zum anderen noch diese Fledermäuse angefertigt. >> Zuerst die Klorollen am oberen Ende etwas nach innen drücken, so dass zwei Ohren entstehen. Sorry – dass mal wieder so lange Funkstille war – viele E-Mails habe ich bekommen, die sich erkundigt hatten, ob alles gut ist. Und dann suchen wir seid über einem Jahr ein neues Zuhause ... was enorm Zeit und noch viel mehr NERVEN kostet – vor allem, wenn man einfach NICHTS findet.UNGLAUBLICH, was einem da alles angeboten wird! ABER: Demnächst gibts wieder mehr Beiträge ... habe schon so manche Idee im Kopf ... ;-) Adventskalender_wichtel02_anleitung. Tree-card. Crafts Tutorials Blog - Ideas For Crafts.

Make a gift bow from a magazine page. In gift wrap emergencies when you've got the present but need some wrapping, here's an idea for turning a magazine page into a bow.

Make a gift bow from a magazine page

There may be better ways to stick this thing together, but I used what I had on hand: staples and adhesive glue dots. Double stick tape or brads should work, too. Cut a magazine page lengthwise into 9 strips, 3/4" wide. DIY-Tutorial: 3D-Weihnachtskarten. Zählt ihr auch zu der Gattung Alles-auf-den-(aller)letzten-Drücker-Weihnachtsmensch?

DIY-Tutorial: 3D-Weihnachtskarten

Jedes Jahr weiß ich, dass Weihnachten kommt, trotzdem erwischt es mich dann doch immer eiskalt. Für all diejenigen, die gerne noch schnell selbstgemachte Karten verschicken möchten, haben wir zwei Tutorials rausgesucht und höchstpersönlich auf ihre Umsetzbarkeit getestet. Und glaubt mir, die sind wirklich einfach. 3D-Weihnachtsbäume. The Gunny Sack: Scratch Off iGive Tickets Tutorial {free printable} It is so easy for Christmas to become all about receiving especially for kids.

The Gunny Sack: Scratch Off iGive Tickets Tutorial {free printable}

How do you keep the gimmies away and get your kids into the Christmas spirit of giving? That is something I think about every year. One year, I had my kids go through their toys to give to others. Most of the time they sell the toys they outgrow at our garage sale and then buy something new. But I thought it would be nice for them to be able to pass on the things they loved to someone they thought would enjoy it.

Another way my kids like to give at Christmas is to put money into the red Salvation Army buckets! Christine’s high school is collecting toys, hat and mittens to give to people in our town. And this Christmas we are involved in the Champions for Kids Simple Service Project Of the Month. But I also wanted to come up with a way to get kids (and adults) to think about giving regularly. Organizing for Christmas~Project 1: Make A Fun Clipboard for Lists or Photos... This week, I am writing a series about getting organized for Christmas.I am featuring a few little ideas to help make Christmas organized and pretty for the CEO of Santa's workshop.....Mom.

Organizing for Christmas~Project 1: Make A Fun Clipboard for Lists or Photos...

As Halloween wraps up, I am moving on to getting organized for Christmas. This week I will be putting all the Halloween decorations away. I will start decorating for Christmas after November 12. At our house, we respectfully observe Remembrance Day for Canadian Veterans on November 11. A few years ago, Linda at Restyled Home wrote an amazing post about how November is about getting ready for Christmas and December is for enjoying Christmas. I so agree with that theory! So in November, my goals are: CINNAMON SUGARED PECANS. This happens to be one of my favorite recipes!


For some strange reason, I had an abudance of pecans in my freezer that I needed to use. Usually I make candied almonds, but pecans are also very good. In fact, I think I love every kind of nut! I’m warning you now though, you can’t eat just one of these babies and then set the bowl aside. Remember, you can use any kind of nut that your family likes. Print 1 large egg white3 cups pecan halves or other raw nuts1/3 cup cinnamon & sugarCINNAMON SUGAR MIXTURE:Use one tablespoon cinnamon + 1/3 cup sugar and stir togetherBe sure to use good quality cinnamon.2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract1/4 teaspoon salt Preheat oven to 300 degrees.Whisk the egg white in a cup. Craft Ideas for Christmas - Handmade Christmas Decorations. Bird Seed Ornaments for Outdoor Use. With winter fast approaching, I don't want to forget our little feathered friends.

Bird Seed Ornaments for Outdoor Use

It is super easy to make beautiful little ornaments that not only look really pretty, but will also feed our little feathered friends. They need our help when the snow arrives and you'll love watching them through the window from your cozy home. There are several different design ideas. You could add these to the branches of a tree and the little birds will have their very own Christmas tree. If you know any nature lovers, this will be a great alternative gift. You'll Need: 3/4 cup flour 1/2 cup water 1 envelope unflavored gelatin 3 tbsp. corn syrup 4 cups birdseed molds (muffin tin, cookie cutters, etc.) nonstick spray drinking straw waxed paper ribbon/twin 1: Combine the flour, water, gelatin and corn syrup in a large mixing bowl. 2: Add the birdseed to the mixture, stir until well coated. 3: Spray your mold(s) with cooking spray, and spoon birdseed mixture into each mold.