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Web 2.0 Tools for Educators. Sign Up for LocaModa. How to Use Cell Phones as Learning Tools. Does your staff need Educational Technology training?

How to Use Cell Phones as Learning Tools

The K-12 Teachers Alliance can help you plan your in-service professional development at no additional cost. Regardless of your school’s cell phone policy, the reality in most schools is that students have phones in their pockets, purses, or hoodies. Why not get these tools out in plain sight and use them for good and not evil? Here are some easy to use strategies to use cell phones in the classrooms. Proven teaching strategies to boost your students' happiness. Le blog du prof geek. Une calculatrice simple et efficace sur son ordinateur. Speedcrunch est une calculatrice gratuite à installer sur son ordinateur.

Une calculatrice simple et efficace sur son ordinateur

Si vous utilisez parfois la calculatrice Windows, celle-ci vous paraîtra nettement plus efficace, et son interface plus agréable. Speedcrunch fonctionne aussi sous Mac OS et sous environnement Linux. Choisir son outil MétaTIC, comment ? Pour vous aider à choisir une « MétaTIC » nous vous proposons de rechercher trois aspects, la possibilité de garder des traces du processus de construction, la possibilité de renvoyer un effet miroir (un écho) à l’élève, la possibilité d’aider au méta-questionnement de l’élève.

Choisir son outil MétaTIC, comment ?

Ce schéma explicite quelque peu ces « portes ». Porte Traces Plusieurs logiciels permettent de garder la trace du cheminement, du processus, que l’élève a utilisé pour construire son produit final. On peut donner comme exemples les éditeurs de texte suivants : Google Document,, un wiki, etc. What are the 10 Secret Benefits of Blogging? Just about everyone is a blogger these days whether they realize it or not.

What are the 10 Secret Benefits of Blogging?

If you write something on Facebook and receive comments and feedback then you are a blogger. Tweet a short sentence of 140 characters on Twitter and you are a micro blogger. Upload a video to YouTube where you can obtain subscribers and elicit comments, then you are a video blogger. Arianna Huffington said that “self expression has become the new entertainment” and people are increasingly likely to participate online than just vegetate in front of the television.

It is creating an explosion of creativity and expression that is opening up digital doors for invisible experts worldwide. QR Code Treasure Hunt Generator from QR Codes Explained and Ideas for Classroom Use. When I lead workshops or give presentations I typically don't distribute handouts in paper form.

QR Codes Explained and Ideas for Classroom Use

Instead I just give the link to my digital resources for that day's presentation or workshop. Recently, I have started to deviate from that policy just a little bit. Now I like to place printed QR codes in a dozen or so locations in the room. Those QR codes are linked to my slides and digital handouts. 11 Techy Things for Teachers to Try This Year. The new school year is here for many teachers.

11 Techy Things for Teachers to Try This Year

For those who haven't started school yet, the new school year will be here soon. If you've set the goal of trying something new in your classroom this year (shouldn't that always be one of our goals), here are eleven techy things teachers should try this year. 1. Build a Blog or Build a Better Blog Blogs can serve many purposes for teachers. Three good platforms for classroom blogging are Blogger, Edublogs, and Kid Blog. 2. Apple Education, Consultation and Professional Development. Teach Digital. Lecture. Teachers Guide on The Use of Wikis in Education. Here are some platforms where you can start your wiki for free.

Teachers Guide on The Use of Wikis in Education

They are among the best available for teachers : 1- Wikispaces : This is a free wiki host providing community wiki spaces, visual page editing, and discussion areas. It is my favourite platform and it is the first one I would recommend you try for your class. 2- PBworks This is another great wiki hosting platform that lets anyone sign up and create a new wiki but the free version is ad-supported. NetSupport School : solution pédagogique. Ten Ideas for Using Instagram in the Classroom. I didn't understand the pull of Instagram the first time I heard about it.

Ten Ideas for Using Instagram in the Classroom

To me, it sounded like a fancy app that would take regular pictures and make them look like they were crappy, old photographs. Eventually, though, I changed my mind. I saw the artistic side of the app and eventually began to see the social interaction. Instagram became another layer of sharing our world and telling our stories. After spending a few months using it, I see a powerful element that I had failed to understand before. And yet, for me, Instagram has done the opposite. So, with that in mind, I'm thinking of ten ways I might use Instagram with my students next year: 1. 2. 3.

ePortfolio de David Martel. Carrefour éducation. Les applications gratuites ou en promo (20 juin 2012) (posté le 20 juin 2012) Déjà le troisième numéro de notre nouvelle rubrique « C’est gratuit ou en promo » !

Les applications gratuites ou en promo (20 juin 2012)

Pour rappel, cette rubrique signale des applications gratuites ou en promotion, que j’ai toutes téléchargées et testées avec Ulysse, Achille (parfois Théo et Alice aussi). Les commentaires qui accompagnent les petites présentations sont les résultats de ces petits tests. Si vous aimez, n’hésitez pas à la faire connaître, sur Facebook ou Twitter. 8 Free and simple tools to create video tutorials for Teachers. Le Devoir en classe. Souvenez-vous de tout. Autorisation photo, video, comptes et publications web.

Treize outils pour la formation professionnelle individualisée. Sur son blogue Didactique professionnelle, Henri Boudreault Ph.D., professeur en formation professionnelle et technique à l'Université du Québec à Montréal, a publié l'an dernier une de ses présentations, "L'apprenant adulte en enseignement individualisé".

Treize outils pour la formation professionnelle individualisée

Le didacticien y explique l’utilisation de treize outils "permettant de mettre en place une démarche d’enseignement différencié à l’éducation des adultes en formation professionnelle". Il propose des instruments pédagogiques pour assurer un tel enseignement et mentionne que la particularité de la formation professionnelle aux adultes serait qu'on y enseigne des compétences à des personnes pour lesquelles "l’adhésion à la formation, le sens et la pertinence des apprentissages jouent un rôle essentiel". 13 instruments didactiques 1. Class Widgets - Custom Widgets for iBooks Author. Apprendre en animant. Veille technologique. Plateforme de devoirs WeBWorK - Moodle Docs UQAM. La littératie avec les TIC. Musée virtuel du Canada (MVC)

Mission possible en TIC! - Accueil. Applications pédagogiques de l'ordinateur. Coffre à outils pédagogiques » Actu@liTIC. Le son des lettres et Letter sounds : du Montessori pour débutant en lecture ou en anglais !