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Robert J. Lang Origami. STEM challenges and awards. Hacking STEM: Activity Library. Scorpio Technology. Bridge Designer 2016 Software. LittleBIGidea. Tinkering Labs. Learning through REAL Projects - REAL Projects. Zero Robotics - Engineering & IT. Zero Robotics , led in Australia by the University of Sydney's Faculty of Engineering and Information Technologies, is one of the world's biggest computer programming competitions.

Zero Robotics - Engineering & IT

It is a robotics programming competition which challenges participants to test their coding skills on NASA robots known as SPHERES (Synchronized, Position, Hold, Engage, Reorient Experimental Satellites) aboard the International Space Station. Teams from high schools around the world program the SPHERES to solve challenges. CSER Digital Technologies Education.

Department of Education and Training. The Digital Literacy School Grants are an initiative under the Inspiring all Australians in Digital Literacy and STEM measure of the National Innovation and Science Agenda.

Department of Education and Training

Grants of between $10,000 and $50,000 are available for schools and other organisations to encourage and facilitate implementation of the new Australian Curriculum: Digital Technologies. Grants will be awarded for project proposals that demonstrate innovative methods for driving enhanced digital literacy in schools. Grant proposals must: Focus on school−based activities or programs that support school leaders and teachers to understand and implement the Australian Curriculum: Digital Technologies on a whole of school basis, and/or Engage students with the Australian Curriculum: Digital Technologies.

Examples of projects could include: Round one Projects. Tony Wagner’s Seven Survival Skills – Tony Wagner. “The idea that a company’s senior leaders have all the answers and can solve problems by themselves has gone completely by the wayside…The person who’s close to the work has to have strong analytic skills.

Tony Wagner’s Seven Survival Skills – Tony Wagner

You have to be rigorous: test your assumptions, don’t take things at face value, don’t go in with preconceived ideas that you’re trying to prove.” —Ellen Kumata, consultant to Fortune 200 companies “The biggest problem we have in the company as a whole is finding people capable of exerting leadership across the board…Our mantra is that you lead by influence, rather than authority.”

—Mark Chandler, Senior Vice President and General Counsel at Cisco. UFACTORY. Classroom projects. Implicit Bias in the STEM Classroom. We all hold implicit biases about people that influence our behavior and interactions in ways we don’t even realize.

Implicit Bias in the STEM Classroom

When teachers’ hidden attitudes and beliefs about students are based on race, ethnicity, and/or gender, they may unwittingly communicate negative messages to their black, brown, and female students about their abilities to tackle STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) subjects. Pervasive stereotypical images of scientists and other STEM professionals (think Albert Einstein) may further reinforce to these students that STEM careers are important, but are not for them. The black astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson addressed how it feels to be on the receiving end of this type of bias when he was asked to make a speech at his elementary school. The Universe of Engineering - Engage, Enjoy, Engineer. Day Of STEM. NEED A HAND – Enabling The Future. Find out how you can get a 3D printed hand for you or someone you know!

NEED A HAND – Enabling The Future

If you are interested in creating a 3D printed upper limb assistive device from the open source files of the e-NABLE Community, for yourself or someone else, there are many options available to you! Please keep in mind that is not a matching service! We are not responsible for any devices created by any global 3D printing volunteers for end users of these devices. We simply offer information and links to information created by the global e-NABLE Community through this website. Please choose from the options below: I WANT TO BUILD IT MYSELF AND I HAVE ACCESS TO A 3D PRINTER! STELR. STEM School & Industry Partnerships. Home.

Engineers Without Borders Australia. NASA released a ton of software for free and here’s some you should try. NASA has just published its 2017-2018 software catalog, which lists the many apps, code libraries and tools that pretty much anyone can download and use.

NASA released a ton of software for free and here’s some you should try

Of course, most of it is pretty closely tied to… you know, launching spacecraft and stuff, which most people don’t do. But here are a few items that might prove useful to tinkers and curious lay people alike. If you’re interested in a piece of software, head to the link provided; it should provide the release or license type (some things are limited to the U.S., for instance), a contact you can hit up for more info and sometimes a dedicated site for the app or service. Flying around looking at things, NASA style. SPI 2016 – STEM Programme Index 2016. 3D Resources. NASA - Station Spacewalk Game. <center><div class="site_errors"><div class="floatType_site_error_top"></div><div class="floatType_site_error"><table summary="layout table"><tr><td bgcolor="#000000"><font color="#ffffff"><h2><img src="/templateimages/redesign/modules/overlay/site_error.gif" title="Site Error" alt="Site Error"/>There's a problem with your browser or settings.

NASA - Station Spacewalk Game

</h2></font><font color="#ffffff"><p>Your browser or your browser's settings are not supported. To get the best experience possible, please download a compatible browser. If you know your browser is up to date, you should check to ensure that javascript is enabled. NASA's Software Catalog. HASSE Senior Space School Program — iVicon Australia. HASSE Senior Space School Program is designed for students ages 15 and up.

HASSE Senior Space School Program — iVicon Australia

Australian School students will have the opportunity to tour NASA facilities and learn from scientists and engineers who work in the space program. This program includes hands on simulations and projects that are focused on NASA’s Mars mission program. Students will simulate the launch and landing of a robotic rover on Mars. Besides understanding the engineering involved in the landing, students will be given a budget and be required to use their risk assessment and managerial skills to plan the mission. Draw Your Own Circuits With Our Conductive Ink Pens.

STEM thinking

A Free STEM Project Journal for Solution Fluency Learning. High Tech High. STEM Career Resources - RiAusRiAus. Jansen Walker - Beta 2 by 4volt. An openly designed Creative Commons Licensed robot.

Jansen Walker - Beta 2 by 4volt

Note: New Version (Beta 2.1) posted 06/05/2009 New features: 12 legs instead of 8, "drop-in" center platform, 1:1.8 ratio gears, many small changes. I only update this listing for major revisions of the walker, it\'s possible there\'s a minor revision posted at my site that is not here: What you see here is the Jansen walker, a laser-cut robot, based on the Jansen Mechanism. Build your own DIY “Animal” (Theo Jansen Strandbeest) Project Ignite. Refraction Media — Excellence in science content and publishingRefraction Media. LED Light Drawing Pens: Tools for drawing light doodles. I'll be creating a blue light pen.

LED Light Drawing Pens: Tools for drawing light doodles

Attention to voltage requirements and current draw are important as different color LEDs have different ratings. Here is a list of the parts used. Plastic Tubing - 5/8" outside diameter - 1/2" inside diameter Plastic Tubing - 1/2" outside diameter - 3/8" inside diameter 1 LED 1 Normally Open Switch 1 20 ohm Resistor - size is determined using Ohm's law 3 1.5 volt Button Batteries Heat shrink tubing 24 gauge wire Electrician's tape LEDs, switch, resistors, heat shrink and electrician's tape purchased at local electronics store. Gear Generator. Animation: * Shift + Enter: Set RPM of the selected gear * Shift + Enter: modifies the Diametral pitch Display About Gear Generator is a tool for creating involute spur gears and download them in SVG format. Why this tool was created? Wintergatan. Whoops! 12 Tales Of Accidental Brilliance In Science. Courtesy of Texas A&M University; Johanna Varner; Oregon State University; Stanford News Service; Carlos Jared Author Isaac Asimov once wrote, "The most exciting phrase to hear in science, the one that heralds new discoveries, is not 'Eureka!

' but, 'That's funny ... ' " Good scientists search for the significance of surprises, coincidences and mistakes. With a little curiosity and perseverance, they can turn unexpected incidents into new insights. The Golden Mole Award, from NPR's Skunk Bear, celebrates these moments of serendipity in science. STEM at Calrossy Anglican School. Time travel: take a peek at the future of transportation - in pictures. Why the history of maths is also the history of art. When I was a graduate student in art history, I read many explanations of abstract art, but they were invariably inadequate and misleading.

So after completing my PhD, I went on to learn the history of biology, physics, and astronomy, and to publish a book detailing how modern art is an expression of the scientific worldview. Tutorials for WPF, WebGL, Individual and Group Behavior, Workplace Diversity, Consumer Behavior, Business Ethics, Work Life Balannce, Data Structure & Algorithms, Business Acumen, Business Etiquette, Cracking Interviews, Drupal, Spark, Spark SQL, R, Apach. Learn to code. Front End Developer Playground & Code Editor in the Browser. First Australians were also the first farmers. LEAP - National Indigenous Science Education Program. Macquarie University's Indigenous Science Education Program (ISEP) was expanded as part of the LEAP program in 2010 and has continued to reach more students and community members.

In 2011 ISEP was awarded an Australian Learning and Teaching Award for Programs that Enhance Learning and in 2012 was successful in receiving an Inspiring Australia grant to expand its programs nationally. The National Indigenous Science Education Program (NISEP) is an innovative, university based program, run collaboratively by Macquarie University staff, high school staff, Aboriginal communities and a growing number of partner organisations and universities. The main aim of NISEP is to provide secondary students, especially Indigenous students, with the motivation and skills to complete their high school studies and to open pathways to tertiary education. NISEP: The main activities through which NISEP currently address these aims include: Engineering Innovation. An Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python (Part 1) from Coursera. Design Technology.