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4 easy ways to fit maker activities into your curriculum. Learning by Design: The idea that moved a district. April Fool's Day in the Classroom: 8 Resources for Teachers. I still remember April Fool's Day when I was a fourth grader.

April Fool's Day in the Classroom: 8 Resources for Teachers

A reading comprehension worksheet went out to the class, and in minutes, we were all dumbfounded. The story and questions were incomprehensible, written in complete gibberish. But our teacher went along with the joke. We had a half hour to finish it, and it was going to be worth a substantial amount of points. I don’t remember how long the gag lasted exactly, but I do remember all of us sitting there, mouths agape, wondering if the assignment was serious. Chrome Experiments for Virtual Reality. Apps for Google Cardboard – Google. Create Your Guts Out! 30hands Mobile is a fun, innovative storytelling app that allows students, teachers and anyone with creativity to easily create narrated stories or presentations based on photos, images, drawings using an iPad, iPhone or iPod.

Create Your Guts Out!

Different from other presentation apps, 30hands Mobile focuses on the power of storytelling and ITERATIVE CREATIVITY. Like pages in a book, photos or images are dragged around the desktop into the order of the story. Top 36 Educators To Follow That Have Less Than 1000 Followers. ***This blog post is co-written by Craig Badura & Brent Catlett*** As connected educators Brent and I strongly believe in ALL educators being connected.

Top 36 Educators To Follow That Have Less Than 1000 Followers

We believe that building and developing a PLN (Personal/Professional Learning Network) is an important task for ALL educators to be doing, not just a few. Monsters on Twitter. I apologize if you were looking for real Monsters.

Monsters on Twitter

You won't find them here! What you will find is an awesome project that we did with our 3rd graders that deals with writing about Monsters. And it all came about because of a connection I made on Twitter. This summer I created a sign-up site for Mystery Skypes and was interested in giving credit to the original "founder" of the Mystery Skype idea.

Unlocking the Code for Robotics in the Classroom. In President Obama's final State of the Union address, he expressed the importance of "helping students learn to write computer code.

Unlocking the Code for Robotics in the Classroom

" In a recent YouTube video for, Obama spoke to students, urging them to "master the tools and technology that will change just about everything. " Obama is correct. "WHEN ARE WE GONNA DO THAT AGAIN?" "It is today we must create the world of the future.


" Eleanor Roosevelt I did something in class today that doesn't happen very often. I had EVERY SINGLE KID engaged. As educators, we all strive to differentiate our lesson so that it caters to all of our students. Yes, it is hard to do. Creating & App Smashing with App Dice. I have to give all the credit for this awesome idea to Ryan Read.

Creating & App Smashing with App Dice

Ryan is an Integration Specialist in Illinois and boy does he have some great ideas! I ran across his #appdice idea while perusing my Twitter stream last Spring and was immediately intrigued. 10 Activities to do on an iPad instead of a Worksheet. I always have teachers wanting to know how they can better utilize the iPad in their classrooms.

10 Activities to do on an iPad instead of a Worksheet

I know that it's very easy when first receiving an iPad to take a worksheet that you have done for several years, and convert it to glass. But glass can be boring too, so I created this Breakfast Club session to give my teachers some ideas on ways to better utilize this powerful tool in their classrooms. So the "activities" that I started coming up with started turning into all sorts of ideas and app suggestions. Tool or Weapon? Addressing Cyberhate in the Classroom. One of the most newsworthy incidents this summer was the tragic murder of nine African American parishioners in Charleston, South Carolina.

Tool or Weapon? Addressing Cyberhate in the Classroom

The suspect in the crime, 21-year-old Dylann Storm Roof, is a white man who was known to be heavily influenced by online white supremacist hate speech, most notably from the Council of Conservative Citizens, a group that now functions primarily as an Internet clearinghouse for racial fear-mongering "news" stories. At the opposite end of the spectrum, Konner Sauve, an 18-year-old high school senior, made headlines in June when he revealed that he was behind the yearlong anonymous posting of 650 photos and kind messages to other students at East Valley High in Yakima, Washington.

Sauve said, "I wanted to focus on the better aspects of people. To shed a positive light on each individual, make them feel appreciated, and to know that someone cares. " The Instagram account, @thebenevolentone3, has 14.3K followers. Maker Education. Geocaching. Free High-Resolution Photos. PowToon, free business presentation software animated video maker and PowerPoint alternative.

Screencast-O-Matic - Free online screen recorder for instant screen capture video sharing. Genius Hour - Where Passions Come Alive - Genius Hour. 12 Roles For Google Drive In The Classroom. 6 Fun Ways Kids Can Join the Maker Movement. Children are natural makers — give a kid a cardboard box, and she’ll transform it immediately into an oven, a spaceship, an elevator, or something else that I probably cannot imagine.

6 Fun Ways Kids Can Join the Maker Movement

Recent years have seen a growth of the maker movement, or an enthusiasm for inventing and creating new technologies and tools, in the U.S., Europe, and many countries across the world. Here is a look at the origins of the maker movement, how it fosters creativity, and some of the resources available to kids. How the Maker Movement Got Started The maker movement has its origins in the do-it-yourself (DIY) attitude.

Riddle: Create polls, lists, quizzes and personality tests in 60s and it's free. - Interactive Graphic Organizer. Holt Interactive Graphic Organizers "Graphic organizers are tools that help your brain think. " - Kylene Beers Graphic organizers are an illustration of your thoughts on paper. Jilster - Co-create and publish your own magazine the easy way.

Sketchlot - Create a sketch Online, share it with students. Moovly - Online Software to Create Animated Videos and Presentations. Creating a Culture of Creativity in the Classroom- Class PD. STEM Classroom Ideas. Design thinking.

1:1 Learning

Digital Citizenship. Google Apps. Culture of Creativity Resources. Cricut craft cutter. For Teachers. Programming. Papercrafting. 3D Printing. Challenge boxes. Paper Based Electronics. Electronic Sewables. Little Bits Projects. Makey Makey Projects- Pinterest. Sylvia Show. NGSS. Castanets Project. Maker Space.