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Home Cookin' with Homemade Biogas. About five years ago, writer and renewable energy aficionado Warren Weismann was researching ancient Greece for his novel when he stumbled across information that the Greeks had built anaerobic digesters to produce methane. He then read about similar archaeological evidence in ancient Syria and China.

But it was the modern biogas boom in China that got him most excited and distracted him from his writing career: Tens of millions of home-scale biodigesters have been built in China over the last century, with the pace of construction still accelerating. Warren wanted one for himself. After a few years of further research, including conversations with colleagues in India and Nepal, where small-scale biogas production is prevalent, Warren modified traditional designs to create a plan for his own 700-gallon biodigester. He was living at Maitreya Ecovillage, a three-block community and green-building-oriented neighborhood near downtown Eugene, Oregon. Back from Obscurity Inside a Biodigester.

Pawel Kuczynski e suas ilustrações recheadas de sarcasmo. O ilustrador polonês Pawel Kuczynski usa da boa e velha ironia para retratar a realidade atual, nos campos social, político e cultural. À primeira vista, suas ilustrações podem parecer engraçadas, mas quando você se permite dar uma segunda olhada com mais atenção, elas realmente mostram sérios problemas do mundo atual. Os traços que, por sua vez, são extremamente simples, servem apenas como o primeiro empurrão para o efeito dominó que culminará em reflexões profundas Nascido em 1976, Pawel é graduado na Academia de Belas Artes em Poznan. Em 2005, recebeu o prêmio “Eryk” da associação dos cartunistas poloneses, por obter um número recorde de prêmios em competições internacionais.

Afinal, uma lindrezinha dessas não pode morrer no leste europeu! Confira: Para saber mais, clique aqui. WASTE - English. 8.01x Classical Mechanics (Sept 2013) *Note - This is an Archived course* This is a past/archived course. At this time, you can only explore this course in a self-paced fashion. Certain features of this course may not be active, but many people enjoy watching the videos and working with the materials. Make sure to check for reruns of this course. 8.01x is an online version of Classical Mechanics, which is the first of MIT's introductory physics courses. The course covers the basic concepts of Newtonian mechanics, fluid mechanics and kinetic gas theory. A variety of other interesting topics are covered, such as resonance phenomena, musical instruments and astronomical phenomena such as binary stars, neutron stars, black holes, stellar collapse, and supernovae.

The course follows the MIT on-campus class as it was given by the renowned Professor Walter Lewin in the fall of 1999. You will complete automatically graded weekly homework problems and exams to test your understanding and to help you master the material. Greece: Political Resolution of the First Congress of SYRIZA by SYRIZA. Rise of the Global Corporatocracy: An Interview with John Perkins. Ravi Bhandari is co-editor of Real World Globalization and professor of economics at Saint Mary’s College of California. This interview was conducted on September 17, 2012. Economic hit men (EHMs) are highly paid professionals who cheat countries around the globe out of trillions of dollars. They funnel money from the World Bank, the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), and other foreign “aid” organizations into the coffers of huge corporations and the pockets of a few wealthy families who control the planet’s natural resources.

Their tools include fraudulent financial reports, rigged elections, payoffs, extortion, sex, and murder. They play a game as old as empire, but one that has taken on new and terrifying dimensions during this time of globalization. I should know; I was an EHM. —John Perkins, Confessions of an Economic Hit Man (2004) Across several books, John Perkins exposes the lifestyles of the economic hit men. JP: Yes, Greece has clearly been struck by EHMs.

Deepest-living Fishes Caught On Camera For First Time. Scientists filming in one of the world’s deepest ocean trenches have found groups of highly sociable snailfish swarming over their bait, nearly five miles (7700 metres) beneath the surface of the Pacific Ocean. This is the first time cameras have been sent to this depth. ‘We got some absolutely amazing footage from 7700 metres. More fish than we or anyone in the world would ever have thought possible at these depths,’ says project leader Dr Alan Jamieson of the University of Aberdeen’s Oceanlab, on board the Japanese research ship the Hakuho-Maru. ‘It’s incredible. These videos vastly exceed all our expectations from this research. We thought the deepest fishes would be motionless, solitary, fragile individuals eking out an existence in a food-sparse environment,’ says Professor Monty Priede, director of Oceanlab.

‘But these fish aren’t loners. ‘All we’ve seen before of life at this depth have been shrivelled specimens in museums. The "Russian Banksy" Is Dead. CANNABIS USE AND RISK OF LUNG CANCER: A CASE-CONTROL STUDY. World Digital Library Home.


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