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Geopolitical Conflicts

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Légendes Cartographie - Accueil. Mahmoud Abbas, Donald Trump, and the Politics of Peace. Predator Empire: The Geopolitics of U.S. Drone Warfare. This is a pre-corrected version .

Predator Empire: The Geopolitics of U.S. Drone Warfare

Des forces spéciales françaises présentes en Syrie. [] Voir le sommaire de ce numéro.


Des forces spéciales françaises présentes en Syrie. Cambodge, extension du domaine de la Chine, Enquête. The NATO-industrial complex - NATO. U.S-led raids hit grain silos in Syria, kill workers: monitor. Alwasat sur Twitter : "Electricty and drinking water cut off in #Sirte. #Libya... History of Bulgaria (1878–1946)

The 1912-1913 Balkan Wars, Bulgaria initially formed an alliance with Greece and Serbia against the Ottoman Empire, together conquering a great deal of Ottoman territory.

History of Bulgaria (1878–1946)

Bulgaria was however unhappy with the resulting division of territory, and soon went to war against its former allies, in which it lost territory it had gained in the first war. Bonne nouvelle pour le monde entier, plus de soucis à se faire pour la mer de Chine. Par Peter Lee – Le 23 janvier 2016 – Source UNZ On assiste à une campagne médiatique concertée pour présenter la mer de Chine (MdC) comme une voie indispensable pour le transport commercial, fournissant une bonne raison aux États-Unis pour surveiller et intervenir dans cette zone.

Bonne nouvelle pour le monde entier, plus de soucis à se faire pour la mer de Chine

*****#Map shows how dependent European countries are on #gas from #Russia. #Renewables are a #geopolitical asset too! Energy / Superpower geographies / Campagne Climat. Revolution through devolution. It has been 20 years since we won our fight to get the government to allow the public to have its own community radio station in Nepal.

Revolution through devolution

When we finally got the license in May 1997 after four years of struggle, it was a landmark not just for Nepal but the whole of South Asia. We had to work hard to try to convince politicians, the bureaucracy and even the Army that devolving radio to communities would not bring anarchy, but actually help strengthen grassroots democracy and development. Our slogan was ‘Communication for Development’, and that is what Nepal’s radio revolution has achieved, given communities a voice and forced local government to be accountable and responsible.

As South Asia’s first independent FM station, Radio Sagarmatha has been a success story, and role model for public service broadcasting. Create new island for #refugees suggests @EuropeinAfrica. Publicity stunt or or sound geopolitical solution? Moscow Challenges The Monroe Doctrine, Russia’s Military Facilities in Latin America. One of the dogmas of US foreign policy is the so-called Monroe Doctrine dating back to, surprisingly enough, President James Monroe who in 1823 said, in an address before US Congress, that outside powers’ efforts to colonize or exploit Latin American countries would be viewed as acts of aggression by the United States.

Moscow Challenges The Monroe Doctrine, Russia’s Military Facilities in Latin America

The sentence above pretty much encapsulates the average American’s understanding of the doctrine. Vote 2013: Armenia in for most bizarre election in its history - Vote 2013. Armenia is having the most “latent” presidential elections ever as three days before the official start of the nominations it is not yet clear who will form the lineup of the strongest rivals to incumbent President Serzh Sargsyan.

Vote 2013: Armenia in for most bizarre election in its history - Vote 2013

Mahmoud Abbas, Donald Trump, and the Politics of Peace. America's Looming War with Iran: What You're Not Being Told. February 2, 2017 | Darius Shahtahmasebi.

America's Looming War with Iran: What You're Not Being Told

La Grande-Bretagne prépare des accords bilatéraux avec le monde entier : l’Union Européenne l’a mauvaise ! HuffPost Arabi: Arabic version of site promises to give a voice to bloggers in the Middle East. Criticism And Self-Criticism: Telling The Truth To the Poor South Africans Is In Their Interest - African Zeitgeist. U.S.-Saudi Relations. The U.S.

U.S.-Saudi Relations

-Saudi Arabia alliance, which survived the oil embargo in 1973 and the attacks of September 11, 2001, in which fifteen of the nineteen passenger jet hijackers were Saudi citizens, is coming under new strains. A new generation of Saudi Arabian leaders is adjusting to what it sees as a resurgent Iran and a retreating United States, which has announced a strategic rebalancing to Asia, by taking a more assertive military role in the Middle East. The Obama administration, for its part, points to Saudi policies it says have exacerbated regional conflicts, and says the kingdom has undermined U.S. interests while under the protection of the U.S. security umbrella. Seventy-Year Alliance Modern Saudi Arabia traces its roots to an alliance between the Saud family and descendants of Sheikh Mohammed Ibn Abdul Wahab, a prominent Hanbali Muslim cleric, who follow the most conservative school of jurisprudence in Sunni Islam.

President Franklin D. Oil. History of Bulgaria (1878–1946) History of Bulgaria (1878–1946) Guerre des malouines : manoeuvres militaires, manoeuvres idéologiques, un piège pour le prolétariat. La guerre des îles Malouines vient alimenter une propagande intensive de la bourgeoisie.

Guerre des malouines : manoeuvres militaires, manoeuvres idéologiques, un piège pour le prolétariat

Le spectre d'une 3ème guerre mondiale vient hanter la conscience des prolétaires. Pourtant, la préoccu­pation essentielle de la bourgeoisie, ce n'est pas la guerre, c'est la perspective des affrontements de classe dans les centres du capitalisme. Le cours historique est à la révolution. C'est ce cours que la bourgeoisie essaie de renverser pour ouvrir le chemin vers la guerre mondiale. Sur son chemin, elle doit s'af­fronter au prolétariat qui n'est pas embrigadé. La lutte de classe en Pologne est venue montrer que le prolé­tariat n'est pas vaincu, que son potentiel de combativité est énorme. L'enjeu du conflit n'est pas aux îles Malouines, il est au coeur du prolétariat mondial, là où se dessine 1'avenir de 1'humanité. Depuis le début des hostilités, le 2 avril 1982, le conflit des îles Malouines a fait des centaines de morts et de blessés. Future of Colombia’s new peace deal with FARC rests with No campaign. Colombia’s Marxist guerrillas were stunned by the country’s rejection of a much-heralded peace accord in a referendum last month, and they returned to the negotiating table feeling their bargaining power was sharply diminished.

And when Donald Trump won the U.S. presidential election last week, leaders of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia knew the window for a deal was likely to close quickly. Social Justice Concepts.