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Piecing Together the Dark Legacy of East Germany's Secret Police. A technician painstakingly reconstructs torn files by hand.

Piecing Together the Dark Legacy of East Germany's Secret Police

New digital methods will make this process easier and faster. Photo: Daniel Stier. M.curiosity. Final Solution: The Fate of the Jews 1933-1949 by David Cesarani – review. Jan Karski, a courier for the Polish underground, was among the first to reach London and Washington after observing the mass killing of Polish Jews.

Final Solution: The Fate of the Jews 1933-1949 by David Cesarani – review

In an interview for Claude Lanzmann’s 1985 film Shoah, Karski, still astonished after so many years, gets to his feet as he recalls the reaction of Felix Frankfurter, Franklin Roosevelt’s confidant. “I don’t believe you,” he recalls Frankfurter saying. “I know you are not a liar, but I don’t believe you.” Similar sentiments will occur to the half-attentive reader throughout almost every page of David Cesarani’s account of the Final Solution. How many Jews were killed? Cesarani’s justification for another book about the Holocaust is that a generation of new research has failed to find its way into public consciousness. This is a book as hard to read as a set of Human Rights Watch reports. Germany's Jews mark Holocaust as new threat rises. As Germany’s dwindling survivors of Nazi death camps mark International Holocaust Remembrance Day Wednesday, they and younger members of the nation’s Jewish community are fearful of a new tide of anti-Semitism driven by old hatred and a new influx of Muslim refugees.

Germany's Jews mark Holocaust as new threat rises

Commemoration of the anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz, the camp in Poland where 1.1 million Jews were murdered, is always a somber event, but on the 71st anniversary current events have cast a new and dark shadow. Waves of refugees from countries where hatred of Jews is taught and practiced have flooded Germany, prompting some of the nation’s 100,000-strong community to fear for their future. “There are growing anxieties in the Jewish communities about a potential rise in anti-Semitism and the security of Jewish life,” said Deidre Berger, director of the American Jewish Committee’s Berlin office. “He shrugged his shoulders and accepted it,” Kluger continued.

A German expert has similar concerns. A Day At Auschwitz. A woman walks through snow near the entrance to the former Nazi concentration camp Auschwitz-Birkenau with the lettering “Arbeit macht frei” (‘Work makes you free’) in Oswiecim, Poland on January 25, 2015, days before the 70th anniversary of the liberation of the camp by Russian forces.

A Day At Auschwitz

(Joel Saget/AFP/Getty Images) The road to Auschwitz winds past farmland, historic churches and small country homes. Our driver, Irek Wis, knows the route well. For nearly two decades, he has taken visitors to the world’s most infamous concentration camp, making the round-trip roughly 250 times each year. As we drive there, he offers us this advice: “You are on vacation,” he says. The reporter’s grandparents, Henry and Irene Springer, who survived Auschwitz, then met and married in a displaced person’s camp after the Holocaust. The German Century by Fred Siegel, City Journal November 6, 2015. Many of the ideas that inspired World War II live on in postmodernist thought.

The German Century by Fred Siegel, City Journal November 6, 2015

The German War: A Nation Under Arms 1939-1945, by Nicholas Stargardt (Basic Books, 704 pp., $35) New Revelations Suggest The Nazi Bell Was A Secret Worm Hole Machine. Secret operations by leading scientists in Nazi Germany lead to the discovery of one of the most biggest and mysterious wonder weapons – Die Glocke or in English, “The Bell”.

New Revelations Suggest The Nazi Bell Was A Secret Worm Hole Machine

But what made “The Bell” so wondrous? Well, the brightest scientific minds were working on anti-gravity theories which were very popular during World War II. Historymike: The Fall of the Weimar Republic. This is an unpublished essay that I decided to dust off and publish on the Web.

historymike: The Fall of the Weimar Republic

Left: 1919 image of the Weimar National Assembly Introduction. Germany started the Great War, but the Left can’t bear to say so. Why was it necessary to follow up some rumpus in Sarajevo by invading France, for heaven’s sake?

Germany started the Great War, but the Left can’t bear to say so

It wasn’t. The driving force behind the carnage was the desire of the German regime to express Germany’s destiny as a great European power, and to acquire the prestige and international clout that went with having an empire. That is why Tirpitz kept increasing the size of the German fleet – in spite of British efforts to end the arms race. That’s why they tried to bully the French by sending a gunboat to Agadir in 1911. That, in a nutshell, is why millions died in the trenches of the western front and elsewhere, 15 million in all. In both wars, huge numbers of British people, military and civilian, lost their lives in the struggle to frustrate these deranged ambitions. Hunt is guilty of talking total twaddle, but beneath his mushy-minded blether about “multiple histories” there is what he imagines is a kindly instinct.

Primo Levi, Mountain Rebel. Back to the 1930s – Hitler, Da'esh and the West — RT Op-Edge. Whilst Da'esh [Islamic State] is constantly being compared to the Nazis, the real parallel – the West’s willingness to build up fascism in order to cripple Russia – is often forgotten.

Back to the 1930s – Hitler, Da'esh and the West — RT Op-Edge

The recent debate in the British House of Commons on bombing Syria saw comparisons coming thick and fast. “Da'esh are the fascists of our time,” said Labor MP Dan Jarvis; “this is the fascist war of our generation” opined Sarah Wollaston; whilst Hilary Benn rounded off the debate by explaining that “we are faced by fascists” and “what we know about fascists is that they need to be defeated.” The parallels are real: the political worldview of Wahhabism – the ideology of Da'esh, al-Qaeda, and Britain’s number one weapons buyer, Saudi Arabia – does indeed have much in common with that of Hitler and Mussolini. Read more. Adolf Hitler on Flipboard.

France secret links to Nazi Holocaust revealed. The secret archives were opened as France faces up to its Nazi shame.

France secret links to Nazi Holocaust revealed

They relate to the so-called Vichy regime, led by Marshal Philippe Petain from 1940 to 1944 after the country’s defeat by Hitler’s Germany. There was often enthusiastic collaboration with the Nazis by French police and paramilitaries during the Holocaust. Jews were rounded up as “enemies of the state” and sent to death camps in Germany. Many victims came from major cities including Paris, where occupying German forces worked closely with local officials. Middle East still rocking from first world war pacts made 100 years ago. In an idle moment between cocktail parties in the Arab capital where they served, a British and French diplomat were chatting recently about their respective countries’ legacies in the Middle East: why not commemorate them with a new rock band? And they could call it Sykes-Picot and the Balfour Declaration. It was just a joke.

Evidence The Nazis' Crimes At Sobibor Stuns Archaeologists. Subscribe Share on FacebookShare on Twitter Share Tweet.