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Accepting Submissions In All Genres. Accepting Manuscript Submissions. Accepting Submissions In English & Arabic. We accept manuscripts across all genres, with or without an agent, from anywhere in the world.

Accepting Submissions In English & Arabic

Accepting Submissions In English & Arabic. Accepting Manuscript Submissions. Accepting Submissions In All Genres. Social Distancing. As the new reality of living through pandemic sets in, let’s make the best use of this social distancing lifestyle and get ourselves hooked to some interesting reads.

Social Distancing

As we are continuously battling with the social distancing crisis, we must keep ourselves occupied with different activities. What else could be better than the time invested in book reading? We bring you our top 5 picks that are available as audiobooks and eBooks on our website. All you need to do is, just visit the book’s webpage and select either the “eBook” or “Audiobook” under the “Available Formats” section. Here are the 5 fantastic reads for all ebookers out there: 1) Pets Aplenty by Malcolm D. Effects of Coronavirus Pandemic on Publishing Industry.

The Coronavirus pandemic really has changed the way in which the world is operating.

Effects of Coronavirus Pandemic on Publishing Industry

With people only leaving their homes for exercise and buying necessary items, online shopping and home delivery have become the answer to most of our problems. But how is Coronavirus affecting the publishing industry? From distribution to marketing strategies, the book industry has been evolving to change. Distribution With major distributors operating on a restricted basis, or even closing down temporarily, the book industry impact has been apparent. Accepting Manuscript Submissions. Marketing Your Book Online. A decade ago, prognosticators anticipated that online platforms would be a game-changer for the book publishing industry.

Marketing Your Book Online

Indeed, it has ushered in a new era of opportunities that changed the way authors now promote themselves. It provides writers with a set of sophisticated tools that are necessary for matching content to the readers' interest and get their message across the growing community of followers. Nowadays, it is not just about being a great writer, it is also how you market your book that plays an integral role in its success.

Sometimes authors might be unsuccessful at promoting their books online, after all, they are writers, not marketers. Top Three Popular Book Genres in the US - 2020. Every reader has a specific choice, whether it’s a book, person, fashion, music or movies.

Top Three Popular Book Genres in the US - 2020

Genres are the types of art, literature, or music characterized by a specific form, content, and style. When books are categorized under a label of a certain genre, it becomes easier to select a book to read. As discussed earlier, people have different tastes and interests, some like romance and young adults, while others like horror and mystery. Genre is of great importance for an author as well. Five Productive Things to Do While Social Distancing. With the world practicing self-isolation and social distancing during this unprecedented time to curb the spread of the novel coronavirus, everyone is looking for ways to stay entertained at home.

Five Productive Things to Do While Social Distancing

It might be difficult for many of us to wrap our heads around the notion of staying at home for an extended period. Coronavirus pandemic: Things to do while social distancing. As COVID-19 spreads hastily all over the world, a health emergency has been imposed in almost every part of the world.

Coronavirus pandemic: Things to do while social distancing

A lot of countries have imposed a lockdown, with schools, offices, restaurants, tourist spots and shopping malls all shut and the masses are advised to stay home and practice social distancing. While staying home, with nothing more to do than eating, watching movies online and surfing through social media, a lot of you might be going stir crazy! Therefore, we have gathered a list of fun-filled, productive activities along with a list of fantastic reads. These are the things to do during social distancing which may often get neglected or aren’t given enough time due to a busy routine. Education Books, Homeschooling, Educational books for kids. We’re all looking for ways to entertain ourselves and the children at the moment.

Education Books, Homeschooling, Educational books for kids

So, why not keep everyone entertained with some fun home school education books. Educational books alongside school… Doesn't it sound entertaining? Well, these books are fun, colorful, and educational books for kids. Firstly, how about some insight into what the adults do? Our Amazing Book Collection For Your Kids. Humans have been sharing stories and experiences since the start of mankind.

Our Amazing Book Collection For Your Kids

Storybooks for kids create magic and a feeling of wonder in the world. Top Books To Read During Lockdown. The world is afflicted with the COVID-19 pandemic.

Top Books To Read During Lockdown

To keep yourselves entertained and busy during this period and to overcome the vexation while you maintain social distance, one of the best ways to utilize this time in a more productive and healthy manner, is to read books! “Books are good company, in sad times and happy times, for books are people – people who have managed to stay alive by hiding between the covers of a book.” - E.

B. White. Top Books To Read During Lockdown. Austin Macauley’s Top Reads for Children. They say books are man’s best friend. So, why not make your kids friends with books? We present to you the top 5 reads from Austin Macauley’s best children’s books, which will appease them by acceding their interests and help revive book reading culture among the little ones!

1. The Fish with a Wish Author: P M McCormick​ Top 7 Ways to Self-Promote Your Book Online. Promoting a book is not all about the book launch, it’s about reaching out to your prospective readers and telling them why they should read your book and what’s it all about. With the increasing number of newly published books every day, the book market has become too saturated for the new authors and marketing a book is one of the biggest challenges an author can face after publishing it. Digital marketing provides integrated marketing communication tools that act as a gateway point for publishers and fans to find out about your books and you. Monetizing your loyal and large audience is all that matters when it’s all about acquiring and retaining fans through various digital marketing platforms. In this blog, we will be sharing some of the most effective ways by which you can promote your books online and amplify the visibility of your book among your target audience. 1.

Top 7 Ways to Self-Promote Your Book Online. Children’s Book Week. Giving your child access to a variety of literature plays a significant role in their success. It is the responsibility of parents, educators, and community members to help nurture the love and passion for reading. With an aim to promote higher quality in children’s books, Franklin K. Matthiews, the librarian of the Boy Scouts of America, proposed creating a Children’s Book Week in 1919. Today, it is acknowledged as one of the longest-running national literacy initiatives, as events are held nationwide in libraries, schools, and bookstores to encourage and promote the love of book reading among children. 5 of the most common misconceptions about becoming a published author.

When you are new to the publishing world; it can be an overwhelming experience, and you will soon find that any expectations that you had about the industry has often been misjudged. This blog addresses five of the most common beliefs that new authors have when entering the publishing industry that turn out to be misconstrued! Austin Macauley’s Top Reads for Children. Austin Macauley’s Top Reads for Children. Right Social Media Channels for Authors.

Social Media channels are the triumph card of writers and authors these days. The ubiquity of information makes the audience familiar, which eventually leads to acceptance. However, not all social platforms give answers to your queries; you need to be really accurate in selecting what suits you the most. Some social platforms are merely for networking and conversation purposes, some are entertainment-oriented whilst the rest are for business and marketing purposes. Austin Macauley Publishers are very keen to promote their valuable authors and their books through digital platforms. The book readers have been enjoying some wonderful reads across all genres by having access to them through digital media. Every writer has a dream that their work is heard, shared and enjoyed by the whole world. So, what are the sources and mediums that a writer can use to promote his/her work in the digital space?

1. Facebook Profile: Facebook Page: Facebook Groups: 2. Austin Macauley’s Top Book Genres. Top Books to Read this Spring. Austin Macauley’s Top 10 Books From 2019! “In a good book, the best is in between the lines.” – Swedish Proverb. What Genres Are Being Read the Most in UAE – A Complete Guide. Five Ways to Flex Your Novel Writing Muscles. Another common failure is when novels leave the readers cold because the characters failed to convey how they feel. Key Components Of Book Writing. Best Book Publishers in UK. Factors That makes Children's Book Competitive. How To Publish Your First Book. How to become a writer? Steps to become an author. Do you need a book publisher? Best reviews on book covers. Tips To Write Synopsis. Top Book Publishers US. If you think that the contemporary electronic gadgets have run the old styled tangible books out of market, you might be wrong. Although it is true that the digital age e-books are popular among average consumers, there is a large proportion of the economy which uses touchable books, guides or manuals.

There are huge businesses relying on the research, consulting and producing these books. Poetry Submission Guidelines. You have penned down a series of poems and poetry, but now you long for the world to know the ambition that rests within yourself.