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Q&A: Tarleton Gillespie says algorithms may be new, but editorial calculations aren’t. Should Facebook be allowed to decide what information we do or don’t see? Should Google be responsible for ensuring that their search results don’t offend or incriminate? If we allow platforms to determine what content and information we encounter, are we defaulting on our civic responsibilities? Lately, it seems questions like these — questions about the algorithms that govern and structure our information networks — are raised more and more frequently. Just last week, people were outraged when it was discovered that Facebook had tried to study the spread of emotion by altering what type of posts 600,000 users saw.

But the reality is we know less and less about how news content makes its way to us — especially as control of those information flows becomes more solidified in the hands of technology companies with little incentive to explain their strategies around content. Tarleton Gillespie: The #digitalkeywords project is a project Ben Peters is organizing. Presse En Ligne. Presse en ligne ch. modèle (s) Quels modèles économiques pour la presse numérique ? : Accueil. Markham Nolan. Reflections of a Newsosaur. Sentinelles media - Sujets Google News. Sentinelles media - Part de voix Google News. Welcome - World News Publishing Focus by WAN-IFRA. Welcome to WAN-IFRA - WAN-IFRA. American Press Institute. The State of the News Media 2013.

Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism / Home. Nieman Journalism Lab » Pushing to the Future of Journalism. Encyclo. Pew Research Center's Journalism Project | Understanding News in the Information Age. Silicon Valley Watcher - at the intersection of technology and media: MediaWatch Archives. Clara Jeffrey, Co-Editor, Mother Jones interviews Matt Taibbi. Matt Taibbi, the former Wall Street beat reporter for Rolling Stone, and now heading a digital magazine for Pierre Omidyar’s First Look Media, spoke at the Commonwealth Club’s Inforum event Thursday in San Francisco. Taibbi was promoting his book, “The Divide: American Injustice in the Age of the Wealth Gap” described by Timothy Noah in the New York Times, “as infuriating as it is impossible to put down.”

Here are some of my notes from the evening: Stephan Buckley at Poynter, reported on a meeting hosted by Pierre Omidyar, the billionaire founder of First Look Media, with “about a dozen high-profile editors, journalism educators, industry analysts, and former reporters… to listen to his vision, dissect his emerging strategy and offer advice on both.” The $250 million venture has hired two high profile reporters, Glen Greenwald and Matt Taibbi, each heading their own digital magazine, with more announcements to come.

John F. The Next Web - International technology news, business & culture. Publishers Archives. PDA | Media. Getting the news. (This post is part of’s ongoing series, “Getting the News.” In our efforts to understand everything about social news, we’re reaching out to writers and thinkers we like to ask them how they get their daily news. Read the first post here. See all of the posts, from writers and thinkers like Zach Seward, Anil Dash, and Megan Garber, here.) This week we spoke to Chris Dixon, co-founder of Hunch.

Chris has been in the startup world for ten years, creating companies of his own and investing in others about to get big. Hunch, his most well-known company, was acquired by eBay in 2011. How do you get your news throughout the day? It used to be the paper — going back to when I’d read the New York Times and Wall Street Journal every day for ten years. It’s all Twitter — with the exception of maybe checking the New York Times homepage once a day, to see if some major international thing happened that I somehow missed on Twitter.

Does that happen? No. … rarely. Yeah. iPad, and my Mac. Yeah. JIMROMENESKO.COM. Meta-media | La révolution de l'information. Nieman Reports. The Next Web - International technology news, business & culture. Newsonomics | On the transformation of the news business. Techraking.