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Portal para aprender con videos. Biblioteca Digital Mundial. Mejora la ortografía y el vocabulario con dictados aleatorios en español,inglés, francés, alemán, portugué e italiano. Fleex - Your Universal English-Learning Player. Antropología y Cine - Formación Permanente - About the Course Scandinavia is well known internationally for its welfare society, and part of this welfare society is a very developed cultural policy based on both the free market and public support.

Scandinavia has a strong film and television culture with institutions and traditions created to secure creative diversity for both national, Scandinavian and global audiences. In many ways Scandinavian film and television is a global cultural brand, connected with and exporting some of the cultural and social values connected to a liberal and progressive welfare society. Dating back to the silent cinema era and through the birth of a modern film and television culture after 1945 Scandinavia has contributed significantly to our global cultural heritage. This course in Scandinavian Film and Television deals with the social, institutional and cultural background of film and television in Scandinavia and in a broader European and global context. Course Syllabus Week 1A. A. A. Graduate. “Documania”—that’s how The New York Times recently referred to the stunning proliferation of documentary film made possible by the signature technologies of our time.


In short, it has never been easier to make a documentary. But producing a film that stands out is another story, another challenge altogether. As more and more non-fiction films crowd the marketplace—competing for limited resources and audience share—true fluency with the form increasingly confers a vital edge, a crucial advantage that makes one film rise above the rest. Our MFA program in Social Documentary Film fosters filmmaking that is skillful and sure—not just technologically, but artistically, socially and critically as well. Graduate. The MFA Photography, Video and Related Media Department is the premiere program for the study of Lens and Screen Arts.


For over 24 years, this fine art program has produced remarkable graduates who have flourished as exhibiting artists, journalists and commercial artists, as well as curators, scholars and teachers. Noted as a top-tier program in U.S. News & World Report, our educational goals attract fine art students with diverse backgrounds from all corners of the world. The camera is a universal matrix for documenting, exploring and interpreting the ever-changing world around us.

From the traditional practices of both still photography and video to the virtual realm of the circuit, we offer students the opportunity to pursue their specific interests. This program has pioneered digital imagery education since its inception in 1988. New York City is the hub of a creative network that reaches throughout the world.

Charles H. Top 10 Universities With Free Courses Online. #1 UC Berkeley Ranked as the #1 public school in the United States, Berkeley offers podcasts and webcasts of amazing professors lecturing.

Top 10 Universities With Free Courses Online

Each course has an RSS feed so you can track each new lecture. Find Courses by Topic. Arts, A/V Technology & Communication Frameworks. Search Courses. The website is undergoing planned updates.

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Some features might be inaccessible during this time. Private platforms. Foundation for the Development of Technological Tools for Humanitarian Aid. TED Blog: Further reading on ideas worth spreading. Origami-Kirigami - Libros. Revistas de origami (muy buenas)

Origami-Kirigami - Libros

Así que quieres aprender japonés… Nota: Este texto lo encontré hace ya muchos años y no es más que una broma.

Así que quieres aprender japonés…

El autor original (Dan Barrett) del texto (en inglés) tiene una carrera sobre estudios japoneses, así que no es más que una parodia del aprendizaje del idioma Y como no, este famoso texto, no podía faltar en esta página Has comido en un par de restaurantes japoneses, visto algún anime, conocido alguien japonés, y tenido una novia japonesa. Y ahora, en una parte de tu pequeño cerebro, piensas que el japonés sería un buen idioma para aprender. Podrías traducir videojuegos! EQUIVOCADO No importa cuantos animes hayas visto, novias japonesas hayas tenido o libros hayas leído.

Asi que, viendo tantos corderos yendo entusiasmados al matadero, alguién creó esta Guía con CONSEJOS REALES para estudiar japonés. Lista-verbos-ingles. Best Online Courses. Free courses. How To Draw a Head: Una clase de dibujo para futuros artistas. How To Draw a Head es un recurso interactivo en inglés que explica con todo lujo de detalles cómo dibujar la cabeza de una persona a partir de una foto o de un modelo natural.

How To Draw a Head: Una clase de dibujo para futuros artistas

La herramienta está desarrollada por la Academy of Art University, una institución de San Francisco (California, Estados Unidos) que lleva formando artistas desde 1929. Una docena de MOOC o cursos online gratuitos para completar tu formación.

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400 Free Online Courses from Top Universities

Below, you will find 1,700 free online courses from universities like Stanford, Yale, MIT, Harvard, Oxford and more. 12 Dozen Places To Educate Yourself Online For Free. 20 sites qui vous donnent envie d’apprendre. De nombreuses initiatives visant à « révolutionner » l’apprentissage tout au long de la vie ont émergé avec le numérique.

20 sites qui vous donnent envie d’apprendre

Des enseignants et universités ont mis en ligne leurs cours, les ont ouverts aux commentaires et aux échanges. Certains ont même lancé des Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC), des sessions de cours en ligne ouvertes à des milliers de participants qui partagent et alimentent le programme. Des particuliers se sont également investis dans cette transformation de l’apprentissage par le numérique en proposant des échanges entre pairs, accessibles au plus grand nombre.

Petit tour d’horizon de ses initiatives intéressantes et inspirantes pour apprendre autrement, à son rythme, à sa façon (1). Les plateformes de ressources éducatives libres (REL) Quelques sites proposant des cours en ligne avec une dimension « sociale » relativement développée. 1. 2. 3. 5. Free Online Course Materials.