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The New Media Literacies. The white paper Confronting the Challenges of Participatory Culture: Media Education for the 21st Century (Jenkins et al., 2006) identifies the kinds of participatory practices youth are engaged in today, and draws up a provisionary list of the skills these practices demonstrate. In the video below, members of the NML team share their thoughts and perspectives on the skills we call the new media literacies. One of our key goals is to stop focusing quite so much on “do kids have computers in their classroom?” And start focusing more on “do kids have the basic social skills and cultural competencies so that when they do get computers in their classroom, they can participate fully?” Many educators assume that (1) students can only begin learning the skills they need to use technology if they actually have the technology in their classroom, and (2) that putting technology in the classroom is a quick fix that will solve any classroom’s problems.

Web 2.0 Is the Future of Education. (Cross-posted from TechLearning) A moment of extreme clarity became an obsession for me last week. A session that I had prepared for the IL-TCE conference went from "Web 2.0 Tools for the Classroom" to "Why Web 2.0 Is Important to the Future of Education. " Then, as PowerPoint fever gripped me ( Impress, actually), moving slides around as though they were puzzle pieces finally coming together correctly, I found my thoughts coalescing toward a bold conclusion and a final title change: "Web 2.0 Is the Future of Education. " It was not, I know, what I was supposed to talk about. I believe that the read/write Web, or what we are calling Web 2.0, will culturally, socially, intellectually, and politically have a greater impact than the advent of the printing press.

Trend #2: A Tidal Wave of Information. I will also say that on a personal level, when people ask me the answer to content overload, I tell them (counter-intuitively) that it is to produce more content. . * Lurk. Twitter en classe : une pratique qui séduit professeurs et élèves. Ils sont nombreux à avoir emboîté le pas de Laurence Juin, l’une des premières enseignantes à avoir pris conscience du potentiel pédagogique de l’outil de micro-blogging.

Cette professeure d’histoire-géographie et de français en lycée professionnel a en effet depuis près de deux ans pleinement intégré Twitter à son enseignement. Aujourd’hui, même si les « Twittclasses » (1) restent relativement marginales (seules 72 « Twittclasses » francophones, de la maternelle à l’enseignement supérieur, sont référencées), un nombre croissant de projets pédagogiques se construisent autour du réseau social le plus actif du Web. Des tablettes dès la maternelle. Person with tablet com­pu­ter © AKS — Les enfants de mater­nelle sont des digi­tal natives.

L'école doit s'adapter à cette révo­lu­tion numé­rique. Des ini­tia­tives, encore trop rares, se déve­loppent un peu par­tout en France. Missionnés par leur aca­dé­mie ou francs-tireurs, des ensei­gnants com­mencent à uti­li­ser les tech­no­lo­gies de l'information et de la com­mu­ni­ca­tion pour l'enseignement (TICE) dès la mater­nelle, ardoises numé­riques, tableaux numé­riques inter­ac­tifs (TNI) et sur­tout tablettes tac­tiles. A l'école Albert Camus de Talence, Philippe Guillem fait par­tie de ces « enseignants-testeurs ».

Suivre des ate­liers péda­go­giques sur l'utilisation des TICE en maternelle Le CRDP des Yvelines anime des ate­liers sur l'utilisation des TICE en mater­nelle. Un outil d'apprentissage comme un autre A chaque ensei­gnant de défi­nir com­ment les TICE peuvent s'inscrire dans son pro­jet péda­go­gique, en appor­tant un plus. Laurène Champalle. TBItop3Aut12. Use Twitter #Hashtags to Amplify Your Learning! Today, I don't spend much learning time following people or particular lists on Twitter, but I do spend time following, reflecting and interacting with relevant learning hashtag conversations (streams) taking place around the world. If you are confused about what Twitter hashtags are, you have come to the right place to understand the power and possibilities that these learning conversations can do to amplify your learning! "The # symbol, called a hashtag, is used to mark keywords or topics in a Tweet. It was created organically by Twitter users as a way to categorize messages" - Source For example, #edchat is a well-known and influential hashtag used by many to discuss educational or learning related issues on Twitter.

By following (saving) this hashtag you will be able to see all the tweets shared on Twitter including the #edchat hashtag. WHERE DO I FIND JUICY HASHTAGS? If you are looking for (#hashtag) trends, then tools like What the Trend? HOW DO I FOLLOW (SAVE) A HASHTAG?


Tbi_au12_renee. Tableaux blancs interactifs - TBI. Applications web2. RessourcesPedagogigues. Récupéré: tbi_au12_renee. RechercherWWW. Pearltrees. Sécuritéweb. Applications tablettes. Projetsprofessionels. Concepts_suisse. Images_légales. Jeudi_aut12. Lundi_aut12.