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Local Motors to Produce First 3D Printed Electric Vehicle. Two weeks ago Local Motors announced the addition of Bre Pettis, Makerbot’s CEO and Founder, to their board of directors.

Local Motors to Produce First 3D Printed Electric Vehicle

This in itself was a major move for the vehicle manufacturer, seeking to produce 3D printed parts for their electric vehicles. However an announcement by the company today is even a bigger headline grabber. This afternoon Local Motors announced that they, along with the Association For Manufacturing Technology, plan to build the world’s first 3D printed electric vehicle, and present it in just seven months at the International Manufacturing Technology Show in Chicago, IL, on September 8-13.

The International Manufacturing Technology Show is held every two years, with the last show being held in 2012. WASProject Aims to 3D Print Homes in 3rd World Countries Using Native Soil for Material. 3D Printing has done a tremendous amount of good over the past several years.

WASProject Aims to 3D Print Homes in 3rd World Countries Using Native Soil for Material

We’ve seen the technology evolve to a point where innovators strive to go beyond using it for traditional manufacturing, or merely as a hobby. There are research firms, companies, and individuals trying to figure out just how they can use this up-and-coming technology to make the world a better place. WASProject Aims to 3D Print Homes in 3rd World Countries Using Native Soil for Material. Graphene. The Architect's Speech (WHAT?) What if money was no object? [VIDEO] Kill money - The official website of the currency killer, righteous murderer of capital, and executioner of economics...Mr Kill money! Solar Oven Makes Clean Drinking Water from Salt Water. © Gabriele Diamanti As a graduate student, Italian designer Gabrielle Diamanti's travels exposed him to the global water crisis and the issue became a fascination for him.

Solar Oven Makes Clean Drinking Water from Salt Water

Fortunately he's been able to use his skills as a designer to create something that could make a big difference for those with little access to clean water. The Eliodomestico is an open source design for what is essentially a solar still, but with thoughtful details to make it even more functional and easy to use for those in coastal areas where salt water is abundant, but fresh water isn't. Technology doesn't always have to be complicated, sometimes the simplest materials and concepts are the best. Looking Backward to Move Forward: Solar Stills Could be the Low-Cost Leader in Water Desalination. © Suns River Using a solar still to harness the sun's power to purify drinking water is an effective method in many areas of the world, yet it hasn't really taken off on a large scale.

Looking Backward to Move Forward: Solar Stills Could be the Low-Cost Leader in Water Desalination

But one company believes that solar stills could become the leader in low-cost desalination, and even contribute to resurrecting the idea of the solar greenhouse as a way to put desert areas into food production. Mystery Ingredient Cleaning Earth's Atmosphere. June 4, 2009 Mother Nature has a previously unknown cleaning agent that scrubs away toxic air pollution, scientists have discovered.

Mystery Ingredient Cleaning Earth's Atmosphere

What's more, the existence of the still mysterious substance has shaken up decades-long assumptions about our atmosphere's self-cleaning process. Many studies have shown that trace gases and pollutants in the lowest level of our atmosphere break down naturally, thanks to molecules called hydroxyl (OH) radicals. But the breakdown spews out ozone, itself a toxic pollutant and a greenhouse gas. (Get global warming facts.) Free Energy. Renewable Energy.

People with Bright Ideas

Agriculturalist Will Allen: 2008 MacArthur Fellow. Bucky fuller. ThriveMovement's Channel. G Patrick Flanagan. Phi Sciences. Dr.

Phi Sciences

Patrick Flanagan was a child prodigy in electronics, chemistry, and physics. The Neurophone® was invented in 1958 when he was 14 years old. It is a precision scientific instrument with an extensive digital signal processor that encodes sound and modulates it into ultrasonic signals. He had discovered an entirely new way to transmit sound into the human brain. Patrick’s profound invention has received two United States patents, #3,393,279 and #3,647,970. Untitled. Nassim. First images of particle jets at edge of a supermassive black hole. Supermassive black holes appear to occupy the center of almost all galaxies.

First images of particle jets at edge of a supermassive black hole

When they are actively swallowing matter, these black holes can power energetic jets that shine brighter than the entire rest of the galaxy, and can shoot matter free of it. Despite the mass and energy involved, however, the origin of these jets has been extremely hard to image, both because they're relatively compact, and because they're situated in the crowded centers of distant galaxies. Now, however, researchers are putting together an array of telescopes stretched across the globe with the specific goal of imaging the environment near these supermassive black holes. eCoupled – intelligent wireless power. Absalom. Self-Determination.

International Collaborations

Collaboration Sites, Tools & Apps. Nation, State and Social Movements. Absalom. Conflict Resolution and Peace Studies. The Problem is Choice - Peaceful Settlement of Disputes. ICELAND. No news from the Icelandic Revolution? In Iceland, the people have made the government resign, the primary banks have been nationalized, it was decided to not pay the debt that these created with Great Britain and Holland due to their bad financial politics and a public assembly has been created to rewrite the constitution.

ICELAND. No news from the Icelandic Revolution?

And all of this in a peaceful way. A whole revolution against the powers that have created the current global crisis.