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Donner sa voix à la pauvreté. On l’appelle la « maman mystère » de Rosemont.

Donner sa voix à la pauvreté

Jeune trentenaire, mère de deux enfants, les pieds accrochés dans la pauvreté depuis trop longtemps. Au point où cette année, ses enfants ont mis sur leur liste de cadeaux de Noël des choses comme des cartes cadeau de restaurant ou de pharmacie. Des choses qui ont fait pleurer leur mère. La dette publique, une vieille histoire : Le miracle de la Banque d'Angleterre. LE MONDE | • Mis à jour le | Par Sylvie Arsever ("Le Temps") L'acte de naissance de la Banque d'Angleterre porte le nom trompeur de Tonnage Act - référence à un impôt sur les navires qui, avec une taxe sur la bière et les alcools, doit financer les intérêts d'un prêt à la Couronne.

La dette publique, une vieille histoire : Le miracle de la Banque d'Angleterre

La société par actions Governor and Company of the Bank of England, qui voit le jour en 1694, n'est qu'une réponse pragmatique à la question lancinante du financement de la guerre. Et nul ne sait qu'elle va devenir une des principales banques centrales du monde, la première à mériter ce titre. Même si sa création n'est pas un hasard. 5. SYSTEME du vivre ensemble.

Publicités fautives

Révolution Brand. Éducation. Philippe-flop, comme girouette? «Philippe-Flop», le nouveau surnom du chef Philippe Couillard, conçu par Don Macpherson de The Gazette, a eu un succès instantané dans la classe politique, jeudi dernier.

Philippe-flop, comme girouette?

Sur Twitter, les péquistes et leurs sympathisants ont créé un mot-clic, #philippeflop. Sur le même réseau, Don Macpherson a même regretté ne pas avoir inscrit de «copyright» pour le néologisme. En entrevue EXCLUSIVE avec Mots et Maux™, Benoît Melançon ajoute :«Si le mot marche si bien — et il marche parfaitement —, c'est aussi pour des raisons d'euphonie; dans «flip-flop», il y a déjà, presque, «Philippe-flop». C'est génial pour l'oreille.» Dans Philippe-flop, on entend évidemment flip-flop.


Activism Is Paying Off As Another Canadian City Bans Fluoride From Their Drinking Water. When it comes to fluoride being added to public drinking water, any victory in having it removed, no matter how small the city, is a positive victory.

Activism Is Paying Off As Another Canadian City Bans Fluoride From Their Drinking Water

The district of Muskoka, Ontario is home to about 60,000 and is a hot spot for Toronto resident cottages. On Monday October 21st, the district voted during a council meeting to end the practice of water fluoridation. With a vote of 10-9 in favor of ending the practice. Muskoka joined a long list of cities ending the detrimental practice of water fluoridation. It is projected that the city will save about $50,000 per year by ending water fluoridation. [1] Growing awareness about the dangers of water fluoridation lends a hand to the success we continue to see all over the world with regards to fluoride being removed from the water supplies. With yet another city joining the list, it only seems a matter of time for surrounding cities to finally begin following suit.

Quotes from D. Million Mask March: LIVE UPDATES. Published time: November 05, 2013 07:38 Edited time: December 24, 2013 13:20 Protesters wearing Guy Fawkes masks attend a rally outside the House of Representatives in suburban Quezon city, north of Manila on November 5, 2013 (AFP Photo / Jay Directo) Supporters of the Anonymous hacktivist collective are holding rallies all around the world on November 5, Guy Fawkes Day.

Million Mask March: LIVE UPDATES

They are protesting against what they see as the rule of greedy corporations and corrupt governments around the world. Read more about the protest — F.A.C.E (@F8C3) September 28, 2013 Looks like it's going to be a family tradition. 00:19 GMT: Separate protests coincided with the Million Mask March in London Tuesday, with demonstrators rallying against growing austerity measures in the United Kingdom.

“This heartless government’s austerity measures have hurt the poor thirteen times harder than the rich,” he said. Video: /files/news/21/04/00/00/original_london-mask-march-firth.asf. Russell Brand Shows Up To Support Anonymous’ Million Mask March. Russell Brand has been making a lot of noise lately.

Russell Brand Shows Up To Support Anonymous’ Million Mask March

Not often do we see celebrities who have such a global reach come out and openly support what the masses want, change. Individuals like this are very brave, and can have a large impact on the current shift in consciousness that’s taking place today with the amount of people that pay attention to them. They are a great awakening tool, and they know that. This time, he’s making news as he joins the Million Mask March, bringing more attention to the fact that the people of Earth are calling for a change. Recent media appearances by Brand has had some people question his motives.

Supporters of the Anonymous ‘hacktivist’ group are gathering all over the planet today in over 450 locations to protest against what they see as the rule of greedy corporations and corrupt governments around the world. Over the years, Anonymous has grown tremendously, along with other groups that are coming together to work to bring about global change.

Combat Santé-Canada

Scientists Reveal the First European Faces Were Not ‘White’ Forensic artist Richard Neave is responsible for the reconstruction, based on fragments that are at least 35,000 years old.

Scientists Reveal the First European Faces Were Not ‘White’

Radiocarbon dating analysis have determined that the oldest fragments may have been as old as 36,000 years old. Neave is a forensic artist, for a BBC program about the origins of the human race and evolution At that time, Europe was inhabited by Homo Neanderthalis, or the Neanderthal man, who were quickly replaced by African nomadic peoples. The Neanderthal Genome Project has posited that the Neanderthals were killed off by these migrating groups. The first true homo sapiens (and homo sapien sapiens), in Europe, apparently would not have been recognizable as ethnically “Caucasian” whatsoever. The primary difference between this skull and later homo sapien sapiens are the unusually large molar teeth, which has led some scientists to speculate that the skull represents some intermixing with the native Homo Neanderthalis.

(Article by Shante Wooten; Image via BBC)

Mort et euthanasie

Sinéad O'Connor écrit une lettre ouverte à Miley Cyrus. Combat la corruption municipale. Une question à Stephen Harper coûte cher à un caméraman. Une question à Stephen Harper coûte cher à un caméraman. Combat corruption Provinciale. Edward Snowden’s Email Provider Shut Down Rather Than Comply With Feds. By Micah Naziri My fellow Cincinnatian Michael Ramsur clued me in to the following letter, by way of Adam Estes of Estes explains that Edward Snowden’s email provider, Lavabit were threatened by the US Federal government to shut down the exiled whistleblower’s email account, or face shut down themselves.

Edward Snowden’s Email Provider Shut Down Rather Than Comply With Feds

He relays that in a note posted on, Ladar Levison explains little more than that, going into very little detail about what compelled him to shut down his service so abruptly, apart from implying that the Federal government had backed him into the corner According to Levison, he had no other choice but to shut it down or comply. The note in full is reprinted below: My Fellow Users,I have been forced to make a difficult decision: to become complicit in crimes against the American people or walk away from nearly ten years of hard work by shutting down Lavabit. Les artistes de Téhéran réclament la réouverture de la Maison du cinéma.

Combat le mensonge et le contrôle

Quand l'Église fait chanter les garderies. Alors que le Québec promet pour l’automne une Charte sur la laïcité, la religion catholique cherche à reprendre le terrain qu’elle a perdu dans une vague de déconfessionnalisation. Des garderies aux écoles, jadis lieux de catéchèse désormais exempts d’apprentissage religieux, cette reconquête nouveau genre crée des remous. Les centres de la petite enfance (CPE), qui souhaitent s’installer dans les églises, sont parmi les premiers à faire les frais de la réaffirmation de l’Église catholique. Celle-ci semble bouder les organismes laïcs, préférant plutôt servir ses propres œuvres. Respect de la vie privée: les nouveaux gardiens de nos intimités sévèrement notés. Libérez la SRC de l’ingérence politique - fritsky - Gmail. Libérez la SRC de l’ingérence politique. Dissimulée au cœur du plus récent projet de loi budgétaire omnibus du gouvernement (C-60) se trouve une disposition insidieuse pour prendre le contrôle de la vaste majorité des dépenses de la SRC, ce qui aura pour effet de miner son indépendance éditoriale.

Libérez la SRC de l’ingérence politique

Si cette disposition est entérinée en loi, Stephen Harper sera l’ultime patron de tous les employés de la SRC, y compris les journalistes, qui dépendront de lui. Ceci pourrait avoir pour effet de transformer notre radiodiffuseur public national en machine à propagande sous contrôle politique, et empêcherait certainement la SRC de jouer son rôle critique de tenir tous les gouvernements, quelle que soit leur tendance politique, redevable auprès des citoyens. TheVine - Top 10 Chinese censorships of Hollywood films - Life & pop culture, untangled.