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Francisco Pesante


9 Chemical-Free Spring Cleaning Hacks + Recipes. H-Net. Sofia. Marcos. Sagrado Global. IEPR. Datacamp/datacamp-light: Convert any blog or website to an interactive learning platform for data science. Visual Resume Deep Dive – I’ve pulled the top 100 resumes (based on # of favorites) from Tableau Public, sorted in descending order by popularity, to give you a glimpse at a wide variety of options for creating a visual and/or interactive resume.

Visual Resume Deep Dive –

If there are blank sections in the images, that represents where a web page object has been embedded into the visualization. Click on the image to see the full interactive version in all of it’s glory. In writing this post, it looks like Tableau has also just setup its own interactive resume gallery (and my resume made that list)! Check that out “short list” here For additional resources, check out these blog posts on how to structure your data for your interactive resume: Ann Jackson – Blog Post Adam Crahen – Blog Post Lindsay Betzendahl – Blog Post Now for the “Long List” of Tableau Public resumes… 1.)

By Ann Jackson 2.) By Helena Dantas Pires by Alex Jones 4.) By Lindsay Betzendahl 5.) By Adam Crahen 6.) By Josh Tapley 7.) By Tristan Guillevin 8.) By Harpreet Ghuman 9.) 10.) 11.) Workshops. Five Tableau resumes to help make your data skills shine. What is Tropy? · Documentation. Tropy is free, open-source software that allows you to organize and describe photographs of research material.

What is Tropy? · Documentation

Once you have imported your photos into Tropy, you can combine photos into items (e.g., photos of the three pages of a letter into a single item), and group photos into lists. You can also describe the content of a photograph. Tropy uses customizable metadata templates with multiple fields for different properties of the content of your photo, for example, title, date, author, box, folder, collection, archive. You can enter information in the template for an individual photo or select multiple photos and add or edit information to them in bulk. Tropy also lets you tag photos. Tropy is not photo editing software (e.g., Photoshop). Where are your photos? Quantum. Lsr. THE PROJECT — Dear Data. TalkTyper - Speech Recognition in a Browser. TalkTyper provides Speech Recognition absolutely free.

TalkTyper - Speech Recognition in a Browser

It makes voice dictation freely available to "the rest of us". Anyone with a computer can use it. That's why we made it! TalkTyper first became possible when Google introduced speech input in version 11 of its Chrome browser. The speech input is somewhat revolutionary. Speech input is more than just a novelty. TalkTyper allows you to create text for any purpose. How it works Click the microphone icon and begin speaking.

If you want to hear it, click on the Speaker icon. If your speech wasn't recognized correctly, click the Alternatives button to view other 'recognitions', or just try again. When you're all done, click the Copy button and then paste it into your document, email, blog, or tweet! Mariátegui, Haya y Ravines en nuestro debate actual. Deseo retomar el diálogo/debate que sobre los inicios del aprismo se ha producido en esta plataforma, y en la que han participado Javier Landázuri (editor y prologuista del libro Los Inicios), Martín Bergel (historiador argentino y autor de un estupendo libro, El Orientalismo desplazado), Ricardo Portocarrero (historiador y ex director de la Casa Museo José Carlos Mariátegui) y quien escribe estas líneas.

Mariátegui, Haya y Ravines en nuestro debate actual

Lo primero que deseo resaltar es lo que podemos llamar el tono de la discusión, y que ha sido destacado también por los mencionados, especialmente por Portocarrero. BIENVENIDOS. Petrona martinez. Skewed Justice.


Materialismo historico. Cultura occidental. Historia de Puerto Rico. Historia de EE.UU. America Latina y el Caribe - Historia. Ambiente y agricultura. Game of Thrones. Data-driven history / DigHum. Historia Oral. Stats.

Otros pearltrees. Educación - investigacion. CEAPRC.