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Design patterns PHP

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PHP Patterns, Part I > Blog > SiteCrafting, Inc. This is the first in a planned series of articles discussing the application of various PHP patterns.

PHP Patterns, Part I > Blog > SiteCrafting, Inc.

If you're still getting your feet wet developing in PHP (or programming languages in general), you may be wondering what a "pattern" is in the first place. The best place to find a quick explanation is over in Wikipedia's article (which does a much better job than I could hope to do within the scope of this article). Now, let's move on to the fun part . . . I. The Registry Pattern, an IntroductionI am going to kick off this series by introducing you to the registry pattern.

A registry object basically acts as a container for objects that you want to be universally accessible throughout your project, while avoiding the use of . . . gulp . . . global variables! II.

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Adapter Design Pattern in PHP. Back to Adapter description In the Adapter Design Pattern, a class converts the interface of one class to be what another class expects.

Adapter Design Pattern in PHP

In this example we have a SimpleBook class that has a getAuthor() and getTitle() methods. The client, expects a getAuthorAndTitle() method. To "adapt" SimpleBook for testAdapter we have an adapter class, BookAdapter, which takes in an instance of SimpleBook, and uses the SimpleBook getAuthor() and getTitle() methods in it's own getAuthorAndTitle() method. Adapters are helpful if you want to use a class that doesn't have quite the exact methods you need, and you can't change the orignal class. BEGIN TESTING ADAPTER PATTERN Author and Title: Design Patterns by Gamma, Helm, Johnson, and Vlissides END TESTING ADAPTER PATTERN Read next This article is taken from our book Design Patterns Explained Simply.

All of the design patterns are compiled there. Learn more. My Favorite Design Patterns. Within the Design Patterns world, there are four main categories: Architectural, Structural, Creational, and Behavioral.

My Favorite Design Patterns

Architectural patterns describe the system as a whole, Structural patterns describe the relationships between objects, Creational handle creating objects, and finally Behavioral describe the communication patterns between objects. Each of the categories is worth discussion on its own, but in this case we'll stick to the Structural patterns of Adapter, Facade, and Decorator. Adapters The Adapter Pattern is the most common of the three.

In simple terms, it's used to "wrap" another library or system to allow you to interact with each of them in the same way. If you're using the Zend Framework, you're already familiar with Adapters. Facades At first glance, Facades look quite a bit like Adapters in that they both "wrap" another libraries or systems to hide the implementation details but Facades take it a step further. Decorators And now our designers can't break it.. DI: What is Dependency Injection? This article is part of a series on Dependency Injection in general and on a lightweight implementation of a Container in PHP in particular: This article is the first of a series on Dependency Injection in general and the implementation of a Dependency Injection Container in PHP.

DI: What is Dependency Injection?

Today, I won't talk about the container yet as I first want to introduce the concept of Dependency Injection with some concrete examples that will hopefully demonstrate the problems it tries to solve and the benefits it gives to the developer. Dependency Injection types. Dependency Injection - PHP tutorials - PHPhulp. Ik zal het begrip 'Dependency Injection' introduceren met behulp van een voorbeeld, dat van een object geörienteerd session opslagsysteem.

Dependency Injection - PHP tutorials - PHPhulp

Stel we de taal van de website willen opslaan in een sessievariabele, doen we dat als volgt: Ralph Schindler - Learning About Dependency Injection and PHP. Over the past few years, there are a few concepts and programming patterns that have muscled their way into the hearts and minds of PHP developers from other languages and programming communities.

Ralph Schindler - Learning About Dependency Injection and PHP

These concepts range from the MVC application architecture as well as various modeling techniques (think ActiveRecord and Data Mapper), to a pure shift in the way we think about application architectures, like aspect-oriented programming (AoP) and event-driven programming. Perhaps it’s because PHP has been adopted at an enterprise level thus increasing the demand for what developers might call enterprise quality programming patterns, or perhaps it’s simply because of PHP’s ever evolving object model that makes new things possible.

After all, who doesn’t like new shiny things? Whatever the reason, one of the newest concepts (at least over the past 3 years or so) that has emerged as one of our heated topics of debate is how to manage object dependencies. That’s basically it. Dependency injection in php - Archief - - PHP Community. Ik heb vanavond niet veel tijd meer; collision detection with "social life".

dependency injection in php - Archief - - PHP Community

Dependency Injection in ZendFrw. Very brief introduction to Di.

Dependency Injection in ZendFrw

Dependency Injection is a concept that has been talked about in numerous places over the web. For the purposes of this quickstart, we’ll explain the act of injecting dependencies simply with this below code: Above, A is a dependency of B, and A was injected into B. If you are not familar with the concept of dependency injection, here are a couple of great reads: Matthew Weier O’Phinney’s Analogy, Ralph Schindler’s Learning DI, or Fabien Potencier’s Series on DI. Very brief introduction to Di Container.

Simplest usage case (2 classes, one consumes the other)