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Simple Layouts with PHP

Simple Layouts with PHP
This tutorial is for those starting out in PHP and want to learn a great way to create layouts. This will help reduce redundancy and keep you from writing too much code. Download the Source Anyone that has been developing HTML based sites for some time has undoubtedly ran in to the issue of keeping the design consistent across multiple pages. Technique #1 A lot of sites follow this kind of layout scheme The first technique is the entry level solution that works across nearly all situations. <! Take out everything up to the point and put that in a new file called head.php. <? Now just put whatever HTML/PHP content you want in between those two include statements and check it out in a browser. It may be easier to think of it as a puzzle, you are piecing together a complete HTML page with includes. Technique #2 Alright we have that under our belt let’s look at another solution. <! This will be your index.php, but the content will change based on the links the user goes to. Conclusion

extremely useful PHP classes PHP PSD Reader A few weeks ago, I wrote an article about this PHP which allow you to display any Adobe PSD file on screen. Very usefull to create preview of PSDs designed for clients, for example.Download Browser detect One of the most common (and boring) problem for front-end developers is definitely cross-browser compatibility. This PHP class will detect almost all browsers and simplify your cross-browser work.Download Akismet Remember those days without spam? ADOdb The large majority of websites and web apps are using databases to store all kinds of data. HTML Purifier As it name tells, HTML Purifier is a PHP class created to help you writing a better code. Google charts API Charts are very useful and highly asked by clients, but they can be a lot of work. pChart pChart is another chart class, and it is as good as Google charts API. PHP Excel Excel documents are highly popular in the corporate world. Country from IP Cache Manager WPGet

PHP Help Tutorial: PHP Basic Pagination Basic Pagination As a web developer, you will often be tasked to display large amounts of data to the user in some kind of easy to read format. Let's say for instance you have a list of employees in your database, and you want to be able to list them on your web page. If you only have a dozen or so employees, it's no big deal to just make a simple loop and display them all on the same page, right? Pulling out all that data at the same time can leave your user tapping his fingers on the desk wondering what the frak is taking so long, and when he finally does get his info, it's a whole frakking novel on one page! Well anyways, it makes way more sense to break up your list into page-sized chunks, and only query your database one chunk at a time. A basic pagination routine seems long and scary at first, but once you close your eyes, take a deep breath, and look at each piece of the script individually, you will find it's actually pretty easy stuff. <? Why 3 digits? <? Now we run our query.

pChart | a PHP Charting library Absolute paths for PHP include Ruby Programming Language PHP Examples - passing variables via url Pass variables to a page using the question mark, for example mypage.php?value=hello. Access these variables with the _GET command. send email Send an email from PHP - one line example. redirect browser Using the php header function, a browser can be redirected to another page. get current filename as variable Sometimes you need just the filename of the current script, without the path. email validation, simple Validate an email address - returns TRUE or FALSE. get current page URL Often used for form actions, the variable $PHP_SELF has changed with recent versions, and now must be accessed using the _SERVER array of pre-defined variables. form action - detect form post There are several ways to process a php form. generate random number Generate a random number using mt_rand. force cookies, disable php sessid in URL This commands disables php from rewriting URLs to add a phpsessid, and forces the use of cookie sessions instead. show referring URL Define A Constant

10 sites developers should have in their bookmarks Mysql Format Date MySQL Format Date helps you to format your dates using the MySQL DATE_FORMAT function. Just select a common date format and then change it to your suit your needs. Visit site: Script Src Are you tired of hunting the Internet in order to find the script tag for the latest version of the Javascript library of your choice? Visit site: Em Chart I never been a fan of ems in CSS files, but sometimes you have to deal with it. Visit site: Twitter API Explorer If you’re using the Twitter API in the site you build, you’ll for sure enjoy this very handy website which allow you to search through the Twitter API. Visit site: Browser Sandbox Cross browser compatibility is definitely one of the biggest problems a web developer has to face in his daily job. Visit site: PHP Forms Visit site: .htaccess editor Smush it! CSS Compressor

PHP Tutorials: Variables - Some Practice In the previous section, you saw what variables are: storage areas to hold things like numbers and text. You tell PHP to remember these values because you want to do something with them. In this section, you'll get some practice using variables. Off we go. Testing variables with PHP First, we'll take a look at how to display what's in your variables. <html> <head> <title>Variables - Some Practice</title> </head> <body> When you've finished typing it all, save the page as variables.php. If you've created a folder inside the www folder, then the address to type in your browser would be something like: If you were successful, you should have seen the text "It worked!" The PHP script is only one line long: The rest of the script is just plain HTML code. We've put the PHP in the BODY section of an HTML page. So you need a left angle bracket ( < ) then a question mark ( ? To display things on the page, we've used print( ). <?

15 very useful PHP code snippets for PHP developers | Following are list of 15 most useful PHP code snippets that a PHP developer will need at any point in his career. Few of the snippets are shared from my projects and few are taken from useful php websites from internet. You may also want to comment on any of the code or also you can share your code snippet through comment section if you think it may be useful for others. 1. Send Mail using mail function in PHP 2. 3. The above code will not work in case your client is behind proxy server. 4. This function will return the duration of the given time period in days, hours, minutes and seconds. e.g. secsToStr(1234567) would return “14 days, 6 hours, 56 minutes, 7 seconds” 5. 6. Required Extension: SimpleXML 7. 8. Following is the PHP code to create the JSON data format of above example using array of PHP. Following code will parse the JSON data into PHP arrays. 9. 10. This basic snippet will create a random authentication code, or just a random string. 11. Validate a date in “YYYY-MM-DD” format.

7 Secure, Lightweight, and Easy to Use PHP Frameworks Choosing a good PHP frameworks can help you develop complex Rich Internet Applications quickly, with a best practices oriented approach, and saving a lot of time reusing code snippets that are already available. There are a lot of interesting PHP frameworks you can choose for your next web project. Which framework you choose is really a personal decision. There is no one “best” framework on the market at the moment. Different frameworks are better for different types of projects, and for different developer. Today we will focus on 7 secure, lightweight and easy to use PHP Frameworks. Why Use a PHP Framework? There are plenty of reasons to use a PHP Framework to build your websites. 1. Below we’ve covered some of the best frameworks available today. 1. CodeIgniter is a powerful, high-performance, open-source PHP framework that helps you author PHP applications rapidly. CodeIgniter has an exciting online manual, a couple of helpful video tutorials and an active user forum. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

10 code snippets for PHP developers « The html blog I’ve compiled a small list of some useful code snippets which might help you when writing your PHP scripts… Email address check Checks for a valid email address using the php-email-address-validation class. Source and docs: 01.include('EmailAddressValidator.php'); 03. 04.if ($validator->check_email_address('')) { 07.else { Random password generator PHP password generator is a complete, working random password generation function for PHP. 01.function generatePassword($length=9, $strength=0) { 02. 03. 04. if ($strength & 1) { 05. 07. if ($strength & 2) { 08. 10. if ($strength & 4) { 11. 13. if ($strength & 8) { 14. 17. 18. 19. for ($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++) { 20. if ($alt == 1) { 21. 22. 23. } else { 24. 25. 28. return $password; Get IP address Returns the real IP address of a visitor, even when connecting via a proxy. 01.function getRealIpAddr(){ 02. if (! 04. 06. elseif (! 08. 10. else{ 11. 13. return $ip; XSL transformation 01. 04. 05. 08.
