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The Usability of Passwords (by @baekdal) #tips

The Usability of Passwords (by @baekdal) #tips
Security companies and IT people constantly tells us that we should use complex and difficult passwords. This is bad advice, because you can actually make usable, easy to remember and highly secure passwords. In fact, usable passwords are often far better than complex ones. So let's dive into the world of passwords, and look at what makes a password secure in practical terms. Update: Read the FAQ (updated January 2011) Update - April 21, 2011: This article was "featured" on Security Now, here is my reply! How to hack a password The work involved in hacking passwords is very simple. Asking: Amazingly the most common way to gain access to someone's password is simply to ask for it (often in relation with something else). When is a password secure? You cannot protect against "asking" and "guessing", but you can protect yourself from the other forms of attacks. The measure of security must then be "how many password requests can the automated program make - e.g. per second". Like these: It takes:

Trouver un mot de passe hashé Trouver un mot de passe hashé Si par le plus grand des hasards, vous devez tester quelques hashs afin de trouver quel est le mot de passe qui y correspond, ce n'est pas forcement la peine de vous lancer dans un bruteforce de malade... Il y a beaucoup plus simple et plus rapide. Il suffit d'utiliser les nombreuses bases de données de hashs qui sont à notre disposition sur le net. Grâce au script python Find my hash, vous allez vous faire plaisir. Ce script supporte les algos Un keylogger de vibrations Un keylogger de vibrations Voilà encore une news qui va faire stresser les paranos ! En effet, des chercheurs du Georgia Institute of Technology d'Atlanta, viennent de mettre au point une technique qui permet d'intercepter les touches tapées sur un clavier d'ordinateur, simplement grâce aux capteurs de mouvement d'un smartphone.

ChromePass - Chrome Browser Password Recovery Related Links Windows Password Recovery Tools Description Les mots de passe de l'iPhone se volent en 6 minutes Vous vous êtes fait voler votre iPhone? Attention à vos mots de passe! met en garde Gizmodo. Besoin de trouver un mot de passe… J'ai ça en stock depuis un bon moment maintenant et je me dis, pourquoi ne pas en faire profiter au lecteur de ? Si vous cherchez le mot de passe de MSN Messenger, Windows Messenger (Windows XP), Yahoo Messenger (Version 5.x/6.x), ICQ Lite 4.x/2003, AOL Instant Messenger, AOL Instant Messenger/Netscape 7, Trillian, Miranda, et GAIM... Si vous voulez faire apparaitre un mot de passe caché derrière des asterisques (étoiles ******) ...

Les injections SQL Trouver un mot de passe avec une injection SQL Tout sur l'informatique - Programmation C#, Sécurité, Divx, P2P Les injections SQL peuvent servir à se connecter sur le compte d'une autre personne sans son mot de passe où encore à trouver des mots de passe. C'est un type de faille très répandues sur le web et dont le fonctionnement est assez simple.Il est indispensable de comprendre les injections SQL si on veut correctement protéger un site web. Cet article s'adresse à tout le monde, que vous vouliez en apprendre plus sur la sécurité informatique ou que vous souhaitiez sécuriser votre site web. Sommaire :

How to Update Your Insecure Passwords and Make Them Easy to Use - Lifehacker SExpand You know how important strong passwords are, but you've got a huge backlog of passwords—some you can't remember, others you've been using for years. Here's how to securely update, create, and manage your passwords on any computer.P Image via kobakou.P It's not necessarily a 10-minute job, especially if you've got a lengthy backlog of passwords you've abandoned or rarely use. But it's a multi-step process you can break up, and it's actually pretty simple:P Reset Your Forgotten Password the Easy Way Using the Ultimate Boot CD for Windows We’ve written previously about how to create your own Ultimate Boot CD for Windows, which is based on XP but can still be of use for repairing Vista computers as well. Today we’ll show you how to reset your password easily using that CD. For you to be able to use this technique, you’ll need to have created your own boot CD first.

Change Your Forgotten Windows Password with the Linux System Rescue CD So far in our series we’ve covered how to reset your Windows password with the Ultimate Boot CD, but if you are a little more technical you might want to simply use the excellent System Rescue CD, which is based on Linux. Note that if you are using standard Windows encryption for your files, resetting the password will permanently disable access to those files. In that case you should crack the password, which is something we’ll cover in an upcoming article. If you are an Ubuntu user and forgot your password, we’ve covered how to do that as well, either the easy way with the grub menu or alternately with the live cd. Creating the System Rescue CD
