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Religions, Laicism, Atheism & Agnosticism

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Ateos estadounidenses critican énfasis en la religión de los candidatos presidenciales. Por medio de un gran cartel los ateos de Estados Unidos criticaron el énfasis que se hace en la religión de los candidatos a la presidencia de Estados Unidos. La valla publicitaria fue desplegada en la ciudad de Charlotte, Carolina del Norte, donde se el próximo mes realizará la Convención Nacional del Partido Demócrata. El cartel critica el mormonismo, religión del candidato a presidente Mitt Romney y de su fórmula vicepresidencial Paul Ryan, por el Partido Republicano, así como la fe del presidente Barack Obama, que es cristiano protestante, de la Iglesia Congregacional, aunque no es fundamentalista.

Respecto al mormonismo dice: "Dios es un alíen espacial, bautizos por personas muertas, Mucho dinero, mucha discriminación" Junto al mensaje aparece un mormón vistiendo la ropa interior a la que los mormones le atribuyen propiedades mágicas, propias de su credo. Estado del ateísmo en Estados Unidos. ¿Y usted qué opina? Buddism. God is Imaginary - 50 simple proofs. The Origins of Satan. AronRa. Dudeism - Ordination by the Religion of The Big Lebowski. Religion / Atheism. La communauté de l’immortalité à Gavdos. Sur une petite île rocheuse du sud de l’Europe, depuis une cabane en bois, un scientifique russe et barbu nous parle d’une mystérieuse congrégation religieuse. « Il n’y aura pas de nouvelles générations », nous dit-il, « nous sommes la dernière.

Nous n’allons pas autoriser la naissance d’individus mortels. Ils ne sont pas nécessaires ». Avec sa clope roulée et son coupe-vent en loques, ce type a vraiment l’air d’un clodo. Mais il est, en réalité, un membre éminent de ce qu’il convient d’appeler une « communauté d’immortalité » formée sur l’île de Gavdos par sept scientifiques russes qui se sont établis là il y a plus de 15 ans. Parmi eux, on trouve des survivants de Tchernobyl. Le chef du mouvement notamment, est un homme qui a survécu à une irradiation importante.

On trouve aussi des psychanalystes et des ingénieurs spécialisés en technologie spatiale. La philosophie de ces scientifiques prônant l’idée d’immortalité est comparable, selon Moustakis, au bouddhisme. Dicionário de Português | Michaelis. Apresentação A elaboração do Michaelis Moderno Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa estendeu-se ao longo de dez anos e contou com a dedicada colaboração de 84 profissionais especializados. Com esta publicação, a Melhoramentos reafirmou sua tradição na edição de dicionários de qualidade, oferecendo ao público uma grande e imprescindível obra de referência que renovou as possibilidades de estudo, conhecimento e uso correto de nossa língua. Este dicionário, com mais de 200.000 verbetes e subverbetes, foi planejado com extremo rigor lexicográfico, procurando-se registrar o maior número possível de vocábulos, tanto da linguagem escrita quanto da oral.

A obra se baseia no banco de dados lexicográficos da Melhoramentos, que foi reestruturado, revisto e ampliado com milhares de novos verbetes elaborados por especialistas em diversas áreas do saber. A utilização de sofisticados recursos de informática possibilitou uniformizar as informações, além de sistematizar as remissões e referências cruzadas. Conjuga-me - Conjugação de verbos regulares e irregulares.

Divine Cosmos. Buddhism and Buddhist schools. Spirituality. The problem of evil, as described circa 300 B.C. : Dangerous Intersection - StumbleUpon. In about 300 B.C., Epicurus eloquently summed up the problem of the existence of evil. It has come to be known as the Riddle of Epicurus or the Epicurean paradox. It was translated by David Hume in the Dialogues concerning Natural Religion: If God is willing to prevent evil, but is not able to Then He is not omnipotent.If He is able, but not willing Then He is malevolent.If He is both able and willing Then whence cometh evil? If He is neither able nor willing Then why call Him God? Tags: Epicurus, problem of evil Category: Good and Evil, Quotes About the Author (Author Profile) Erich Vieth is an attorney focusing on consumer law litigation and appellate practice.

Supporting Civil Rights for Atheists and the Separation of Church and State | American Atheists. Atheist Empire. Noah Feldman says politics and religion are technologies. Religion, Mythology and Ethos. Religion. Eastern Religions. Spiritualité et Religions. Buddhism Archive. Skeptics. Judaism. Philosophy/Atheism/Religion/etc...

Le symbolique et le sacré. Théories de la religion. Camille Tarot balise les concepts de religion, de sacré, de symbolique et de société, voire celui de culture, mais ne propose pas à proprement parler de modèle d’analyse du religieux. L’ordre proposé est scolastique, basé sur la lectio (lecture des thèses), la disputatio (discussion des thèses entre elles) et la determinatio (solution). Un tel ordre est un peu déroutant car il n’est plus guère usité mais il explique d’une part la « longueur inhabituelle » de l’ouvrage, comme le dit Lucien Scubla dans sa préface, ainsi que son aptitude à être lu comme une sorte de Manuel. Camille Tarot s’oriente toutefois, sur un mode plus exploratoire que conclusif, vers ce qu’il nomme une « synthèse durkheimo-girardienne » —, si l’on veut bien aussi inscrire Mauss dans le durkheimisme. De Durkheim, Camille Tarot reprend l’idée selon laquelle tout procède du religieux, bien que tout ne s’y ramène pas. Tarot pointe toutefois une faiblesse dans cette synthèse : l’explication de la violence.

Habermas et la religion au-delà des limites de la simple raison. Jürgen Habermas, Entre naturalisme et religion. Les défis de la démocratie, 2008. Donald Ipperciel Jürgen Habermas a longtemps résisté à l’idée d’un dialogue avec la religion et la théologie. De son propre aveu, il préférait demeurer silencieux sur ces questions. On reconnaît d’emblée, à son titre, la thèse de l’ouvrage. Cette dichotomie fondatrice de l’ouvrage n’est pas sans rappeler celle qui peut être trouvée dans l’œuvre maîtresse de Hans-Georg Gadamer, Vérité et méthode, dans laquelle les prétentions à la vérité des sciences humaines, de l’art, mais aussi de la religion (par exexemple, Gadamer, 1996, p. 441 et suivantes) sont mises en valeur contre les visées exclusivistes de la méthode scientifique.

En raison du caractère hétéroclite des divers articles rassemblés dans Entre naturalisme et religion, plus d’un thème aurait pu être abordé pour servir de base à un commentaire. Le motif kantien. La philosophie kantienne de la religion. Appropriation habermassienne de l’éthique kantienne. Study: Atheists more driven by compassion than highly religious people. Theology. RELIGION & PHILOSOPHY (Why) Europe - Carte linguistique / Linguistic map. William Lane Craig: Is God a Delusion? Sheldonian Theatre, Oxford October 2011. Scientology IS Hypnotic Mind Control Part1 | Hypnosis Technique.

Religious Dissection Comparative study of religions. Neurotheology. The spiritual link and the sacred space. The Natural Theology of Beauty, Truth and Goodness, Steve McIntosh. An independent forum for a critical discussion of the integral philosophy of Ken Wilber Sunday, May 17, 2015 Publication dates of essays (month/year) can be found under "Essays". To the Readers of I have enjoyed this website for many years, and it has been most interesting to follow its evolution. And I can fully understand the frustration that many have expressed about the shortcomings of some of the integral movement's leaders.

Frank Visser was kind enough to invite me to contribute something from my book. So thanks for considering my plea for solidarity among integralists; this is a pivotal moment in human history, and by working together and continuing to focus on the positive potentials of this emerging new worldview, we can make a real difference. Steve McIntosh, October, 2007 This is a presentation about how the values known as the beautiful, the true, and the good play a central role in the evolution of the universe. So you may ask, why is this? Logic and perception - topical index -The Skeptics Dictionary - - StumbleUpon. Last updated 20-Nov-2015 Recommended Reading Critical Thinking Mini-Lessons Adams, James L. Conceptual Blockbusting: A Guide to Better Ideas 3rd ed. (Perseus Press, 1990). Ariely, Dan. (2008). Dawes, Robyn M. Gardner, Martin. Gardner, Martin. Gilovich, Thomas. Groopman, Jerome. Kahneman, Daniel.

Kida, Thomas. 2006. Kourany, Janet A. Levine, Robert. 2003. Sagan, Carl. Seckel, Al. (2006). Sternberg, Robert J. ed. Sutherland, Stuart. (2007). Secularism / atheism. Religion / Atheism. Religion, Mythology and Ethos. :: Página web del Profesor Doctor Antonio Piñero :: :: Editorial Trotta publica 'Aproximación al Jesús histórico' de Antonio Piñero. ¿Qué valor tiene en general lo que se nos ha transmitido en tiempos tan remotos? Todas estas son preguntas reales, no inventadas y me las han formulado a mí directa y personalmente en el turno de preguntas tras diversas intervenciones a lo largo de mi vida… y a menudo con un tono desafiante dando por supuesto que a veces he obrado arbitrariamente manipulando diversos pasajes de los Evangelio. [+] Leer más Editorial Tritemio publica 'Taumaturgia en el Mundo Antiguo Pagano, Judío y Cristiano' de Antonio Piñero y Eugenio Gómez Segura.

Los milagros encuentran en los Evangelios un claro protagonismo y, aún hoy, son parte sustancial del credo cristiano. [+] Leer más Editorial Tritemio publica 'Gnosis, Cristianismo primitivo y Manuscritos del Mar Muerto' de Antonio Piñero. [+] Leer más [+] Entrevista a Antonio Piñero: PREMIO TRITHEMIUS GUÍA PARA ENTENDER A PABLO DE TARSO Una interpretación del pensamiento paulino [+] Leer más. L'OrienTao. Top 10 Ancient Religious Sites. Religion Whether you are religious or not, it must be accepted that religion has been with us for a very long time. Some of the most monumental structures ever made have had religious functions. Today it is still possible to be moved by the ruins of these sites, even though the people who made them, and sometimes the gods they were raised to, have disappeared. Here I present ten of the most important ancient religious sites.

Pop in the comments any you think I should have included. The Karnak Temple Complex Egypt Begun in the 14th century BC, by the pharaoh Ramses II, the temples of Karnak are some of the most famous in the world. The Callanish stones on the Isle of Lewis date from roughly 2900-2600BC, around the same time stones were being brought to Stonehenge. Editors Note: As a child in the seventies in England, Stonehenge was a fascinating place. The Ziggurat of Ur Iraq The epic of Gilgamesh is the oldest written story we possess. Pyramids of Teotihuacan Mexico. The Evangelical Movement: Part II. This is a guest post by Kristen J. Kristen J. is a frequent commentor at Feministe and a former member of several Evangelical churches located throughout the U.S. The Evangelical Christian Movement is a broad social and political group dedicated to reproducing a set of values that are antithetical to the very concept of social justice and equality.

Huh? What was that? Bebbington’s definition is helpful, but I would note that, within the U.S. at least, “Evangelical” has expanded in recent years. In my view it is the biblicism and activism that form the core of the Evangelical Movement. Biblicism Biblicism is a funky kind of belief that reminds me of “strict constructionism” and the U.S. Despite their interpretative differences, there are a few generally accepted beliefs that are relevant to our purpose.* First, God gave humankind dominion over all the Earth (Christian Century).

[Pastor Billy Graham from a sermon entitled "Will the World Survive? " Activism Hell is a real place. Feel better? Atheism. Centro de Estudio de la Cabala. Religion no excuse for promoting scientific ignorance - science-in-society - 08 February 2011. The US constitution allows people to believe what they want. However, it does not require universities to promote ignorance LAST month, the University of Kentucky in Lexington paid $125,000 to settle a religious discrimination lawsuit brought by astrophysicist Martin Gaskell. Gaskell claimed the university did not appoint him director of their student observatory because of his Christian faith, despite him being the best candidate. The settlement - which is not an admission of wrongdoing - means the suit will not come to court. While I think the university had a case, this may be the best outcome.

A court case could have set a dangerous precedent. Instead, we can now move on. Whether or not Gaskell's views were inspired by his belief is irrelevant. Religious viewpoints need not conflict with science. Lawrence M. New Scientist Not just a website! More From New Scientist Obesity linked to our ability to digest carbohydrates (New Scientist) More from the web (YouTube) Recommended by. People-about-religion-atheism-18482548-1280-805.jpg (JPEG Image, 1280x805 pixels) - Scaled (78. Círculo Escéptico Argentino. Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster. Shamans Of The Amazon - Dmt, Ayahuasca & Mckenna.

Frequently Asked Questions about Hinduism. For Hitchens, In Life And Death, An Unaware Cosmos. Hide captionChristopher Hitchens, shown here in 2010, began a lifelong battle with a God he didn't believe in when he was just 9 years old. David Levenson/Getty Images Christopher Hitchens, shown here in 2010, began a lifelong battle with a God he didn't believe in when he was just 9 years old. Writer Christopher Hitchens, who died on Thursday from complications of cancer at the age of 62, leaves behind some 18 books and countless essays on politics and public figures.

But his most lasting legacy may be his atheism and his long-running duel with what he considered the world's most dangerous threat: religion. It was not trauma or disillusion that propelled Christopher Hitchens into a life of unbelief. "She says, 'This is an excellent thing and proof of the glory of God, because he could have made vegetation orange or red, something that would clash with our eyes, whereas green is the most restful color for our eyes!

' It was not merely Islamic fundamentalism that worried Hitchens. Yes, God. Top 10 Ancient Religious Sites. Skepticalpaul. The childhood beliefs site - I Used To Believe. Signes religieux et neutralité de l’Etat : étude de deux conceptions distinctes à partir des cas belges et français. Par Sylvain Crépon La plupart des recherches qui s’intéressent à la problématique de la diversité culturelle et/ou religieuse, suscitée par la présence de populations issues de l’immigration, ont souvent tendance à dresser des typologies à partir des situations juridiques des nations étudiées. C’est ainsi qu’en Europe par exemple, on en est venu à dresser deux principaux types idéaux de gestion de la diversité, le multiculturalisme britannique et le modèle républicain français, à partir desquels on tente, bien souvent, de décrypter la situation dans les autres pays1. Si la portée heuristique de l’idéal type n’est plus à remettre en cause, les travaux sociologiques ne sauraient se limiter aux seuls éléments juridiques pour établir la manière dont un pays conçoit son homogénéité nationale tout en gérant l’expression des multiples singularités culturelles et/ou religieuses ainsi que philosophiques de ses habitants.

La polémique entre les deux camps se radicalise en 2004. LAICISMO Y POLÍTICA. Los 10 mandamientos del laicismo. La vicepresidenta De la Vega ha insistido en la voluntad firme del Gobierno de "avanzar en la laicidad del Estado" y de "proteger las creencias de quienes no creen". Público ha elaborado un decálogo para convertir España en un Estado laico. I. Educarás en igualdad En España hay 17.000 colegios de titularidad pública y 7.000 concertados o privados.

Casi 2.500.000 alumnos de enseñanza no universitaria —uno de cada tres— estudian en centros concertados de ideario religioso. El Estado los financia con fondos públicos, pero deja su gestión en manos de instituciones religiosas. II. La asignatura de Religión "interrumpe el funcionamiento común del horario lectivo e impide que ese tiempo se dedique a otro tipo de aprendizajes", según denuncia la plataforma Por una Escuela Laica.

III. El pasado jueves, los máximos representantes de los tres poderes del Estado acudieron al funeral de Estado celebrado en la catedral de La Almudena, en Madrid, por Leopoldo Calvo Sotelo. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. IX. X. I.L.E.C - El laicismo en Chile. Istituto Laico de Estudios Contemporaneos - Jorge Carvajal Munoz. Laicismo. Laicismo. -- EUROPA LAICA -- El observatorio del laicismo y asociación Europa Laica - Por un estado laico. Atheist's Blog.