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Happy Human. The Happy Human is an icon that has been adopted as the official international symbol of humanism.[1] Created by Dennis Barrington, the figure was the winning design in a competition arranged by The British Humanist Association(BHA) in 1965.[1] Various forms of it are now used across the world by humanist organisations of all sizes including the BHA, International Humanist and Ethical Union(IHEU) and The American Humanist Association(AHA).[1][2][3] The trademark is still held by the BHA, which freely licenses use of the symbol by bona fide Humanist organisations worldwide.[1] Variations of the Happy Human Symbol[edit] Original Happy Human Symbol Organisations using the Happy Human[edit] The full Humanism logo.

Happy Human

The Humanist Society of NZ - Home Page.

Post Structuralist + Post Colonial Thought

(Post) Feminism, Queer Identity, Sexuality, 'Existing. Feminism. Choice and Reproductive Rights. Cliteracy 101: Artist Sophia Wallace Wants You To Know The Truth About The Clitoris. New York artist Sophia Wallace wants you -- and everyone you know -- to be cliterate.

Cliteracy 101: Artist Sophia Wallace Wants You To Know The Truth About The Clitoris

"It's appalling and shocking to think that scientifically, the clitoris was only discovered in 1998," Wallace told The Huffington Post from her Brooklyn studio last week. "But really, it may as well have never been discovered at all because there's still such ignorance when it comes to the female body. " The clitoris, described as the only human body part that exists solely for pleasure, is not merely a little "button" hidden between a woman's legs, but rather a large, mostly internal organ many people don't know about, Wallace explains.

According to a 2011 post by Museum of Sex blogger Ms. Queer geek theory. News and media for the umbrella. Wild Gender - fabulous flagrant gender variance. Issues of Importance to Transgender Prisoners - Jailhouse Lawyer's Handbook. Transgender people face specific and unique difficulty in prisons and jails due to ignorance, discrimination, and violence from guards and other prisoners.

Issues of Importance to Transgender Prisoners - Jailhouse Lawyer's Handbook

Unfortunately, many transgender prisoner cases are unsuccessful. However, there have been some victories, and we are hopeful that more will follow as courts and prisons are forced to recognize this growing and vocal community. PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS! <3. When I was a child, I knew where I wanted my life to head.


And, of course, there are hurdles put to distract, detour, and mislead one of their pursuits of happiness. Now 23, I’ve never imagined my life to take the turns that it has. My life has been a constant roller-coaster ride, with all its loops and deep dives. But I refuse to let these rides make me feel that I have to back away from my own pursuit of happiness. Wide Open Spaces. What's up, gash-snackers?

Wide Open Spaces

Hehehe.Remember when I was bitching about it being winter forever? Remember when it felt like winter would never end??? Well! The ground has thawed! The breeze has mellowed! Autostraddle. Greatest hits. “Sad cloud” and “naked Christmas tree” did not make the list.

greatest hits

You’re welcome, makers of anti-depressant commercials! The truth is that Carmen and Papi are Latina characters who perpetuated sweeping generalizations about Latin@ Folks and ultimately made matters worse. “I hated my body and punished it, and it hated me and punished me back. Is that what happened? 20130301_cloud-cult-love_91.jpg (JPEG Image, 709 × 636 pixels) Polyamory. Polyamory (from Greek πολύ poly, "many, several", and Latin amor, "love") is typically the practice of, or desire for, intimate relationships where individuals may have more than one partner, with the knowledge and consent of all partners.[1] [2]It has been described as "consensual, ethical, and responsible non-monogamy".[3][4][5] However, the meaning of polyamory is also an issue of ongoing debate.[4] For example, although polyamory is typically defined as a relationship practice or approach to relationships,[1][2][6] some believe that it should also be considered an orientation or identity (analogous to sexual orientation or gender identity).[7][8] Polyamory is sometimes used in a broader sense, as an umbrella term that covers various forms of consensual multi-partner relationships, or forms of consensual non-exclusive sexual and/or romantic relationships.


Terminology[edit] No single definition of "polyamory" has universal acceptance. The Pulse of the Polyamory Movement. How to Have Your Cake and Eat it Too: 5 Things That Make Polyamorous Relationships Work. Is it really so bad to have your cake and eat it too?

How to Have Your Cake and Eat it Too: 5 Things That Make Polyamorous Relationships Work

I never understood this expression. What is the point of ha ving your cake if you can’t enjoy it? The expression speaks to our culture of austerity and provincialism, where character building and morality is associated with refraining and abstention. On one hand we are a culture of tremendous gluttony and indulgence but with a puritanical underpinning that tells us “you can look but don’t touch.” Burn After Reading Magazine. Not only is Burning Man born out of love and made out of love, it also encourages a new type of relating, a new type of embodied love and interaction, one that goes beyond traditional monogamous and polyamorous paradigms.

Burn After Reading Magazine

You are full of love. You may not even know it, but you are full of so much love. Poly - Revolt - Gay & Lesbian. Let’s get this clear from the start: polyamory is being in a relationship with more than one person at once – it is NOT polygamy, which is having multiple spouses.

Poly - Revolt - Gay & Lesbian

Now we have that out of the way, let’s move on to Poly, a new production from Perth-based theatre ensemble, The Cutting Room Floor. It’s no coincidence that it focuses on a relationship between three women at a time when same-sex relationships are terribly topical. “We work with a lot of gay people, so it’s always been an issue for us,” says Ann-Marie Biagioni, one of the performers. “And we were interested in polyamory as a relationship as well, because we questioned its existence; are they real? Are people really in polyamorous relationships in Perth; do we know anyone?


Athiesm, Logic, Reason.