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The Iliad by Homer

The Iliad by Homer

Top 10 Evil People From Ancient Times History History is replete with tales of evil people performing evil acts. Sadly they are so many in number that Listverse has been able to feature many top 10 lists of evil humans – men, women, and even children. Wu Zetian was empress of China from October 690 to February 705. Qin Shi Huang was the first emperor of China from 221 BC to 210 BC. Godfrey of Bouillon was a Frankish knight who was the leader of the First Crusade, a military expedition by Western Christianity to regain the Holy Lands in which tens of thousands of people were killed. Herod was king of Jueda from 37 BC to 4 BC. John was king of England from April 1199 to October 1216. Tamerlane (a.k.a. Nero was Rome’s 5th emperor from AD 54 to AD 68. He was Rome’s 3rd emperor from AD 37 to AD 41. Attila ruled the Huns from 434 to 453. He was Khan of the Mongolian Empire from 1206 to 1227. Basil The Bulgar Slayer Basil II was emperor of the Byzantine Empire from 976 to 1025.

Topless Female Duelists by Jamie Frevele | 4:05 pm, August 11th, 2011 Before we begin, a caveat that some of you who may have happened upon our humble site might have seen the words “topless” and “female” and are expecting something racy. Well, this is not racy. You might have seen pieces of this article on Tumblr lately, as did we, and our interest was definitely piqued. It was actually just a matter of precaution. If you’re keeping track, this is: 1. 2. 3. In other words, this was pretty crazy for the time. At the dueling ground on the fateful day, all formalities were carried out to the letter including an attempt at and refusal of reconciliation. In the end, Princess Pauline won. (Women of Action Network)

The Pyramid Code The Pyramid Code is a documentary series of 5 episodes that explores the pyramid fields and ancient temples in Egypt as well as ancient megalithic sites around the world looking for clues to matriarchal consciousness, ancient knowledge and sophisticated technology in a Golden Age. The series is based on the extensive research done in 23 trips to Egypt and 50 other countries around the world by Dr. Carmen Boulter in the Graduate Division of Educational Research at the University of Calgary. The Pyramid Code features interviews with prominent scholars and authors in multidisciplinary fields: geology, physics, astrophysics, archeology, biological engineering, magnetic field theory, hieroglyphics, and Egyptology. The series explores penetrating questions: Who were the ancients and what did they know? Could the pyramids be much older than traditional Egyptology would have us believe? Are there still secrets hidden in plain sight? Episodes in the playlist: 1.
