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HOME CARE. AFFAIRES. IT LAW. L'homme augmenté. AKUMBA. Autonomous car. Exercice. Autonomous car. Welcome to Forbes. Should We Ask If IQ Tests Are Worthless Due to Multiple Intelligences? Written by: Ronda Bowen • edited by: Noreen Gunnell • updated: 2/14/2012 Standard IQ tests are designed to measure only three types of intelligence: linguistic, mathematical and spatial.

Should We Ask If IQ Tests Are Worthless Due to Multiple Intelligences?

Even though this type of testing may seem biased, it has one favorable aspect: it is these types of intelligence that are most valued in in our culture and school system. Successful intelligence testing was first undertaken by the French psychologist Alfred Binet in the early 20th century. Binet had developed his tests in response to a request by the French Ministry of Education in order to identify special needs students. This test came to be known as the Binet-Simon Scale, which formed the basis for psychometric testing. On the state of the art in machine learning: A personal review. Open Archive Abstract This paper reviews a number of recent books related to current developments in machine learning.

On the state of the art in machine learning: A personal review

Some (anticipated) trends will be sketched. These include: a trend towards combining approaches that were hitherto regarded as distinct and were studied by separate research communities; a trend towards a more prominent role of representation; and a tighter integration of machine learning techniques with techniques from areas of application such as bioinformatics. The intended readership has some knowledge of what machine learning is about, but brief tutorial introductions to some of the more specialist research areas will also be given.

Keywords Machine learning; Data mining; Support Vector Machines; Graphical probabilistic models References [1]P. . [21]I.H. Copyright © 2001 Elsevier Science B.V.


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Flight delay compensation claims are still being grounded

Martin Wragg was finally awarded around €1,700 (£1,400) this month after his family faced a delay of three hours and 20 minutes on their return from San Javier, Spain, in October 2012. "It was a complete nightmare being transferred from one airport to the other to catch the re-routed service, especially with two tired children in the middle of the night," he says.

When Ryanair rejected his claim Wragg took his case to the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA), which travellers can turn to if their complaint to an airline is turned down. "It passed this on to the Spanish regulator, Aesa, which ruled in my favour," he says. However, he still didn't receive a penny, as these regulators have no legal powers to force airlines to pay. Panique dans les banques : un crédit immobilier sur deux serait irrégulier.