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Using Laravel 4 with the Vidahost Cloud. Who this is for Being a web marketer first and reluctant code hack second, hosting priorities for me are: Ease, responsive support, solid backups and the ability to cope when something we do goes epicly viral on the telly.

Using Laravel 4 with the Vidahost Cloud

Consequently, the premise of the cloud is very appealing. We like elastic. Vagrant Tutorial - Running a VM For Your Local Development Environment. Getting Started with Vagrant on OSX 10.10 Yosemite. Vagrant is a bit of an odd name for a software app but kind of follows along the trend of naming like Git.It has been around for over 12 months and is an open source project.

Getting Started with Vagrant on OSX 10.10 Yosemite

It essentially builds virtual images from references (boxes) of a type of operating system with applications and dependent software, this can be referenced in a template file that is given to users on a group project to ensure that their development environment is the same as everybody elses as it is using the same virtual image. Web Hosting, VPS Hosting & Reseller Hosting by GreenGeeks® Getting started. Bootstrap is downloadable in two forms, within which you'll find the following directories and files, logically grouping common resources and providing both compiled and minified variations. jQuery required Please note that all JavaScript plugins require jQuery to be included, as shown in the starter template.

Consult our bower.json to see which versions of jQuery are supported. Precompiled Bootstrap Once downloaded, unzip the compressed folder to see the structure of (the compiled) Bootstrap. Copy. Vagrant. A JavaScript library for building user interfaces. A Simple Component React components implement a render() method that takes input data and returns what to display.

A JavaScript library for building user interfaces

This example uses an XML-like syntax called JSX. Input data that is passed into the component can be accessed by render() via this.props. JSX is optional and not required to use React. Try clicking on "Compiled JS" to see the raw JavaScript code produced by the JSX compiler. Laravel 4 Basics : Routes. Laravel - The PHP framework for web artisans. Basic Controllers Instead of defining all of your route-level logic in a single routes.php file, you may wish to organize this behavior using Controller classes.

Laravel - The PHP framework for web artisans.

Controllers can group related route logic into a class, as well as take advantage of more advanced framework features such as automatic dependency injection. Controllers are typically stored in the app/controllers directory, and this directory is registered in the classmap option of your composer.json file by default. How to set up a WordPress website. How to create a Wordpress site from Wordtracker, the leading keyword research tools If you’re looking to set up a new business in 2013, it’s essential that you choose an effective content management system, one that makes publishing simple.

How to set up a WordPress website

There are many online publishing platforms to choose from. Home · oklai/koala Wiki. Home of free code snippets for Bootstrap.


Learn HTML5 Easily in 6 hours. Learn HTML5 Easily in 6 hours. Bootstrap Tutorial - bootstrap_tutorial.pdf. Carousels on ecommerce sites: are they worth bothering with? Carousels on ecommerce sites are now commonplace, but are they useful for retailers?

Carousels on ecommerce sites: are they worth bothering with?

In theory, they offer a chance for sites to put multiple messages in prime postion on homepage, but there are drawbacks. I've been looking at the potential problems with carousels, as well as asking ecommerce professionals for their views... Usability issues with carousels They move too quickly The auto-forwarding of carousels can be a problem, especially if they move too quickly. Also, as this case study from Jakob Nielsen suggests, they also distract users from other elements on the page. Navigation problems. Customizing Bootstrap. Twitter’s Bootstrap1 has taken off like a rocket since its release a year ago.

Customizing Bootstrap

The popular CSS framework supplies a responsive grid system, pre-styled components and JavaScript plugins to a parade of websites2. Vagrant. How to set up a website for your small business and getting it ranked on Google. By Amy Andrew PUBLISHED: 07:32 GMT, 11 November 2013 | UPDATED: 08:44 GMT, 6 December 2013.

How to set up a website for your small business and getting it ranked on Google

Why you should not register your domain with your web host. This newsletter is about the dangers of using your web host as your domain registrar, and what you should do to nake sure you have full control over your domains.

Why you should not register your domain with your web host

This is the archived version of edition 1 of the Good Web Hosting Info (GWHI) Newsletter, published Nov 4/2003. Most web hosts offer domain registration. Some web hosts even offer cheap domain registration. And isn't it convenient to register your domain with your web host, so you only have one company to relate to instead of two? Webydo Review. Creative Professionals, Grab Your Coupon Codes & Boost Your Web Design Business With Webydo.

Webydo Review

The majority of great web designers do not know how to code well. When someone asks you to create a website for them, will you just present them a PSD of the design and tell them to look elsewhere to turn that PSD into a website? Start Now – Webydo. Webydo's Studio is best viewed in the following browsers: Webydo's Studio has been created and tested using Safari, Firefox and Chrome web browsers.

We highly recommend that you view our website with one of these browsers. Create exceptional HTML websites from scratch, without writing code. Top 29 Mockup and Wireframing Tools for Developers. Wireframing is key to successful and efficient UX development for modern Web and Mobile applications Wireframing tools make the process of creating a cloud computing based SaaS app or website fundamentally easier—allowing you to visually strip the product down and focus purely on functions and user interactivity.

Mockups and wireframes are critical tools for communicating a prototype’s usability and functionality to clients, providing a streamlined, uncluttered visual to supplement verbalized ideas and designs. With the explosion of mobile applications and cloud computing there are more wireframing tools on the market than ever, each offering varying levels of functionality. Some software can be used purely for simple wireframes, while more advanced tools will allow you to create a complete working prototype. 10 Completely Free Wireframing and Mockup Tools.

The wireframing process is the straight-to-the-point and completely non-tech stage of any web project. It only requires that you define a skeletal outline of essential page elements such as headers, footers, navigation and content area and should illustrate how to cater and respond to any possible interaction from a user. It is the most important, yet underused, stage of any web or apps development. There are several avenues you could take for sketching a wireframe, most notably pen and paper (the easiest and most cost effective way), but for the sake of this article we have focused on apps that are not only highly effective and easy to use, they are also completely free. Zapier Is a Webapp-Automation Service Just Like IFTTT—But With Many More App Connections. Automate the Web - Zapier. The 20 best wireframing tools for designers. Wireframe tools make the process of knowing how to create an app or website fundamentally easier, by visually stripping the product down and enabling all involved to focus purely on functions and user interactivity.

Clients need to understand how your proposed app or website will work. But simply explaining to them verbally or in writing leaves the vast majority of functions down to their imagination – which isn't helpful for you or your client, and leaves a lot of room of error. Wireframe tools can be extremely helpful in squaring that circle. Get 15% off Creative Cloud with our exclusive offer There are more wireframe tools on the market than ever, each offering varying levels of functionality. Instant Eyedropper: Identify HTML-color code of any pixel on the screen with single-click and auto paste it to the clipboard. Html - Difference between SRC and HREF. How to reset password in WAMP server. 1.Install wamp2 server2.Start->run->cmd->3.Type cd\ and press enter4.Locate your mysql directory(like this is my default directory C:\wamp \bin\mysql\mysql5.1.36\bin)5.After like this you should have do C:\wamp\bin\mysql\mysql5.1.36 \bin> mysql -u root -h -P 3306 -p press enter after you got Enter Password don't put anything simply click enter button6.After like this mysql>7.simply type mysql>use mysql; mysql>show tables; mysql>select * from user \G;8.You can set your new password: mysql> UPDATE mysql.user SET Password=PASSWORD('xxxx') WHERE User='root'; (where replace 'xxxx' with your new password) (eg.mysql> UPDATE mysql.user SET Password=PASSWORD('muthu') WHERE User='root';)9.Finally type mysql> FLUSH PRIVILEGES; mysql>exit;10.Check your settings: mysql> mysql -u root -p enter password:***** press enter button.....Thank you guys.



CSS. PHP. Bootstrap. Development tools. The Difference Between ID and Class. ID's and Classes are "hooks" We need ways to describe content in an HTML/XHTML document. The basic elements like <h1>, <p> and <ul> will often do the job, but our basic set of tags doesn't cover every possible type of page element or layout choice.