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Production mondiale de voitures. La production mondiale de voitures en 2012 En 2012, les ventes de véhicules dans le monde ont crû de 5% à 81,7 millions.

Production mondiale de voitures

La Chine est également le premier fabricant mondial, avec 22,8% de la production totale, largement devant les Etats-Unis (12,2%), le Japon (11,8%) et l'Allemagne (6,7%). L'Asie représente 51% de la production automobile mondiale. Entre 2011 et 2012, toutes les grandes régions du monde ont progressé ou sont restées stables à part l'Europe, dont la part dans les ventes mondiales est passée de 20% à 18%, et l'Amérique centrale et du Sud. La production mondiale de voitures en 2011 En 2011, les ventes mondiales d'automobiles sont d'environ 76 millions de voitures, en hausse de 6,3% par rapport à 2010, selon une étude du cabinet d'audit PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC).

Cela représente une production de 4,5 millions de voitures en plus par rapport à 2010 dont près de 50% dans les pays émergents d'Asie (Chine puis, Inde etThaïlande). 2011 : 76 millions de voitures image The Economist. Antivoitures: Parc automobile mondial en temps réel. Consider the Source. Lots of Unsold Cars Are Normal. Photograph: Nigel Roddis/Reuters There’s a post at the Zero Hedge finance site that’s getting some attention.

Consider the Source. Lots of Unsold Cars Are Normal.

It’s really a repost from this site, and it includes a number of aerial and satellite photos of thousands of new automobiles that the author says are sitting on storage lots, unsold. The author claims that automobile manufacturers are continuing to churn out thousands, perhaps hundreds of thousands of cars that will likely never ever sell. He warns that those cars that do sell will suffer mechanical issues from having sat for so long. He claims that those cars that don’t sell are recycled and that it’s all a sham to keep assembly lines churning.

In reposting the article, Zero Hedge amplifies the original author’s claim by accusing General Motors of “channel stuffing” since the automaker’s inventory of unsold vehicles in April was up to 85 days’ supply, a post bankruptcy high. Most of the photos are of European locations. Not all of the photos are old. That Zero Hedge Article On Unsold Cars Is Bullshit. I'm not sure...

That Zero Hedge Article On Unsold Cars Is Bullshit

Is "Largely rip off" greater or less than, "largely a rehash? " Yes, to "rip off" is to take without acknowledging the source (which, in this case, would have indicated how unreasonable this article was) as opposed to a rehash. In this particular instance, Getty/AP and a few other sources that most major news sites (and Jalopnik) use all ran these photos fairly close in time. The Guardian, as well as many other news sources, ran them together. As subscribes to the Getty and AP wire services, The Guardian has no more right to running them that we do.

It just so happens they got there first, so we acknowledged them and added a small amount of information. In this instance, The Guardian didn't even write an article, it looks like it was just a photo gallery. I worked in the car rental industry in the '90s and I can tell you that the auto plants were kept open late in the production year to make the generic crapboxes our company rented. Where the World's Unsold Cars Go To Die. In the past several years, one of the topics covered in detail on these pages has been the surge in such gimmicks designed to disguise lack of demand and end customer sales, used extensively by US automotive manufacturers, better known as "channel stuffing", of which General Motors is particularly guilty and whose inventory at dealer lots just hit a new record high.

Where the World's Unsold Cars Go To Die

But did you know that when it comes to flat or declining sales and stagnant end demand, channel stuffing is merely the beginning? Presenting... Where the World's Unsold Cars Go To Die (courtesy of Vincent Lewis' Unsold Cars) Above is just a few of the thousands upon thousands of unsold cars at Sheerness, United Kingdom. Please do see this on Google Maps....type in Sheerness, United Kingdom. Timestamp: Friday, May 16th, 2014. There are hundreds of places like this in the world today and they keep on piling up... Houston...We have a problem!... There is proof that the worlds recession is still biting and wont let go.