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JavaScript Guide - JavaScript. The Complete JavaScript Course: Build a Real-World Project. Description *** Brand New Course Launched in October 2016 *** "Excellent course.

The Complete JavaScript Course: Build a Real-World Project

Jonas explains the core concepts in javascript that are usually glossed over in other courses. And he does it in a manner that is clear and concise. " — John Collins Do you want to learn the number #1 programming language that powers the internet? JavaScript basics - Learn web development. JavaScript is a programming language that adds interactivity to your website. This happens in games, in the behavior of responses when buttons are pressed or with data entry on forms; with dynamic styling; with animation, etc. Online Speech Bubble Photo Editor - Create comic strips with Little Bird Tales - Home. Sinkhole (Post-Dare) Everything You Need to Know About HTML5 Video and Audio. Update history: Article updated 26 January 2011 — Simplified information about what video formats Opera supports, as now Linux versions handle video the same as Mac and PC.

Everything You Need to Know About HTML5 Video and Audio

Also deleted links to Labs WebM builds, as all release versions now support it.Article updated 1 July 2010 — replaced download links to our experiment WebM-enabled builds with links to Opera 10.60 (final).Article updated 14th May 2010 — some minor changes made; information on codecs added to mention the VP8 codec Google have made available and the experimental VP8-supporting Opera Labs build. Introduction The latest version of Opera supports the HTML5 video and audio elements. But how do you use them? This article aims to provide all the nitty-gritty details of HTML5 media, the DOM API, events, and so forth, so you can implement your own HTML5 player with fallback for older browsers.

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HTML ASCII Characters. Test jwplayer seek/scrub. QuizBuilder - Make a quiz for your blog or website. Welcome to Flubaroo. 18 advanced iBooks Author tips. EmailShare 118EmailShare Last year I started working with iBooks Author and made my first iBook to use in class.

18 advanced iBooks Author tips

A year later, I now have about 8 iBooks under my belt. At the Apple Distinguished Educator Institute 2013 in Cork I was lucky enough to spend two times a whole hour with people from the Duarte team (the people behind some great iBook Author Text Books and The Inconvenient Truth Slideshow). Below I will share some tips and tricks that have helped me through the writing and designing process. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

iBooks Author For Dummies Cheat Sheet. In addition to creating an e-book for use on the iPad, you may want to use your iBooks Author e-book’s text elsewhere, such as to create versions of your book for distribution as Kindle e-books or as ePub e-books that can be read on more devices than just the iPad. iBooks Author lets you export the book’s text so that you can create a version of the e-book in other programs (such as Sigil for ePub e-books).

iBooks Author For Dummies Cheat Sheet

You can also create a PDF version of your e-book that can be read on all sorts of devices that use Adobe Systems’ Adobe Reader software, as well as those that use the included Preview application in Mac OS X and the built-in Quick Look technology in both Mac OS X and iOS. The export process is simple — just follow these steps: Choose File→Export.Alternatively, choose Share→Export.A settings sheet with export options appears.

Open the Text pane if you want to export just the text.Alternatively, open the PDF pane to export the e-book as a PDF file. Shopping Cart - Sourcefabric. How iBooks Author Stacks Up to the Competition [CHART] With the announcement of iBooks Author last week, the world of self-publishing seemed to open up a little wider, especially for authors looking for an easy way to format and distribute their own content.

How iBooks Author Stacks Up to the Competition [CHART]

At the same time, people raised concerns about the content restrictions of the iBooks Author tool. According to the contract in iBooks Author, books that writers charge for through the iBooks 2 store are subject to fees, which isn't new — iTunes does the same thing with apps in the App Store. But the contract also stipulates books created with the Author tool may only be sold in the iBooks 2 store, and nowhere else.

While some writers may deem the Apple iBooks store an adequate revenue stream, others may not welcome the regulations. Still, self-publishing holds potential for many authors, especially now that 29% of U.S. adults own some kind of tablet or ereader. User-none/Sigil. Downloads. Windows | Mac | Linux Download the latest Jutoh release here.


Until registered, it will act as a demonstration with a few limitations. Booktype. Booktype is a software that helps publishers, print-on-demand services and education institutions produce better books, faster. If you want to get started but don't want to install Booktype (you need a server and some programming knowledge), then Booktype Pro is for you. It has the same social tools, easy workflows and freedom to choose your own licences, but Sourcefabric takes care of your own platform's installation, hosting, upgrades, and security. Booktype. Booktype / Booktype / Booktype Pro Get started today Get started with Booktype in minutes.


Booktype Pro is a cloud-hosted version of our open source software. Let us take care of install, hosting and security. Login - Inkling Habitat. InDesign CC / Problèmes fréquents. Créer vos eBooks ou livres électroniques. Votre établissement scolaire est équipé de tablettes numériques ou de liseuses électroniques et d’ordinateurs PC Windows.

Créer vos eBooks ou livres électroniques

Comment créer des supports pédagogiques avec un PC Windows pour les exploiter sur une la tablette numérique ou une liseuse électronique ? Le format ePUB est conçu pour faciliter la mise en page du contenu, le texte affiché étant ajusté pour optimiser la lecture sur les "readers" de livres numériques (liseuses électroniques, tablettes numériques et ordinateurs). Quiz Me. What You're Building Download Alternate Example Book Chapter QuizMe is a trivia game about baseball, but you can use it as a template to build quizzes on any topic.

Quiz Me

With QuizMe: The user steps through a series of questions, clicking a button to proceed to the next question. The user enters an answer for each question and the app reports whether each answer is correct or not. With QuizMe, the quiz questions are always the same unless you, the programmer, change them. This tutorial assumes you are familiar with the basics of App Inventor -- using the Component Designer to build a user interface, and using the Blocks Editor to specify event-handlers.

Getting Started Connect to the App Inventor web site and start a new project. Also download these pictures of baseball players and save them on your computer: Larsenberra.jpg , dallasbraden.jpg , cyyoung.jpg , nolanryan.jpg . Make Quiz Take Quiz. What You're Building MakeQuiz and TakeQuiz are two apps that, in tandem, allow a teacher to create quizzes for a student.

Make Quiz Take Quiz

Parents can create fun trivia apps for their children during a long road trip, grade school teachers can build "Math Blaster" quizzes, and college students can build quizzes to help their study groups prepare for a final. This tutorial will walk you through creating both the MakeQuiz and the TakeQuiz app. Make Quiz Take Quiz. What You're Building MakeQuiz and TakeQuiz are two apps that, in tandem, allow a teacher to create quizzes for a student. Parents can create fun trivia apps for their children during a long road trip, grade school teachers can build "Math Blaster" quizzes, and college students can build quizzes to help their study groups prepare for a final.

This tutorial will walk you through creating both the MakeQuiz and the TakeQuiz app. Get Started with Publishing. Start publishing on Google Play in minutes by: Registering for a Google Play publisher account Setting up a Google Wallet Merchant Account, if you will sell apps or in-app products. Exploring the Google Play Developer Console and publishing tools. Front Page. Make Your Own Test. Creating great stories is now easier than ever with StoryMaker. Our unique templates, overlays, and lessons guide you through the entire creative process.

StoryMaker lets you edit your content right on your mobile, making it even easier to finish your story. Once you've finished, StoryMaker lets you publish your story to all of your favorite platforms. ★ AUDIO PHOTO & VIDEO ★Whether it’s a photo series, an audio story, or a video package, StoryMaker walks you through what you need to know in order to be successful. ★ TEMPLATES ★Our story templates offer suggested narrative arcs, and potential questions to give you structure, but leave you enough room to tell the story you want. ★ LEARN ★Designed by a group of trainers with years of experience working in the field, StoryMaker is the tool you need to tell the stories you're passionate about, while staying safe.

MyCQs (MCQs) Create Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs), share them with your friends or download from thousands of mcq tests! Revision doesn't have to be hard work! Now on Android! MyCQs has been on iOS for 1 year and achieved the following:★ Featured in The Guardian's 'Best Apps This Week' ★★ Winner of the Innovation in Medicine Award, Uni of Leeds ★★ Top 10 Free Education Apps - US App Store ★★ Top 10 Free Education Apps - Canadian App Store ★★ Top 5 Free Education Apps - Indian App Store ★★ Top 30 Free Education Apps - UK App Store ★ MyCQs is a renowned educational app that makes creating and finding high-quality MCQ tests incredibly easy. ★ ★ Key Features ★ ★ Flashcard Quiz Creator. Andriod division winner of 2011 Best App Ever Awards in the Educational Category.

Quiz Library (Create & Share) Let your child's imagination run wild with Create a Scene. Ideal for creative thinking, fine motor skills and co-ordination. No Ads. Both the icon and main menu screen were created using Create a Scene. CAQ (Create a Quiz/Test Maker) CAQ is a revolutionary way to study, by creating a quiz on the topics that you need to know, and then taking it, helping you learn in an easy way. QuizBuilder - Make a quiz for your blog or website. Premium Packages - Create a quiz, embed it on your site or blog, all in just 5 minutes! Enhance your Website to Retain Visitors Longer From quizzes and surveys, to tutorials and training or selling, unflattened addictive content created with QuizRevolution generates, on average, over 10 minutes of sticky user engagement which translates into the kind of meaningful interactions—conversions and leads—that websites need to achieve their goals.

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