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Get into pay sites for free as a Googlebot (PinGUY's Website) 101 Great Computer Programming Quotes. Jan 11 “People always fear change.

101 Great Computer Programming Quotes

People feared electricity when it was invented, didn’t they? People feared coal, they feared gas-powered engines. There will always be ignorance, and ignorance leads to fear. But with time, people will come to accept their silicon masters.” As Bill Gates once warned, computers have indeed become our silicon masters, pervading nearly every aspect of our modern lives. Computers “Computers are useless. Computer Intelligence “Computers are getting smarter all the time.

Trust “The city’s central computer told you? Hardware. Tutorial%205%20-%20Isometric%20Tiled%20Map. Understanding Pac-Man Ghost Behavior. Posted on December 2, 2010 It only seems right for me to begin this blog with the topic that inspired me to start it in the first place.

Understanding Pac-Man Ghost Behavior

Not too long ago, I came across Jamey Pittman’s “Pac-Man Dossier”, which is a ridiculously-detailed explanation of the mechanics of Pac-Man. I found it absolutely fascinating, so this site is my attempt to discover and aggregate similarly-detailed information about other games (albeit in much smaller chunks). Welcome to Rosetta Code. 10 Puzzle Websites to Sharpen Your Programming Skills. Solving programming puzzles is a fun way to develop your logical and problem solving abilities.

10 Puzzle Websites to Sharpen Your Programming Skills

Also, when you’re familiarizing yourself with a new programming language, solving puzzles for that language can help speed up the learning process. Here are the top 10 popular programming puzzle sites that will help test your thinking and improve your programming, problem solving, and logical thinking skills. 1. Programming Praxis Programming Praxis is a blog that includes a range of interesting problems with solutions usually available in several different programming languages. 2. - sorting algorithm visualisation. Periodic Table of the Elements - Josh Duck. The Improved Sorting Algorithm Demo. Periodic%20Table%20of%20the%20Operators%20A4%20300dpi. Roumen's Weblog. If Programming Languages Were Real Persons. What if programming languages were real persons like you and me?

If Programming Languages Were Real Persons

What if they were parts of families and had relations and affairs? Have you ever thought of going to a supermarket and Visual Basic was the young woman waiting in the line in front of you? Well we did. We let our imagination free and we came up with pictures and facts :). Extreme Programming Rules. Planning User stories are written.

Extreme Programming Rules

Release planning creates the release schedule. Make frequent small releases. The project is divided into iterations. Iteration planning starts each iteration. Managing Give the team a dedicated open work space. Set a sustainable pace. A stand up meeting starts each day. The Project Velocity is measured. Move people around. Some lesser-known truths about programming.

My experience as a programmer has taught me a few things about writing software.

Some lesser-known truths about programming

Here are some things that people might find surprising about writing code: Averaging over the lifetime of the project, a programmer spends about 10-20% of his time writing code, and most programmers write about 10-12 lines of code per day that goes into the final product, regardless of their skill level. Good programmers spend much of the other 90% thinking, researching, and experimenting to find the best design.

Bad programmers spend much of that 90% debugging code by randomly making changes and seeing if they work.A good programmer is ten times more productive than an average programmer. A great programmer is 20-100 times more productive than the average. Top 10 Ways to be Screwed by "C" To get on this list, a bug has to be able to cause at least half a day of futile head scratching, and has to be aggravated by the poor design of the "C" language.

Top 10 Ways to be Screwed by "C"

In the interests of equal time, and to see how the world has progressed in the 20-odd years since "C" escaped from its spawning ground, see my Top 10 Ways to be Screwed by the Java programming language, and for more general ways to waste a lot of time due to bad software, try my Adventures in Hell page. A better language would allow fallible programmers to be more productive. Infallible programmers, of the type unix' and "C" designers anticipated, need read no further. In fairness, I have to admit that the writers of compilers have improved on the situation in recent years, by detecting and warning about potentially bad code in many cases.

Non-terminated comment, "accidentally" terminated by some subsequent comment, with the code in between swallowed. Six ways to write more comprehensible code. I learned to write, clear, maintainable code the hard way.

Six ways to write more comprehensible code

For the last twelve years, I've made my living writing computer games and selling them over the Net using the marketing technique that was once charmingly known as shareware. What this means is that I start with a blank screen, start coding, and, a few tens of thousands of lines of code later, I have something to sell. This means that, if I make a stinky mess, I'm doing it in my own nest. When I'm chasing down a bug at 3 a.m., staring at a nightmare cloud of spaghetti code, and I say, "Dear God, what idiot child of married cousins wrote this garbage? ", the answer to that question is "Me. " Aboutprogramming04.jpg (JPEG Image, 1200x3000 pixels) - Scaled (21. Computer Programming Humor. Software Engineering Proverbs. Collected by Tom Van Vleck Drawn by Angus Macdonald A clever person solves a problem.

Software Engineering Proverbs

List of algorithms. Computer Programming Algorithms Directory. WTF Code. Classic Programming Quotes.