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Impact écologique. Sen. Lindsey Graham says US drones have killed nearly 5,000 people. New Evidence That Team Obama Misled Us About the Drone War - Conor Friedersdorf. The Obama Administration is deliberately misleading Americans about the drone war it is waging in Pakistan. Can anyone read the McClatchy Newspapers summary of top-secret intelligence reports and continue to deny it? Set aside the morality and effectiveness of the CIA's targeted-killing program. Isn't it important for Congress and the people to know the truth about the War on Terrorism? Many Americans remain furious that the Bush Administration gave Iraq War speeches that elided inconvenient truths and implied facts that turned out to be fictions.

To justify frequent drone strikes that regularly kill innocent people, risk serving as a terrorist recruiting tool, and terrorize whole communities understandably averse to drones buzzing above their homes, Obama Administration officials give the impression that al-Qaeda terrorists are the main targets. The misleading rhetoric includes words spoken by President Obama himself:


Obama s'apprête à nommer un Républicain modéré au Pentagone. John Brennan nommé à la CIA, Chuck Hagel au Pentagone. Barack Obama a annoncé, lundi 7 janvier, qu'il nommait l'ancien sénateur républicain Chuck Hagel comme secrétaire à la défense et son conseiller antiterroriste John Brennan pour diriger la Centrale américaine du renseignement (CIA). M. Hagel est "le leader que nos soldats méritent", a affirmé M. Obama lors d'une allocution à la Maison Blanche, où il a aussi loué M. Brennan, et notamment son travail "inlassable" et son bilan en matière de lutte contre le terrorisme. La nomination de Chuck Hagel, un conservateur atypique, était très attendue pour remplacer l'actuel ministre de la défense, Leon Panetta, qui souhaite se retirer. "Chuck sait que la guerre n'est pas une abstraction. La ratification par le Congrès du choix de Chuck Hagel risque cependant d'être difficile.

Quelques heures après sa nomination, Chuck Hagel a d'ailleurs assuré Israël de son "soutien total" dans un entretien au journal local du Nebraska, le Lincoln Journal Star. Le président a aussi chanté les louanges de M. M.

Projets alternatifs ?

Guerre interne. CMI. F-35. The Boeing computer-blitzing drone that could cripple a nation's electronics. Aircraft manufacturer Boeing have created a weapon that can knock out computersThe missile is thought to be able to penetrate bunkers and cavesExperts warn, in the wrong hands, could bring Western cities to their knees By Ben Ellery Published: 22:01 GMT, 1 December 2012 | Updated: 14:45 GMT, 3 December 2012 Down the years and across the universe, the heroes of science-fiction classics from Dan Dare to Star Wars and The Matrix have fought intergalactic battles with weapons that wipe out enemy electronics at the touch of a button.

Now scientists have turned fantasy into reality by developing a missile that targets buildings with microwaves that disable computers but don’t harm people. Aircraft manufacturer Boeing successfully tested the weapon on a one-hour flight during which it knocked out the computers of an entire military compound in the Utah desert. Scroll down for video Boeing said that the test was so successful even the camera recording it was disabled. The Permanent Militarization of America. IN 1961, President Dwight D. Eisenhower left office warning of the growing power of the military-industrial complex in American life. Most people know the term the president popularized, but few remember his argument. In his farewell address, Eisenhower called for a better equilibrium between military and domestic affairs in our economy, politics and culture.

He worried that the defense industry’s search for profits would warp foreign policy and, conversely, that too much state control of the private sector would cause economic stagnation. He warned that unending preparations for war were incongruous with the nation’s history. He cautioned that war and warmaking took up too large a proportion of national life, with grave ramifications for our spiritual health. The military-industrial complex has not emerged in quite the way Eisenhower envisioned.

Nor has the private sector infected foreign policy in the way that Eisenhower warned.

Guerre électronique

Another Guantánamo prisoner death highlights Democrats' hypocrisy policy | Glenn Greenwald. US military personnel at Guantánamo Bay making tropical storm preparations last month. Photograph: Mathieu Rabechault/AFP/Getty Images A detainee at Guantánamo was found dead in his cell on Saturday, according to camp officials. He is the ninth person to die at the camp since it was opened more than ten years ago. As former Gitmo guard Brandon Neely pointed out Monday, more detainees have died at the camp (nine) than have been convicted of wrongdoing by its military commissions (six). This is the fourth detainee who has died at the camp since Obama's inauguration.

Although the detainee's identity has not been disclosed, a camp spokesman acknowledged that he "had not been charged and had not been designated for prosecution". Indeed, dying in due process-free captivity now appears to be the only way for many of these detainees to leave. Indeed, as I documented several months ago, the system of indefinite detention from the start has been central to Obama's plan for these detainees. Le général Dempsey en a assez, plus qu'assez.

Ominous Forewarning from Prof. Norman Finkelstein: “I do think there is a plot, a conspiracy afoot… all the western powers are now acting in concert for a decisive moment.” In November 2010, Professor Norman Finkelstein and Hamza Andreas Tzortzis spoke at a hosted event to address the question: “What Will Bring Peace to the Middle East?” This was an excellent discussion where Prof. Finkelstein provided a secular perspective focusing on international law, while Mr. Tzortzis shared his perspective as an international public speaker on Islam.

What I found especially of interest, however, were the following opening remarks by Prof. “I was asked to speak on a very specific topic this evening namely ‘How to resolve the conflict’, if I had my choice in the matter I would’ve preferred to speak about what’s happening now in Gaza and more importantly, what seems to be unfolding in Lebanon, which is quite serious and quite ominous. An ominous - and astonishingly accurate - forewarning considering all the changes that have taken place since 2010 due to the Arab Spring. As to the historical events that Prof. Mitt Romney on Iran's Nuclear Program.