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Metacognition et apprentissages

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Summary of recommendations poster. EEF Metacognition and self regulated learning. Webinaire Pierre-Paul Gagné. Conférence internationale sur la métacognition et la confiance en soi. Comment apprendre à apprendre ? Apport des sciences cognitives et des outils numériques au domaine 2 du socle commun Cette conférence a eu lieu le jeudi 15 mars 2018 dans le cadre des jeudis de la recherche et du séminaire académique "Apprendre à l’ère du numérique" sur le salon EDUSPOT.

Comment apprendre à apprendre ?

Présentation de l’intervenant : Franck Ramus est directeur de recherche au CNRS et professeur attaché à l’Ecole Normale Supérieure. Il travaille au laboratoire de sciences cognitives et psycholinguisitique, Institut d’étude de la cognition, école normale supérieure de Paris au sein duquel il dirige l’équipe “développement cognitif et pathologie”. Il est également co-directeur du Master en sciences cognitives (ENS, EHESS, Université Paris-Descartes).

Présentation de la conférence : Depuis 2016, le socle commun inclut le domaine 2 intitulé « les méthodes et outils pour apprendre ». Pour aller plus loin sur ce thème : Pour préparer l’intervention : Attention, métacognition et gestion des ressources cognitives en mémoire : vers une approche néopiagétienne de l'écrit. Abstract : This dissertation studies writing under the metacognitive and metasubjective perspectives from Pascual-Leone’s Theory of Constructive Operators (1976, 1984, 1987, 1989, 1995, 1997, 1998, 2000, 2001, 2012, 2013) et d’Efklides (2001, 2002, 2006, 2008, 2011, 2013).

Attention, métacognition et gestion des ressources cognitives en mémoire : vers une approche néopiagétienne de l'écrit

Research on writing emphases the role working memory plays on the processes underlying it (cf. Alamargot & Chanquoy, 2001 for a review of the literature ; Olive, 2012), namely how the limited capacity of working memory affects children’s difficulties in writing. Webinaire 3 du MOOC "Apprendre et faire apprendre" : Q&R autour de la métacognition. L'activité d'apprentissage. Activating Learning: Teaching for Metacognition. The following post is by Jennifer Eidum Zinchuk, Assistant Professor of English specializing in Composition Studies at Elon University.

Activating Learning: Teaching for Metacognition

Much like global citizenship, “Metacognition” is a common buzzword in conversations about student success in higher education. It is one of the eight “Habits of Mind” outlined in the Framework for Success in Postsecondary Writing. In Composition and Second Language Writing research, metacognition is often cited as a valuable tool to help students succeed as rhetorically and culturally adept global learners. What many researchers and practitioners take for granted, however, is what the concept fully means and how it might be fostered in our students’ learning lives. How People Learn: An Evidence-Based Approach.

Proposals to "professionalize teaching" are popular today, but agreement about what this should entail is elusive.

How People Learn: An Evidence-Based Approach

At Deans for Impact, an organization composed of leaders of programs that prepare new teachers, we believe that part of what distinguishes members of a profession is general agreement on a body of domain-specific knowledge that is relevant to practice. We recently released "The Science of Learning," a report that summarizes the cognitive science related to how students learn. The principles in this post are drawn from that report. Teachers will always need to use their knowledge of students and content to make professional judgments about classroom practice. However, we believe the art of teaching should also be informed by a robust understanding of the learning sciences so that teachers can align their decisions with our profession's best understanding of how students learn. 6 Scientific Principles Every Teacher Should Know 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Why Reflect? - Reflection4Learning. It is the language of reflection that deepens our knowledge of who we are in relation to others in a community of learners.

Why Reflect? - Reflection4Learning

What are the pedagogical and physiological foundations of reflection for learning? Why is reflection important for learning? What does the literature say about how reflection supports learning? Learning/Process Portfolios involve the focus on Plato’s directive, “know thyself” which can lead to a lifetime of investigation. Self-knowledge becomes an outcome of learning. The major theoretical roots of reflection can be found in John Dewey, Jürgen Habermas, David Kolb, and Donald Schön.

Zull’s overlay of Kolb’s Experiential Learning Model over the structure of the brain (p.18, shown above), and Jennifer Moon’s further elaboration (shown on the right), provide further support for the importance of reflection in supporting deep learning. Roger Schank (1991) points out the importance of stories in learning, that recalling and creating stories are part of learning. Why Reflect? - Reflection4Learning.

Stanislas Dehaene - Psychologie cognitive expérimentale.