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Searching for photos matching 'shadow'

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Photographs of Mirrors on Easels that Look Like Paintings in the Desert

His educational background plays a major part of his artistic practice, and this can be seen in his clever project titled, The Edge Effect. In the description and explanation of the project, Kukla writes, In March of 2012, I was awarded an artist’s residency by the United States National Park Service in southern California’s Joshua Tree National Park. While staying in the Park, I spent much of my time visiting the borderlands of the park and the areas where the low Sonoran desert meets the high Mojave desert.

While hiking and driving, I caught glimpses of the border space created by the meeting of distinct ecosystems in juxtaposition, referred to as the Edge Effect in the ecological sciences. M&M’s In Water Drops. 15K views 578 days ago by Ieva A Flickr user that goes by the nickname of Northwest Dad gives a great example on how to make great pictures using surprisingly simple tools.

M&M’s In Water Drops

With a bowl of M&Ms and some water drops on a piece of glass, he made some beautifully-colored shots – no Photoshop retouching involved! Creative photos by Chema Madoz. 50 brilliant & creative advertisements for your inspiration. Companies send a lot of money on trying to catch your attention, in this collection you’ll find creative advertising that probably reached their goal. 1.

50 brilliant & creative advertisements for your inspiration

Bounty’s big spills campaign. When a photograph is not just a photograph !! 35 Splendid Examples of Forced Perspective Photography. Fotografie von Nousheen Aquil Dieser Post beschäftigt sich mit einem interessanten und herausfordernden Ansatz in der Fotografie – nämlich der Forced Perspective – was sich in etwa mit erzwungener Perspektive übersetzen lässt.

35 Splendid Examples of Forced Perspective Photography

Im Wesentlichen geht es um eine optische Täuschung, die das Objekt größer oder kleiner wirken lässt, als es tatsächlich ist. Durch verschiedene Tricks und den Einsatz skalierter Objekte sowie deren Relation zum Blickwinkel des Betrachters oder zur Position der Kamera, wird der menschlichen Wahrnehmung eine andere Perspektive als die tatsächlich fotografierte vorgegaukelt.

Hier geht es allerdings nicht um die Technik, sondern um die Effekte und 35 gut gemachte fotografische Beispiele der Forced Perspective. Forced Perspective Photography. 21 Images You Won't Believe Aren't Photoshopped (Part 8) This is the latest edition of our most popular feature, in which we demonstrate that the truth is stranger than Photoshop.

21 Images You Won't Believe Aren't Photoshopped (Part 8)

Here are more photos that will make every poster in the comment section scream "FAKE! " but are absolutely real. In case you missed the previous episodes, here's Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, the gritty reboot that doesn't acknowledge the previous editions, Part 6 and Part 7. And now ... #21. Via This looks like a bank of escalators seconds before they were buried under a lava flow, but it's actually one of about a hundred decorated subway stations under Stockholm, Sweden, where the natural bedrock ceiling has been painted. 70 Photos That Will Take Your Breath Away. We here at DPShots believe that the easiest way to learn photography is to learn it by example.

70 Photos That Will Take Your Breath Away

Day and Night in New York City Captured in Single Images [8 Pictures] 99 Excellent Examples of Forced Perspective Photography. Forced perspective is a technique that employs optical illusion to make an object appear farther away, closer, larger or smaller than it actually is.

99 Excellent Examples of Forced Perspective Photography

It is used primarily in photography, filmmaking and architecture. It manipulates human visual perception through the use of scaled objects and the correlation between them and the vantage point of the spectator or camera. There are many ways to attack photography and some are much more expensive than others. Here in this showcase, we presenting a Stunning collection of Forced Perspective Photography and Pictures taken by various artists in which all pictures are linked to the author’s pages.

You may want to explore further works of the photographers we’ve featured below. When it comes to inspiration then there is no limitation on resources. You may be interested in the following related articles as well. Feel free to join us and you are always welcome to share your thoughts that our readers may find helpful. Further Resources! Huge mirror of the world.

In the south of the desert plains of the Altiplano, Bolivia at an altitude of 3,650 m above sea level, lies a dried-up salt lake Salar de Uyuni.Its area is ​​10,582 km ², this is the largest salt marsh in the world.

Huge mirror of the world