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Le CIGREF publie un « 360 pour comprendre les objets connectés » Fidèle à sa mission qui est de « développer la capacité des grandes entreprises à intégrer et maîtriser le numérique », le CIGREF publie « Objets connectés, un 360 pour bien les comprendre ».

Le CIGREF publie un « 360 pour comprendre les objets connectés »

Ce rapport est destiné à aider les entreprises à mieux comprendre l’impact que peut avoir l’intégration des objets connectés sur leur stratégie, dans leur écosystème et pour le SI de l’entreprise. Ce rapport explore « les domaines à prendre en compte par l’ensemble des acteurs de l’entreprise, Métier et SI, pour se lancer dans un projet d’Objets connectés et entrer dans ce monde nouveau qu’est l’Internet des Objets. Ces domaines sont rassemblés sous la forme d’un 360 pour se poser les bonnes questions ». Les questions à prendre en compte pour entrer dans le monde de « l’Internet des Objets » « Les objets connectés sont une réalité pour la plupart des entreprises membres du CIGREF. Après une phase pionnière qui se termine, l’entreprise entre dans une phase d’industrialisation des objets connectés. IoT Breakthrough Awards. The little-known story of the first IoT device - IBM Industries. Climate Change Solutions - How IoT Solves Critical Global Issues.

Quelle est l'empreinte environnementale du numérique mondial. Alors que le numérique envahit notre quotidien, les impacts environnementaux associés ne cessent de croître.

Quelle est l'empreinte environnementale du numérique mondial

Mais dans quelles proportions ? Quelle est précisément notre empreinte numérique ? De quoi est-elle constituée ? Et quelle est sa dynamique ? Checking for Failure - Supplyframe - Medium. Internet of Things sensors use a diverse range of technologies to collect information, communicate with each other, and transmit data to computer systems that store and process the data.

Checking for Failure - Supplyframe - Medium

In a typical application, an IoT device wakes up at regular intervals, takes measurements, and makes decisions based on a combination of sensor data. It also communicates with other devices and may send data to back-end systems in the cloud for processing. For example, a medical tracking device may use different types of sensors to monitor various parameters in the human body. The system can then process the data internally or through a cloud-based system, generate reports and send relevant information to a medical officer or physician. The physicians can then use the captured data to initiate remedial actions such as a drug intake. Unfortunately, testing the performance and reliability of each component can be challenging. The promise of smart rural communities. The journey to becoming a smart rural community If the smart farm in West Lafayette, Indiana, serves as a poster child for what’s possible with the right combination of vision, technology infrastructure, and investment, the story of Troy, Montana—a small, remote, amenity-rich town of around 900 residents—is more representative of the starting point from which a vast number of rural communities across the country will embark on their journey to becoming smart.

The promise of smart rural communities

In Troy, people often park outside the library after hours to catch the Wi-Fi signal. “Sixty percent of the patrons in the library are here for the computers and Wi-Fi, not including the people that sit outside in their cars,” a community member says. “As soon as the library’s Wi-Fi goes out, the place empties.” Community college students with no internet service at home stay at school late into the night to finish assignments. Where Does Your Smart Product Sit? - Hackster Blog. Designing for the Internet of Things This is the first article in a series of six on designing connected devices, the next article in the series is “Starting With One” and covers prototyping.

Where Does Your Smart Product Sit? - Hackster Blog

Links to all six articles can be found in the series overview. Forty years ago two men named Steve built a business out of hardware that went on to be the most valuable company the world has ever seen. Time passed, and technology became more complicated, so much more complicated that it became much harder to do that. The IOT Magazine. Résultats de l'étude - L'IoT en France : de la réflexion à la feuille de route. En février dernier, Atout DSI a mené une étude sur l’Internet des Objets, en partenariat avec Mitel et Orange Business Services.

Résultats de l'étude - L'IoT en France : de la réflexion à la feuille de route

L’objectif ? En savoir plus sur la réalité des challenges et projets des DSI français en 2019. Nous avons le plaisir de partager aujourd’hui ses résultats avec vous, accompagnés de la vision de DSI porteurs de cette transformation dans leurs entreprises et de nos partenaires. Rating IoT devices to gauge their impact on your network. One difficulty designing IoT implementations is the large number of moving parts.

Rating IoT devices to gauge their impact on your network

Most IoT setups are built out of components from many different manufacturers – one company’s sensors here, another’s there, someone else handling the networking and someone else again making the backend. To help you get a ballpark sense of what any given implementation will demand from your network, we’ve come up with a basic taxonomy for rating IoT endpoints. It’s got three main axes: delay tolerance, data throughput and processing power. Here is an explainer for each. (Terminology note: We’ll use “IoT setup” or “IoT implementation” to refer to the entirety of the IoT infrastructure being used by a given organization.) IoT and big data: the specifics of productive symbiosis. With the evolvement and development of IoT, the whole range of all imaginable objects (or things) and industries becomes smarter: smart homes and cities, smart manufacturing machinery, connected cars, connected health and more.

IoT and big data: the specifics of productive symbiosis

Countless things empowered to collect and exchange data are forming a totally new network – internet of things – the network of physical objects that can gather data in the cloud, transmit data and fulfil users’ tasks. IoT and big data are right on the way to their hour of triumph. Still, there are some peculiarities and pitfalls to keep in mind to benefit from this innovation. In this article, we are happy to share the knowledge we’ve mined with the years in IoT consulting. IoT Architecture Explained: Building Blocks and How They Work. IoT Product Design & Development Mistakes. Des scientifiques étudient les bénéfices des bourdons connectés. Presentation Corporate Industrie 2017 FR v1.00.

Internet of Things: How Much Does it Cost to Build IoT Solution? IoT is trending.

Internet of Things: How Much Does it Cost to Build IoT Solution?

Companies invest in new tech to streamline business processes and cut expenses. Consumers buy wearables and Smart Home appliances to save time and improve the quality of their lives. The 5 domain experts you need to build an IoT device – Particle Blog.


IoT Developer Survey 2018. The CIA just lost control of its hacking arsenal. Here’s what you need to know. Google Pixel Buds teardown and thoughts on humanizing computer interaction. Google recently launched their wireless earbuds as a bold new step to enable Google’s “virtual personal assistant” through a wearable product.

Google Pixel Buds teardown and thoughts on humanizing computer interaction

I’ve talked previously about the promise of voice interfaces, and I believe in creating a more seamless human-computer interface to humanize technology, so I applaud this effort. But to deliver the best AI-focused services even a software giant would need to break into the real world with a device one would feel comfortable wearing. But putting technology on one’s body is tough to get right — so it’s interesting to see how two leading technology companies approach this. Generally wearables that try imbue the essence of something we’d actually wear end up facing a choice of looking like either jewelry or clothing. Meeting both the design and voice assistant requirements would require some thoughtful hardware engineering to get right, so naturally I got hold of a pair to teardown over the holiday, and to see how Google scored on these fronts… Nest Thermostat E teardown, and on making beautiful devices for the home.

The Teardown Let’s start with the packaging, as all customers do. Nothing too outlandish here, and one can see the cost-savings of this lower price-point product coming into play. A standard telescoping laminate print rigid box, two wet press pulp trays, a two-color installation guide and folded corrugate to hold the screws and wall-mounted base. The folded corrugate was not the most elegant solution Nest have come up with, with the reverse side being the standard corrugate brown and the screw-holder being easily torn.

But I have great respect for their effort at recyclability — none of the parts are glued together and the recycling logo is clearly visible. Google Home Mini teardown, comparison to Echo Dot, and giving technology a voice. Google just announced some new products — one of which was the Google Home Mini, a smaller, cheaper version of their voice assistant, which just started shipping. I was drawn to Google’s new design direction, that’s come a far way from their serif, primary-colored type-logo, notably the expressive colors, creative use of materials, the nod to Olivetti and Italian design, and lastly I couldn’t help but be wooed by the playful association to a donut, towards which I have a soft spot.

As a disclaimer, I am a big fan of the Echo Dot and what Amazon’s hardware team is doing to help spread their technology products outside of Silicon Valley and into everyone’s homes. Techtrends 11 IOT WEB. IoT - Internet of Things. The IoT Marketplace - IoT Kits with Sensors, Gateways and Cloud Connectivity. A technical primer on the Internet of Things. The Internet of Things connects people, places, and products and, in so doing, it offers opportunities of value creation and capture for a full panoply of stakeholders. Organizations, however, should be careful in focusing on IoT initiatives that solve real business problems and create real business value―not just connecting stuff for the sake of connecting stuff. Introduction Today, it seems easy to imagine a world in which a manufacturing enterprise enjoys complete visibility and monitoring of inventory as it enters the factory, gets processed, and leaves the factory floor.

Or a world where it is possible to remotely track and optimize production asset effectiveness—through introduction, maintenance, and retirement—and even detect system failures as they occur to maximize uptime. Or still, another world in which products are given sensor capabilities to detect usage patterns and, on that basis, inspire still more products and revenue streams. Defining the IoT. The IoT Marketplace - IoT Kits with Sensors, Gateways and Cloud Connectivity.


Mozilla lance un framework logiciel ouvert pour concevoir une passerelle IoT avec la Raspberry Pi. La fondation Mozilla, qui édite et promeut le célèbre navigateur en open soure Firefox, annonce une solution logicielle baptisée “Project Things”, conçue pour construire une passerelle IoT en s’appuyant pour la partie matérielle sur une plate-forme Raspberry Pi. Mozilla décrit cette approche comme un framework ouvert, doté de fonctions de sécurité et de confidentialité avancées, et interopérable avec bon nombre de solutions logicielles utilisées dans l’IoT.