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Moment.js. Opal: Ruby to Javascript Compiler. CSS Menu Maker.

Javascript Libs/Frameworks

Online IDEs/Code Editors/Testing. ACE - Code Editor. JS Bin - Collaborative JavaScript Debugging. JsFiddle. Sublime Text: The text editor you'll fall in love with. Cloud9 IDE. JsPerf: JavaScript performance playground. Modernizr. The IE10 User-Agent String - IEBlog.

Michaelrhodes/huey. GreenSock. An extensive math library for JavaScript and Node.js. Math parser shunting-yard.js. Learning Advanced JavaScript. Dynamic languages - How does JavaScript .prototype work. Javascript Core — iWiki 1.0 documentation. JavaScript Classical Inheritance. If you have written a bit of JavaScript, you certainly have heard the word prototype.

JavaScript Classical Inheritance

Prototype is not only a JavaScript library, but also a key concept of JavaScript, which we will explore in depth today, without making your head spin. (Almost) every object in JavaScript (where everything is an object, even functions) has an internal prototype property, which points in fact to a prototype object. When a method or property is missing on an object, it is searched on its prototype, and if not found on the prototype's prototype, and so on. the last object of the chain usually is Object.prototype. Sometimes the prototype is exposed with the __proto__ property, although this is not part of the standard. According to the EcmaScript specification, it is a private property. What you access with MyClass.prototype is instead a different thing. Of course, since MyClass.prototype is an object just like everything else, its chain ultimately falls back to Object.prototype. 02. 03. var anObject = {}; Online Java Programming Test - Online tests for interview, competitive and entrance examinations.

Spring Insight for Cloud Foundry. Q. What is Insight? Insight is a byte-code instrumentation monitoring tool for development and production. It is designed to provide light-weight visibility into the operation of a user's application and enable applications to more easily transition into production. Insight for Cloud Foundry is in the beta phase and open to those who have been given an access token. Q. Once the Insight Dashboard is installed, it can be used to enable code-level monitoring on any Java application installed within the user's Cloud Foundry account.

Q. After installing a dashboard through you should be redirected to the dashboard. Q. This is your personal dashboard. Q. We currently support Java, Spring, and Grails web applications. Cdnjs - the missing cdn. SproutCore. Node.js. Npm.

Assaf/zombie. Ender - the no-library JavaScript library. How Ender Bundles Libraries for the Browser. I was asked an interesting Ender question on IRC (#enderjs on Freenode) and as I was answering it, it occurred to me that the subject would be an ideal way to explain how Ender’s multi-library bundling works.

How Ender Bundles Libraries for the Browser

So here is that explanation! The original question went something like this: When a browser first visits my page, they only get served Bonzo (a DOM manipulation library) as a stand-alone library, but on returning visits they are also served Qwery (a selector engine), Bean (an event manager) and a few other modules in an Ender build. Can I integrate Bonzo into the Ender build on the browser for repeat visitors? What’s Ender? Let’s step back a bit and start with some basics. It’s a build tool, for bundling JavaScript libraries together into a single file. The Jeesh is made up of the following libraries, each of these also works as a stand-alone library: domReady : detects when the DOM is ready for manipulation. The Basics: Bonzo Bonzo Inside Ender Our script becomes: Removing Bonzo <!