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Easy Pumpkin Cheesecake Muffins. Road Junky World Travel Guides Online. Grammar Nazis. Amazing earth. The Scale of the Universe. Hand Feeding a Ruby-throated Hummingbird. The worlds only immortal animal | Yahoo! Green. How to Hack Your Brain. Top 10 Tips and Tricks to Train, Exercise, and Better Your Brain. Take 4 omega 3-6-9 omega 4 fatty acid pills. Then the following days take one pill every hour and half until you have reached ten pills. Then take 3 pills every day. If you drink coffee or alchahol you have to start over. Within a month when the fatty acids have reached potency in your blood you will feel really sane, all the time.

No date on Valentine's Day? No Problem? Every problem will seem about as vexing as finding your shoe laces untied. Sit in the sun for an hour and a half a day. Meditate on compassion (hugging a starving african child, in you MIND) Have a source for good safe sex that doesn't cause you stress (a challenge) Avoid sex or swapping fluids with anyone until you know their over all health to detect STDs. Do not eat food that has been left out. Do not eat food some one else has prepared. Do not eat boxed products that contain gluten. Minimize consumption of wheat, corn, soy, dairy, or non-organic flesh. Learn to grow your own Chia food. Eat lots of spouts. Do Yoga. Alternate Sleep Cycles. Most people only think that there is one way to sleep: Go to sleep at night for 6-8 hours, wake up in the morning, stay awake for 16-18 hours and then repeat.

Actually, that is called a monophasic sleep cycle, which is only 1 of 5 major sleep cycles that have been used successfully throughout history. The other 4 are considered polyphasic sleep cycles due to the multiple number of naps they require each day. How is this possible? How is this healthy? Well the most important of every sleep cycle is the Stage 4 REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep, which has been shown to provide the benefits of sleep to the brain above all other stages of sleep. This way, you still get the benefits of 8 hours of sleep without wasting all of the time it takes to get to REM cycles, resulting in a much more efficient sleep cycle. Uberman Cycle: 20 to 30 minute naps every 4 hours, resulting in 6 naps each day. Everyman Cycle: One longer “core” nap that is supplemented with several 20-30 minute naps. Dymaxion Cycle: How to Lucid Dream. Featured Article Categories: Featured Articles | Dreams In other languages: Español: tener sueños lúcidos, Deutsch: Einen Klartraum träumen, Français: faire des rêves lucides, Português: Ter Sonhos Lúcidos, Русский: видеть осознанные сны, 中文: 做清醒梦, Nederlands: Zo kun je lucide dromen, Čeština: Jak na lucidní snění, Bahasa Indonesia: Bermimpi Sadar, 日本語: 明晰夢を見る, العربية: رؤية حلم جلي, ไทย: ฝันรู้ตัว, 한국어: 루시드 드림 꾸는 법, Tiếng Việt: Mơ có Ý thức.

Lucid Dreams. How to Foil a Nationwide Internet Shutdown. Road Junky World Travel Guides Online. 10 Best Places to get Stoned Around the World. Ten ideas for the traveler looking to get high on nature and nature’s holy plants. There’s a big difference between drugs and natural medicines in our eyes which help us see the world as it really is, infinite. Of course, the biggest trip of all is life itself… 1. Charas in the Himalayas Every autumn in the Himalayas, in India, the air is full of the scent of pollen on the wind and an annual migration of travelers head up to Parvati Valley in search of high quality hand-rolled hashish, known in India as charas. 2. Many people get no further than the Rif Mountains in Morocco. 3. Carlos Castaneda has a lot to answer for. 4. Ayahuasca is not one to play with. 5.

Khat is one of the most pleasant drugs in the world. 6. German beer is still the best in the world due to a medieval law which dictated that only hops, yeast, sugar and barley could be used in its production, unlike the chemical crap that passes for beer in most of the world. 7. 8. 9. 10. Drugs | Cynicologist. February 18, 2011 in Bizarre, Drugs, World What better place to test out your new cool new psychedelics than a small town in the Nazi-trampled, grief-stricken, war-ravaged remnants of a post second world war France? Apparently the CIA couldn’t think of any. Plus I can’t imagine them being dreadfully fond of the French (what with all the anti-French anecdotes littering American comedy). On August 15th 1951, residents of the Southern French village of Pont Saint Espirit underwent what appeared to be an inexplicable mass psychosis. At the time the incident was simply dubbed “the cursed bread” as the villagers who had consumed bread that day seemed to be those who were the most strongly affected.

By the incident’s end- which spanned three days- 5 people had died and over 50 had been entered into asylums. One man reportedly thought his heart had somehow exited his chest and pleaded a doctor to retrieve and return in it to it’s place. The leading theory at the time didn’t seem too uniform. Faires & Festivals. {*style:<b> October 26 - 27 , 2012, Fri. - Sat., 9 a.m - 5 p. m Admission: $5 / Contact: Melinda Oalmann, (251) 861-6992, email:, web: / Site: Historic Fort Gaines, Daulphin Island, AL / Booths: 6-8 / Attendance: 1,000 / Weapons: call for policy / Camping and hotels nearby.

October 27 - 28, 2012, Sat. 10 a.m. - 6 p.m., Sun. 12 p.m. - 6 p.m. Admission: FREE / Contact: Bill Warren, PO Box 431, Florence, AL 35631, (256) 768-3031, email:, web: / Site: Wilson Park, downtown Florence, AL / Booths: 100 / Attendance: 38,000 / Weapons: must be peace-tied / Full service camping w/in 5 mi., food and lodging w/in 1-2 miles. {*style:<b>Mobile Renaissance Faire </b>*}November 10 - 11, 2012, 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. October 20, 2012, 7 p.m. back to top June 2 - 10, 2012, (WO) 12 p.m. - 8 p.m. {*style:<b>ARIZONA Arizona Renaissance Festival </b>*} February 9 - March 31, 2013, (WO + Pres Day), 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. March 27 - April 2, 2012 </b>*} Pygmypony's Texas Renaissance Faire Review. The Directorie of Renaissance Faires.

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