- Journaux, magazines, etc.. Magnets en papier Cartes routières, journal, magazines... autant de supports que vous pourrez recycler en magnets. Un exemple avec ces magnets en mappemonde, confectionnés par Crowbiz et disponibles à la vente dans sa boutique. Carnet en papier recyclé Regardez cette vidéo de Martha Stewart pour apprendre à faire un carnet avec vos feuilles d'imprimante usagées. Une agrafeuse et un papier pour la couverture suffiront pour créer cette idée. Flocons en papier Pour les amatrices de scrapbooking, voilà une façon de recycler vos chutes de papier : réaliser des flocons ou des étoiles en bande de papier ronde.
Abat jour en papier recyclé Aérien et délicat, cet abat-jour de lustre, réalisé par la société anglo-égyptienne Hanan Yanny se fondra dans tous les intérieurs. Collier en flyer Vous ne savez plus que faire de toutes les publicités qui s'amoncellent dans votre boîte aux lettres : transformez-les en colllier de papier. Two things Tuesday: Today’s edition: Food. Cartonnades. How to make a purse/clutch from a Book. Blog Archive » Wood Bark Paper in Madagascar. Yesterday I met a lady who takes the bark from a certain type of tree, pulps it and makes paper.
This paper is then sold as a specialty gift paper to tourists and others. It’s an example of Malagasy entrepreneurship, where the whole family is part of, and all supported by, this business. The manufacturing takes place in their backyard, the retail sales from their front porch. In a rather laborious process, they first pulp the bark, then lay it out on a big sheet and submerge it in water. It’s then taken out after it has settled evenly and is decorated while still wet with flowers. Free Printable labels Gallery. We have tons of great labels designed for you!
Download free World Label Pre-designed Printable Label Templates for all types of occasions and events. Print these label designs on blank laser or inkjet label printer sheets. These labels are designed by some wonderful artists, some very well known on the Internet. We thank them for thier amazing work and allowing Worldlabel to offer them free for your personal use. Please note printable label templates are in PDF and most are editable, so you can change the fontproperties. Looking for a cool and sustainable DIY project for... Fabriquer ses étiquettes : confitures, bouteilles, conserves, épices, cadeaux... Rubrique divers.
Meubles en carton. Torch made from coke can and cereal box. Do we always have to throw everything away?
The torch project below looks at how we can transform materials that we would normally consider as waste, and makes them into a functional everyday product. Hopefully it shows that we don't always have to go to the shops. An hour or so with some scissors, a coke can and a cereal box and you're pretty much set to go. What’s needed for this project Hopefully most of the parts you’ll find in your kitchen cupboards 1 Torch bulb (Standard – NOT threaded) 2 AA (R6) Batteries or 2No C (R14) Batteries. Paper lampshades for the home par nellianna. Un vélo en carton recyclé à 10 dollars. DIY recicla tubos de papel higiénico. Avec une revue et une poignée de riz. Ya.
Estamos a viernes… Si te gusta el reciclaje, tienes tiempo libre este fin de semana y un poco de maña, esto te interesará. Lo único que te hace falta es una revista y arroz. Aquí viene la explicación esquemática y resumida de como hice esto: Muy básico. Vas cortando y plegando muchas tiras de papel de una revista. Vi esta técnica en el mismo blog donde encontré el monedero tetrabrik: esprit cabane. Encontré este vídeo con otra técnica que tiene su gracia, pero el resultado final parece un poco más flojo y menos sólido… Flashback: Woven Map Basket. Maps can be amazing design elements, with all their intricately drawn lines and minute details.
But what do you do with a regular paper map that is starting to fall apart from use? In CRAFT Volume 05, crafter Jane Patrick suggested we weave maps into baskets, a fun and interesting way to reuse castoffs and weave a little memory into a functional item. Check out her full tutorial here and pick up a back issue of CRAFT Volume 05, the Paper issue, in the Maker Shed.Woven Memory Basket Weave your vacation road maps into an attractive souvenir.
By Jane Patrick Think of basketry as three-dimensional weaving. If you ever wove paper as a child, that’s the basis for this plaited basket. Materials 2-3 large road maps Contrasting string or thread Clothespins Cutting mat Rotary cutter Awl or tapestry needle Scissors Small tweezers White glue (optional) to further stiffen the basket Directions Step 1: Prepare the strips. Fold each strip in half lengthwise. Backlit Canvas Art. Quilling - Turning Paper Strips into Intricate Artworks. Quilling has been around for hundreds of years, but it’s still as impressive and popular now as it was during the Renaissance.
The art of quilling first became popular during the Renaissance, when nuns and monks would use it to roll gold-gilded paper and decorate religious objects, as an alternative to the expensive gold filigree. Later, during the 18th and 19th centuries, it became a favorite pass-time of English ladies who created wonderful decorations for their furniture and candles, through quilling. Basically, the quilling process consists of cutting strips of paper, and rolling them with a special tool. It sounds simple enough, but special skill is required to create more advanced shapes like marquises, arrowheads or holly leaves. All through the years, the art of quilling has remained almost unchanged, but new specialty supplies now allow quilling masters to create anything from detailed 3-D figures to wall-sized museum installations.
Home - julie dodd. CARTON NOIR. Talleres / workshops : STUDIO / PUBLISHER.