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Défense de l'environnement / ...Fight for Environment

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Environnement: DiCaprio lève 38 millions de dollars aux enchères. Defenders of the Black Hills. Tar Sands Resistance Escalates in Massachusetts. "Funeral for our Future" coffin positioned into place while clergy members speak out about the toxicity of the Keystone XL pipeline.

Tar Sands Resistance Escalates in Massachusetts

(Photo: Chris Longenecker)The national week of actions against the Keystone XL pipeline called for by the nonviolent direct action group Tar Sands Blockade is supposed to run from March 16-23. Activists in Massachusetts decided they wanted to turn up the heat a little early. On Monday, March 11, 2013, at about 10:30 AM, over 100 protesters stormed the Massachusetts offices of TransCanada, the company that stands to profit most from the pipeline's construction. After two hours, 26 people were arrested for handcuffing their bodies together, blockading the entrance and refusing to leave until the pipeline project was abandoned. The action was billed as a Funeral for Our Future and included somber songs, construction paper flowers and a homemade coffin.

Green News, Energy, Environment, Animals, Climate Change, Extreme Weather - HuffPost Green. INFO 2D - Plateforme Collaborative du Développement Durable et de la RSE. Ecologie Démocrate. Terra eco. Comment Sarkozy a enterré l’écologie - Bilan du quinquennat. Le Grenelle de l’environnement, c’était il y a bien longtemps.

Comment Sarkozy a enterré l’écologie - Bilan du quinquennat

Que reste-t-il de ce début en grande pompe du quinquennat ? Le transport routier a-t-il reculé ? Les énergies renouvelables se sont-elles développées ? L’agriculture bio a-t-elle été soutenue aux dépens des pesticides ? Réseau Magasin bio et produits biologiques - Boutique bio Biocoop. Actu Environnement : actualité, news, newsletter environnement et développement durable.