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How Agile Testing can be Leveraged to Balance Speed and Quality. Software Testing for Enterprise Systems. Automation Testing Strategy. DevOps Continuous Testing Services. More than 80% of banking executives believe that the future of finance is financial services platforms, which consumers can access via banking applications.

DevOps Continuous Testing Services

And as many as 65% of banking executives now say that technologies will have the most impact on banks through 2025. As we approach the end of this year and most of the organizations prepare for the post-pandemic normal, one thing has become certain – digital is here to stay, and reign! A large chunk of financial services customers reported at the beginning of the lockdowns that they would go back to the old ways once situation normalizes. But now they have now developed a liking for the digital and online financial services platforms.

With many of the lockdown restrictions now getting relaxed, banking and financial institutions must embrace themselves to enhance their digital services capabilities. During the lockdowns, numerous physical branches were closed. Enterprise Transformation in Financial Industry: Role of DevOps & Continuous Testing. Software Testing for Energy and Utilities. Software Testing Services Company. Software testing and Quality Assurance practices are on the ride to continuous evolution, improvement, and inclusion.

Software Testing Services Company

Rather than being a separate function, QA is all set to become implicit to the development itself. For many software development teams, the process of making QA a part of the software development has already begun. This transition in the perception regarding QA from being a choice to a necessity is one of the most significant milestones that the IT sector has achieved in the evolutionary process. Gartner, in the ‘Top Strategic Technology Trends for 2021’ report, has emphasized the need for people centricity and having a total experience strategy.

The analyst defines total experience as – “Total experience combines traditionally siloed disciplines like multiexperience (MX), customer experience (CX), employee experience (EX), and user experience (UX), and links them to create a better overall experience for all the parties. 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. Digital Transformation Strategy. 2020 – A year that we would all want to forget and omit from our lives and move on.

Digital Transformation Strategy

Despite the havoc wreaked by the global pandemic, the one good thing that has come out this year is the acceleration of digital transformation across all the industries, across the world. As most industry experts believe, the last six months have seen more progress in the digital transformation initiatives than the last decade. With such kind of sudden, tectonic shift toward digitization, it is going to sprawl even further. The discussion and efforts around embracing digital transformation have been ongoing for years now. However, the urgent need to digitize due to lockdown and remote working scenario has pushed it into full gear in 2020.

As we approach the end of this year, it is about time that we talk about how the next year will take shape considering the digitalization progress in 2020. Internet of Things Testing Services. We can talk about the data-driven future all that we want.

Internet of Things Testing Services

We can imagine a world led by smart machines that delve on insights derived from data. But, we would be stranded in the nowhere’s land if there is not sufficient data. Internet of Things or IoT is offering the means of generating and collecting the volume of data required. Software Testing for Healthcare Industry. End-to-end Quality Engineering services for a Medical Devices company Abstract Groundbreaking technologies in the space of medical devices are simplifying the complex drug regimens for chronic disease patients.

Software Testing for Healthcare Industry

An innovative medical devices company that offers a unique alternative to traditional insulin delivery methods required end-to-end testing & quality engineering services. Discover how Cigniti ensured both high quality & compliance for the client’s medical devices. End-to-end Quality Engineering services for a Medical Devices company. QA Software Testing Services. They say quality is everyone’s responsibility.

QA Software Testing Services

But what if everyone fulfills this responsibility in their own way, without following any pre-determined guidelines, industry best practices, or protocols? Due to such an individualized approach, the outcomes of the Quality Assurance process will not be aligned to the overall organization’s objectives and goals. As each team or unit would use their choice of tools, platforms, and reporting mechanisms, there will be a lack of a standard way in which the QA outcomes can be measured and evaluated. And, a non-standard approach toward QA across an organization becomes an expensive affair. If we look at the common software development methodologies, from Waterfall to Agile to DevOps, there is still little importance given to the QA function. Having QA at the end, that too in a non-standardized way, results in two things – Digital Transformation Services. Digital transformation is the talk of the global town, now more than ever before.

Digital Transformation Services

Despite the accelerated initiatives and hasty adoption of digital solutions due to the situational challenges presented by the pandemic, data remains the constant factor that has to be taken into consideration. Without data, without quality data, no amount of investments can assure the success of the digital transformation initiatives. You need to have data that is sufficient, reliable, and available when required. Big Data and Analytics Testing in Healthcare. The healthcare industry is often bashed for its slow adoption of digital technologies and general apprehension toward embracing IT solutions for delivering care.

Big Data and Analytics Testing in Healthcare

But as times are changing, patients’ needs are evolving, and the industry is being compelled to let technology make inroads into its landscape. Especially, with the ongoing pandemic, technology has proven to be a loyal consort, enabling the industry to move at an unprecedented rate. Earlier, where it used to take decades of research and experimentation to develop a drug, now with the help of technology, scientists have developed Corona virus vaccines in record time. Healthcare digital transformation was always inevitable. Performance Engineering Services.

Performance-related issues have caused major websites and software apps to fail, and thus re-emphasizing the need for a robust and well-planned and executed performance testing strategy.

Performance Engineering Services

All of us, from a user’s standpoint, have experienced network downtime, website crashes, and other performance and load challenges at some or other point. This is, in fact, a common occurrence during the peak holiday season including the top shopping events like the Black Friday sale. Transporation Software Testing and QA Services. ‘Connected’ is the way of the modern society and that is how things are going to be in the years to come.

Transporation Software Testing and QA Services

Certainly, the internet has been the pioneer of this connected revolution, and look how far we have come. This connectivity is not only between friends and families, but extends way beyond between businesses and their customers, between an individual and the world. The most effective solution for cybersecurity issues in medical devices. Amidst the growing healthcare connectivity with widespread adoption of medical IoT devices and Software as a Medical Device (SaMD), cyberattacks and patient privacy concerns are also on a rise.

During the pandemic, the healthcare industry has taken some immediate and urgent measures to address the lack of sufficient resources and hastily adopted telehealth and other digital solutions for offering patient care. Remote medical devices and Software as a Medical Device have proven to be a boon as healthcare institutions were struggling with a severe lack of equipment as well as professionals. However, as more and more patients adopt smart medical devices as pacemakers, insulin pumps, cardiac implants, or other vital monitoring systems, they are also being exposed to potential cyberattacks. Axel Wirth, Chief Security Strategist at MedCrypt said in an interview with MedTech Intelligence, “Security is not purely a technical or engineering issue.

Cybersecurity has to become a business objective. Medical Devices Testing Approach. Digital Assurance and Testing Services. The global economic and technological ecosystem is evolving, at a much higher rate than it ever did before. Each industry is ripe for disruption, and digital transformation or digitization might just be the pathway to a new dawn. When we talk about digital transformation, one automatically correlates it to automation as that is what is enabling the elimination of manual processes.

However, simply automating things is not enough. It is equally important to innovate every step of the way. Maybe take the good ol’ automation technology and implement it in a manner that enhances the overall efficiency. Automated Testing Centre of Excellence. Intelligent Test Automation Approach. Automation. Artificial Intelligence. Machine Learning. We are not just randomly stating the buzzwords of the era. Certainly, these trends have caused uproar in the IT industry but as they evolved and advanced, their adoption has become more widespread.

Digital Transformation Services and Solutions. Software Quality Assurance and Quality Engineering Company - USA, UK, India, Australia, Canada. DevOps Continuous Integration Approach. One of the biggest challenges that organizations face today is the inability to meet client expectations and demands. With customer experience requirements at their peak, organizations need to innovate continuously while focusing on providing the best possible quality at high speed, thus enhancing customer experience. Every organization wants to achieve speed without compromising on quality. However, they still need to understand how to continuously analyze unpredictable situations. These unpredictable situations include challenges pertaining to people skills, tool integrations, metrics capture & analysis – overall, lacking the ability to evolve. Once they can run business as usual even in unpredictable times, they will also be able to achieve quality at speed. At Cigniti, we help you understand that the first step in DevOps is not towards attaining end-to-end automation, but to understand your people, processes, teams, and tools.

Scriptless Test Automation Services. One of the biggest challenges that organizations face today is that of delivering high quality at speed. Writing comprehensive, systematic test cases help develop quality apps that run seamlessly. The need to have a software testing team that writes almost as much code as developers is an additional cost in terms of time and efforts. Medical Devices Quality Engineering. Software Testing for Communications Industry. Steve Koenig, Senior Director of Market Research for the Consumer Technology Association, while talking about the 5G potential, said, “5G is one of those heralds, along with artificial intelligence, of this coming data age.”

“Self-driving vehicles are emblematic of this data age, because with one single task, driving, you have massive amounts of data coming from the vehicle itself, [and] a variety of sensors are collecting a lot of information to model its environment as it moves. It’s pulling in data from other vehicles about road conditions down the lane. It could be weather information, but also connected infrastructure. There’s lots of data behind that task, which is why we need the capacity and lower latency.”

The 5G promise is all about negligible latency and, metaphorically speaking, light speed downloads. Digital Quality Assurance Solutions. “Digital transformation is not just about technology; it is about reimagining your company. It is the necessary but challenging journey of operating digital-first with the speed and nimbleness to change or introduce new products and experiences rapidly, exploit technology to create lean operations, and free people to do more complex tasks that create value.” – Forrester Digital transformation goes way beyond simply investing in digital technologies.

It is about achieving an optimal balance between strategy and technology. Performance Testing of E-commerce applications. The COVID-19 outbreak has altered the global consumer behavior all across the world. In-store purchase rates have steeped to the bottom while online shopping has become the primary choice of the shoppers. Given the upcoming holiday season, which also marks the biggest shopping event of the year, retailers cannot be prepared enough to deal with the potential swarm of traffic on their online outlets.

Continuous Test Automation Services. Digital transformation is an ongoing journey. Digital Transformation with Continuous Testing. Robotic Process Automation Testing Services. Ecommerce Application Testing. Continuous Integration Automated Testing. Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery. Continuous Test Automation Services. Software development practices and methodologies have evolved significantly since the time humans were introduced to an idea of a code. Digital Transformation Strategy. Singapore has started reopening educational institutes, public transport, and businesses in a phased manner. Mobile App Security Testing Strategy. Banking and Financial Application Testing. Virtual RoundTable in Banking and Financial Services sector. Functional Testing Services. Testing Services for Medical Device Software Validation & Verification. Automated Big Data Testing Services. Mobile Application Functional Testing. Digital Quality Assurance & Testing. Selenium Test Automation Services. Testing Services for ERP Applications - SAP, JDE, Peoplesoft & Oracle. Automated Application Regression Testing Solutions. Software Test Advisory, Assessment and Consulting Services. Compatibility Testing Services.

Quality Assurance (QA) Automation Testing. Functional Regression Testing Services. Service Virtualization Testing Services. Agile Software Testing Services. Performance Engineering Services. Crowd-Sourcing QA Software testing. Robotic Process Automation Services. DevOps Implementation Services. Software Testing for Insurance Industry. Travel Management Software Testing Services. QA Solutions for Transportation and Logistics. Automated Regression Testing Services.

Software Quality Assurance company. Healthcare Application Testing Services. DevOps Quality Assurance Implementation. Software Testing and QA Services Company. Assuring business continuity and faster resilience in unprecedented times. Testing Center of Excellence Framework. Data Warehouse ETL Testing. Agile Software Testing Approach. Cloud Performance Testing. DevOps QA Transformation. AI based Testing Services. Digital Transformation Testing Services. Selenium Automated Testing Services. Healthcare Software Testing. Automated Testing Services. Agile Testing Services. Robotic Process Automation Testing. Digital Quality Assurance & Testing. The case of digital transformation success and failure. Software Security Testing Services. Microservices Automated Testing. Software Testing & Quality Assurance Events 2020. Service Virtualization Testing. Software Quality Engineering and Testing Services. Digital Quality Assurance Solutions. Software QA Testing Strategy. Enterprise Mobile Application Testing Services.

Software Quality Engineering Services. DevOps Quality Assurance Strategy. Healthcare Software Application Testing. Software Quality Engineering Services. How to build a sustainable cyber security plan. Healthcare Application Testing. Automated Testing Services. Quality Assurance Best Practices. Data Validation Security Services. Enterprise Agility with Test Automation. Application Security Testing Whitepaper. Software Application Security Testing.